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Short Quiz

Jodeth N. Demonteverde
M.A Ed Elem. Math
Direction: Click on the circle
before the letter of the correct
1."f the folloin#$ hich is
#reater than %&
o A. '()
o *. +(,
o C. +(-
o D. )(..
o E./(.0
2.1f an ob2ect travels at 3ve
feet 4er second$ ho man5
feet does it travel in one
o A. 06
o *. 066
o C. ,'6
o D. .766
o E. .7666
3.8hat is the avera#e 9arithmetic
mean: of all the multi4les of ten
from .6 to .-6 inclusive&
o A. -6
o *. -)
o C. .66
o D. .6)
o E. ..6
4.A solid cube of side / is 3rst
4ainted 4ink and then cut into
smaller cubes of side '. ;o
man5 of the smaller cubes have
4aint on e<actl5 ' sides&
o A. 06
o *. '+
o C. .'
o D. 7
o E. /
). 1f the 4roduct of / inte#ers is
ne#ative$ at most ho man5 of the
inte#ers can be ne#ative&
o A. '
o *. 0
o C. +
o D. )
o E. /
"ne a5 to deal ith fractions is to convert them all to
decimals. 9>sin# 5our calculator$ divide the numerator b5
the denominator:.
1n this case all 5ou ould need to do is to see hich is
#reater than 6.).
"therise to see hich is #reater than %$ double the
numerator and see if the result is #reater than the
denominator. 1n *$ the correct anser$ doublin# the
numerator #ives us 7$ hich is bi##er than ,.
?o to Question '
"o4s= @r5
*ack to Question .
1f an ob2ect travels at ) feet 4er
second it covers )</6 feet in one
minute$ and )</6</6 feet in one hour.
Anser A .7666 9E:
?o to Question 0
@r5 ;arder
?o to Question '
?reat =
Bou could add u4 all the multi4les of .6 9.6 C
'6 C 06 ....C.-6:$ and divide b5 the number of
terms 9.-:. "r 5ou could realize that the
avera#e of an evenl5 s4aced series of numbers
is eDual to the value of the middle term 9or the
avera#e of the to middle terms if there are an
even number of terms:. @he middle term out of
.- is the tenth term in the series A .66
?o to Question +
"o4s =
@r5 A#ain
?o to Question 0
8onderful =
8hen the lar#er cube is cut into smaller cubes$
the corner cubes ill have 4aint on three sides. @he
cubes in the middle of the faces ill have 4aint on
onl5 one side$ but the cubes cut from the ed#es ill
have 4aint on to sides. 1n this case$ there ill be
onl5 one cube one each ed#e 9e<cludin# the
corners:$ and since there are .' ed#es$ there ill be
.' cubes ith 4aint on to sides. 9Drain# a
dia#ram ill make this much clearer.:
?o to Question )
"o4s =
@r5 ;arder
?o to Question +
Eeall5 Nice =
Multi4l5in# to ne#atives 9or an5
even multi4le: results in a 4ositive. *ut
multi4l5in# three ne#atives 9or an5
odd multi4le: #ives a ne#ative. 1f the
result of multi4l5in# / ne#atives is
odd$ the lar#est number of ne#ative
inte#ers ill be the lar#est odd number

"o4s =
Bou can do it.
?o to Question )

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