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Taken from the root word
anoint, Merriam Websters
dictionary defines it as to apply
oil to as a sacred rite especially
for consecration.
Another definition by Webster is
to choose by or as if by divine

(Conceptually) In our study the
word anointed should be
understood to mean consecrated;
sacred, hollowed or holy.
Therefore anointed music should
be interpreted as
Because the ultimate goal in
worship is to glorify God, it
is God's pleasure - not
man's delight - that should
be our objective. In worship,
God is the audience.
Who is to judge
anything as good
What about with God?

What music is acceptable to
Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts [are] not
your thoughts, neither [are] your ways
my ways, saith the LORD.
55:9 For [as] the heavens are higher
than the earth, so are my ways higher
than your ways, and my thoughts than
your thoughts.

We can paraphrase to read:
My ways of music are much
higher than your ways of
music as the heavens are
higher than the earth.
Angels are hovering around
yonder dwelling. The young are
there assembled; there is the
sound of vocal and instrumental
music. Christians are gathered
there, but what is it that you hear?
It is a song, a frivolous ditty, fit
for the dance hall.
Behold the pure angels gather
their light closer around them, and
darkness envelops those in that
dwelling. The angels are moving
from the scene. Sadness is upon their
countenances. Behold, they are
This I saw repeated a number of
times all through the ranks of
Sabbath keepers, and especially in
Worship. Music has occupied the
hours which should have been
devoted to prayer. Music is the idol
which many professed Sabbath
keeping Christians worship.
Satan has no objection to music if he can make
that a channel through which to gain access to
the minds of the youth. Anything will suit his
purpose that will divert the mind from God and
engage the time which should be devoted to
His service. He works through the means
which will exert the strongest influence to hold
the largest numbers in a pleasing infatuation,
while they are paralyzed by his power. {1T 505.2}

What music were they playing?
Components of Music

Melody - spirit, or intellect
Harmony - his emotions or feelings
Rhythm - body, or physical needs

First is that anointed music seals off
outside distraction and sets us attuned
with God.

II Kings 3:14-15. And Elisha said, As the LORD of
hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not
that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of
Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee. 15
But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass,
when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD
came upon him.

Second is that anointed music
brings intervention by Gods hand!

And when they began to sing and to
praise, the LORD set ambushments
against the children of Ammon, Moab,
and mount Seir, which were come
against Judah; and they were smitten.
(II Chronicles 20:22.)

Third (and the last) is that anointed music brings
a manifestation of the presence of the Lord.
It came even to pass, as the trumpeters
and singers were as one, to make one
sound to be heard in praising and
thanking the LORD; and when they lifted
up their voice with the trumpets and
cymbals and instruments of music, and
praised the LORD, saying, For he is
good; for his mercy endureth for ever:
that then the house was filled with a
cloud, even the house of the LORD;
14 So that the priests could not
stand to minister by reason of the
cloud: for the glory of the LORD had
filled the house of God.
(II Chronicles 5:13-14)

anointed music
in worship brings a
manifestation of the
presence of the

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