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Munfiq: hypocrite who outwardly practices

Islam while inwardly concealing his disbelief (
kufr ), perhaps even unknowingly.
They could be more dangerous to Muslims
than the worst non-Muslim enemies of Islam.
Types of Nifaq:
1. nifaq in the heart (creed), it is unbelief
2. Nifaq in deeds, it is a crime
characteristics of munafiqs in creed:
1. They are mischief makers in the Islamic
community: When it is said to them: "Make not
mischief on the earth", they say: "Why, we only
want to make peace!" ", (al-Baqara, 2/11).
When they meet those who believe, they say: "We
believe" but when they are alone with their evil
ones they say: "We are really with you; we
(were) only jesting" (al-Baqara, 2/13-14).

When they stand up to prayer, they stand without
earnestness (an-Nisa,4/142-3).
They swear to falsehood knowingly in order to obstruct
men from the Path of Allah (al-Mujadila, 58/14; al-
Munafiqun, 63/2).
2. The heart of munafiqs are like infertile land (al-A'raf,
3. they act based on their interests (an-Nisa, 4/141):
When munafiqs were told to, "Spend some money on
charity before you come to talk to the Prophet", it
was seen that they ran away because it contradicted
their material interests. (al-Mujadila, 58/13).
Munafiqs do some immoral deeds in order to
obtain material interest. As a matter of fact,
Abdullah Ubn Ubayy b. Salul forced the female
slaves to prostitute in order to earn money.
Munafiqs are close with their hands; they have
forgotten Allah (at-Tawba, 9/67),
if the right is on their side they come to the
Prophet with all submission (an-Nur, 24/49);
they believe in appearance but reject faith in
their hearts (al-Munafiqun, 63/3).
Munafiqs who say "we believe in and obey Allah
and the Prophet" (an-Nur, 24/47; al-Munafiqun,
but they are afraid lest a Surah should be sent
down about them, showing them what is in their
hearts (al-Infitar, 82/4-5; at-Tawba, 9/64).
They love to see scandal published broadcast
among the believers (an-Nur, 24/19);
love to be praised for what they have not done
(Aal-i-Imran, 3/188);
They ridicule the verses of the Quran (an-Nisa, 4/140);
They stir up sedition and lies in the Islamic community
(al-Ahzab, 33/60-61);
they swear that they will fight for Allah but then escape
when it is time for jihad (an-Nur, 24/63);
When believers gain a victory, they say: "Were we not
with you?" in order to share the success and the
booty But if the Unbelievers gain a success, they say
(to them): "Did we not guard you from the believers?"
(an-Nisa, 4/141).
they will dwell in the fire of Hell eternally (at-Tawba,
The Quran tells us that munafiqs will want the interests
they received in the world due to being in the Islamic
community to continue in the hereafter but that it will not
be possible as follows:
"One Day will the hypocrites men and women say to the
Believers: "Wait for us! Let us borrow (a light) from your
Light!" It will be said: "Turn back to your rear! Then seek a
light where you can"; they will see that there is a wall
between them and the believers. (Those without) will call
out "were we not with you?" They will reply "True! But
you led yourselves into temptation."(al-Hadid 57/13-15).
Thus, munafiqs and unbelievers will come together in Hell
(an-Nisa, 4/140).
It is observed that The Prophet (pbuh) carries out
a careful and cautious policy against munafiqs
and that he does not treat them in the same way
as he treats non-Muslims;
on the contrary, he does not alienate them from
the Islamic community but he makes them
ineffective by the strong authority he has over

2. Nifaq related to deeds:
acts and attitudes
" There are three signs of a munafiq: When he speaks he
lies; when he promises, he breaks his promise and when he
is entrusted, he embezzles" (Tirmidhi, Iman, 14)
When nifaq related to deeds increases, it may cause a
Muslim to approach nifaq related to creed in the future.
However, nifaq related to deeds does not mean that the
person is a real munafiq.
Even if a person has a characteristic of a munafiq, he is not
regarded a munafiq.

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