Creating Leadership

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Creating Leadership, Leading

Carlos Alises Carlos Exposito
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
Creativity and the role of the
The significance of creativity and
leadership in both the workplace and the
world at large, and thus the need
to understand how creativity and leadership
actually operate in domains, organizations,
and the general society
to enhance, whenever possible and necessary,
the amount of creativity and leadership
manifested in a domain, organization or society

Today the most accurate definition of creativity is the
ability to invent something new and / or relate
something known in innovative ways.
Today the most accurate definition of creativity is the
ability to invent something new and / or relate
something known in innovative ways.
Today the most accurate definition of creativity is the
ability to invent something new and / or relate
something known in innovative ways.
Today the most accurate definition of creativity is the
ability to invent something new and / or relate
something known in innovative ways.
Today the most accurate definition of creativity is the
ability to invent something new and / or relate
something known in innovative ways.
Creativity is not a don, creativity is not a skill, creativity is a
Carlos Alises
As capacity: Leadership is an activity that aims at
both influencing the behavior of other people
(individually and in groups) to the execution and
achievement of the objectives of the organization.

Leadership is exercised influence between people in
a situation through the process of human
communication to the attainment of one or several
specific objectives. Madrigal Torres
As a process: Influence process in
which some individuals by their actions
facilitate movement from one group to
the objectives. Robbins

Spartacus and Slave
Spartacus was born in Thrace around the 100 BC. It was
one of the great leaders of history. He was able to
visualize an idea, and find thousands of followers who
would die for it, the freedom.
On the other hand proved to be an intelligent and
creative man, which helped him in many battles and
other kind of situations.
All that Spartacus got shows that a creative leader is
essential to motivate people and achieve unthinkable
Today in organizations creativity is a necessary
condition for innovation but
What can the leader do?
Use the right minds * Harnessing ideas from all levels
* Encourage and enable collaboration: Operating in networks (not
centralized), determining "totems of coordination and Higher pay equity.)
* Open the organization to different perspectives

Application process with care * Mapping phases of creative work
* Manage the transition to market
* Open roads in the bureaucracy
* Develop a control mechanism

Continuous motivation * Provide intellectual challenge
* Allow employees to develop their passions
* Not fear failure

Harmony in the workplace *Shared Purpose
* Apply the ideas of other workers
* Work proactively
* No excessive control

Founded in 1866, the Swiss multinational Nestl
currently has about 500 factories around the world,
more than 22,000 employees and a turnover of over
fifty-two billion euros.
Until 1996 the company had based its growth on the acquisition
of companies related to their business activities, this strategy
that helped them increasing market share but, logically, had
clear limitations.
In this context, new products accounted for only 5 percent of
the total turnover.!!!!!
Adapting the strategy to enable a true organic
growth was therefore a priority, following this
resulted the formulation of four new corporate
principles that would indicate the way forward:

- Operational efficiency.
- Innovation.
- Availability of product.
- Communication.

- To achieve internal growth through
innovation and renewal.

- Commercialize new products and
open new markets.

- Access to younger generations.

- Duplicate the contribution of new
products in turnover, from 5 percent
to 10 percent in five years, and
maintaining this ratio sustainably in
successive years.
In January 1997, Nestl Innova, pioneering program within the scope of
the multinational company in the adaptation of the new corporate
strategy to the specific local market was launched. He was born with
the aim to adapt products to the taste and needs of the consumer, and
this ambitious challenges:

To achieve these objectives:
1 - Environment. Create an environment to develop
an innovative business culture:
Establish a suggestion box and hold a competition to
better idea. workers and retirees also
Announcement of the award for Best Innovation
using the technique of brainstorming
Design of a Communication Plan which provided
constantly updated
Annual Trade Fair for Innovation
expose all the new products developed
Today this goal has been met and also have achieved other goals such as
reducing, almost a third of the time required to launch new products to
market and, above all, a remarkable cultural change in innovative vision of
the company. The philosophy of the program and translating them into
concrete initiatives have made this possible.
2- Creativity: encouraging creativity in order to generate more and better
Creativity workshops, composed of people from different
Courses creativity
Exchange of international projects through
Strategic Business Units
Technical and scientific research
Market Research Techniques
Face to face interaction with consumers and consumers

3- Process: structure and shorten the development process of new
Through a process incorporated into the internal working procedures. This
process started two measuring instruments based on a risk / benefit
matrix and some key success factors.

4- Results. The Nestl Innova Programme were expressed in 700 projects.
The key factor was that the program was aimed to achieve objetives
clearly formulated and supported by management.

Regarding the case of study we can conclude that the
creative part in a company is something that has been
ignored and there are a few companies, as Nestle, that
have noticed it, and they are seeking to strengthen this
aspect not to the point of managing it because that
would kill the essence of creativity.


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