D LL State Machine

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2013 01 31, 2013
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
DLL & state machine
A. Kluge 2
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
release mux
A. Kluge 3
Page 1 of 1
Printed by SimVision from Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Printed on Thu Jan 31 04:39:12 PM CET 2013
Waveform 1 - SimVision
Cursor-Baseline = -835.733451ns
Baseline = 32,873.443285ns
Cursor = 32,037.709834ns
00 00 00
s 32,200ns 32,400ns 32,600ns 32,800ns
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
A. Kluge 4
Page 1 of 1
Printed by SimVision from Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Printed on Thu Jan 31 04:50:51 PM CET 2013
Waveform 1 - SimVision
Cursor-Baseline = -396.185718ns
Baseline = 7323.500951ns
Cursor = 6927.315233ns
7000ns 7100ns 7200ns 7300ns
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
DLL state machine
Prevents incorrect startup behavior of DLL phase detector
After startup DLL control voltage is reset to maximum
value maximum speed
DLL phase detector might deliver wrongly too slow =
phase late = not earlyPD
DLL will decrease its frequency
Once frequency is low enough phase detector issues a
correct earlyPD = 1
A. Kluge 5
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
DLL state machine
When reset released DLL is kept in reset state by the state machine for 63
clk dll cycles = 197 ns (clk dll= 320 MHz)
Charge pump control is taken from DLL and forced to discharge
DLL state machine waits for earlyPD = 1
verifies state is stable for 127 clock cycles.
In case earlyPD goes 0 again during that time,
state machine resets the wait counter and waits for earlyPD to go 1 again.
Once 127 clock cycles have passed with earlyPD = 1
state machine releases the charge pump control to the DLL phase detector and
remains in this state until the next reset.
Test signals (force signals) can be asserted via the configuration interface.
If any force signal is used and then released state machine goes to release
mux state where the DLL is is not controlled by the state machine.

A. Kluge 6
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
lock detector
A. Kluge 7
Page 1 of 1
Printed by SimVision from Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Printed on Thu Jan 31 04:38:01 PM CET 2013
Waveform 1 - SimVision
Cursor-Baseline = -6000.3ns
Baseline = 37,775.9ns
Cursor = 31,775.6ns
0 1
32,000ns 34,000ns 36,000ns 38,000ns
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
DLL lock detector
a single bit indicating the present lock/unlocked status of the DLL
number of times the lock detector of change from locked status to unlocked status.
The lock detector is not triplicated.
Monitors the earlyPD signal
The lock state is defined as follows:
A 01 transition has been detected,
the following 1 state is shorter than the period of lock threshold cycles (defined in
configuration register)
the following 0 state is shorter than the period of lock threshold cycles.
locked state is lost
if lock threshold is exceeded
counter increased and can be read via the status register and is reset to 0 after each read.
A. Kluge 8
Feb 5 & 6, 2013 A. Kluge 9
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
test-force signals
A. Kluge 10
Syn 2013 01 31
Pnr 2013 01 31
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Demonstrator: Known bugs
Test input force_dll_lock not operative
Problem identified
Test output of DLL not routed properly
Problem identified and corrected
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
run backannotated simulation
clk_sync = 442 MHz
slowProc/typProc/fastProc :
20130131/ - /20130131
verify sdf.log file; check date and warning free:
20130131(many neg delay set to 0)/-/20120201
SEU maxf-fastProc:
SEU maxf-fastProc:20110815
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
verify synthesis constraints, 20130131
verify timing libraries used for syn & pnr
init.tcl in syn/script
set ec::LIBRARY
"$IBM_PDK/ibm_cmos8rf/std_cell/rel$PDK_OPT/synopsys_1.2/slow_v110_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_SLOW_V110_T125.lib \
125_PV162.lib "
oa.conf in pnr/script
set rda_Input(ui_timelib,max) { ./synopsys_std_cell_1.2/slow_v110_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_SLOW_V110_T125.lib \
./synopsys_short_io/slow_v108_t125_pv162/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_SLOW_V108_T125_PV162.lib }

set rda_Input(ui_timelib,min) { ./synopsys_std_cell_1.2/fast_v130_tm55/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_V12_FAST_V130_TM55.lib \
./synopsys_short_io/fast_v132_tm40_pv363/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_FAST_V132_TM40_PV363.lib }
run synthesis, 20130131

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
verify triplication survived syn & pnr: 20120201
verify latest rc.log for errors or not understood warning
run place and route
verify latest encounter.log for errors or not understood warnings
verify power distribution:
power report & rail_analysis: in ../report/powerReports/
_typ.rpt, 20130131
rail_analysis in encounter.log file
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
VDD static, 1 bottom left (20130131)
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
VDD dynamic,
1 bottom left conn (20130131)
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
static power report (20130131)
< 2.1/ 2.2/2.3mW
mW for min/typ/max case
clk sync = 420 MHz
activity = 30 %

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Timing (20130131)
clk_sync = 420 MHz
Sign off all hold met: 20130131
Max_cap: 0 errors
Fan out: config_ctrl_in 3 fanin
In2reg hold: slack 137ps , earlypd, estimated delay in constraint file
in2reg: slack 326 ps, reset
Reg2out hold: 168 slack, muxctrl
reg2out: violated 159 ps, but all signals not time critical
reg2reg 119 ps
in2out: na.

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
signoff-reg2out ->20130131

# Generated by: Cadence Encounter 09.12-s159_1
# OS: Linux x86_64(Host ID lnxmics3)
# Generated on: Thu Jan 31 10:16:18 2013
# Command: timeDesign -si -signoff -pathReports -drvReports -slackReports -numPaths 50 -prefix signoff -outDir ../report/timingReports
Path 1: VIOLATED Late External Delay Assertion
Endpoint: mbsel[2]
(^) checked with leading edge of 'clk_dllStateMachine'
Beginpoint: inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/inst_config_
register_rw/s_parallelRegTriple_reg_parallelReg_c_7/Q (^) triggered by leading
edge of 'clk_dllStateMachine'
Path Groups: {reg2out}
Analysis View: view_max
Other End Arrival Time 0.000
+ Source Insertion Delay -0.030
- External Delay 1.000
+ Phase Shift 2.380
= Required Time 1.350
- Arrival Time 1.509
= Slack Time -0.159
Clock Rise Edge 0.000
+ Source Insertion Delay 0.030
= Beginpoint Arrival Time 0.030
| Instance | Arc | Cell | Slew | Delay | Arrival | Required |
| | | | | | Time | Time |
| | clk_dllStateMachine ^ | | 0.000 | | 0.030 | -0.129 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L1_I0 | A ^ -> Z v | CLKI_Q | 0.082 | 0.178 | 0.208 | 0.049 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L2_I4 | A v -> Z ^ | CLKI_O | 0.108 | 0.188 | 0.396 | 0.237 |
| inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/in | CLK ^ -> Q ^ | DFF_E | 0.114 | 0.318 | 0.714 | 0.555 |
| st_config_register_rw/s_parallelRegTriple_reg_para | | | | | | |
| llelReg_c_7 | | | | | | |
| inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/in | B ^ -> COUT ^ | ADDF_F | 1.322 | 0.769 | 1.483 | 1.324 |
| st_config_register_rw/g2 | | | | | | |
| | mbsel[2] ^ | | 1.326 | 0.026 | 1.509 | 1.350 |
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
signoff reg2reg hold (20130131)
# Generated by: Cadence Encounter 09.12-s159_1
# OS: Linux x86_64(Host ID lnxmics3)
# Generated on: Thu Jan 31 10:17:42 2013
# Command: timeDesign -si -signoff -hold -pathReports -slackReports -numPaths 50 -prefix signoff -outDir ../report/timingReports
Path 1: MET Hold Check with Pin inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/
Endpoint: inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/inst_config_
interface_receiver/s_ctrl_in_d3_reg_FF_b/D (^) checked with leading edge of
Beginpoint: inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/inst_config_
interface_receiver/s_ctrl_in_d2_reg_FF_a/Q (^) triggered by leading edge of
Path Groups: {reg2reg}
Analysis View: view_min
Other End Arrival Time 0.185
+ Hold -0.014
+ Phase Shift 0.000
= Required Time 0.171
Arrival Time 0.249
Slack Time 0.078
Clock Rise Edge 0.000
+ Source Insertion Delay -0.030
= Beginpoint Arrival Time -0.030
Timing Path:
| Instance | Arc | Cell | Slew | Delay | Arrival | Required |
| | | | | | Time | Time |
| | clk_dllStateMachine ^ | | 0.000 | | -0.030 | -0.108 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L1_I0 | A ^ -> Z v | CLKI_Q | 0.029 | 0.072 | 0.043 | -0.035 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L2_I10 | A v -> Z ^ | CLKI_O | 0.038 | 0.080 | 0.123 | 0.045 |
| inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/in | CLK ^ -> Q ^ | DFF_E | 0.038 | 0.126 | 0.249 | 0.171 |
| st_config_interface_receiver/s_ctrl_in_d2_reg_FF_a | | | | | | |
| inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/in | D ^ | DFF_E | 0.038 | 0.000 | 0.249 | 0.171 |
| st_config_interface_receiver/s_ctrl_in_d3_reg_FF_b | | | | | | |
Clock Rise Edge 0.000
+ Source Insertion Delay 0.030
= Beginpoint Arrival Time 0.030
Other End Path:
| Instance | Arc | Cell | Slew | Delay | Arrival | Required |
| | | | | | Time | Time |
| | clk_dllStateMachine ^ | | 0.000 | | 0.030 | 0.108 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L1_I0 | A ^ -> Z v | CLKI_Q | 0.029 | 0.072 | 0.102 | 0.180 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L2_I9 | A v -> Z ^ | CLKI_O | 0.038 | 0.080 | 0.183 | 0.260 |
| inst_config_dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector/in | CLK ^ | DFF_E | 0.039 | 0.002 | 0.185 | 0.263 |
| st_config_interface_receiver/s_ctrl_in_d3_reg_FF_b | | | | | | |
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
signoff reg2reg setup (20130131)
# Generated by: Cadence Encounter 09.12-s159_1
# OS: Linux x86_64(Host ID lnxmics3)
# Generated on: Thu Jan 31 10:16:18 2013
# Command: timeDesign -si -signoff -pathReports -drvReports -slackReports -numPaths 50 -prefix signoff -outDir
Path 1: MET Setup Check with Pin inst_dll_lock_detector2010_x1/inst_dll_lock_
Endpoint: inst_dll_lock_detector2010_x1/inst_dll_lock_detector2010/state_reg_
1/D (v) checked with leading edge of 'clk_
Beginpoint: inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_dll_state_machine_
block2010_a/charge_cap_cnt_reg_4/QBAR (v) triggered by leading edge of 'clk_
Path Groups: {reg2reg}
Analysis View: view_max
Other End Arrival Time 0.336
- Setup 0.301
+ Phase Shift 2.380
= Required Time 2.416
- Arrival Time 2.296
= Slack Time 0.119
Clock Rise Edge 0.000
+ Source Insertion Delay 0.030
= Beginpoint Arrival Time 0.030
Timing Path:
| Instance | Arc | Cell | Slew | Delay | Arrival | Required |
| | | | | | Time | Time |
| | clk_dllStateMachine ^ | | 0.000 | | 0.030 | 0.149 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L1_I0 | A ^ -> Z v | CLKI_Q | 0.082 | 0.178 | 0.208 | 0.328 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L2_I6 | A v -> Z ^ | CLKI_O | 0.108 | 0.186 | 0.395 | 0.514 |
| inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_dll_state | CLK ^ -> QBAR v | DFF_E | 0.090 | 0.214 | 0.609 | 0.728 |
| _machine_block2010_a/charge_cap_cnt_reg_4 | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_dll_state | A v -> Z ^ | INVERT_C | 0.497 | 0.254 | 0.863 | 0.983 |
| _machine_block2010_a/Fp0174A1793 | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_voting_ga | C2 ^ -> Z ^ | AO222_B | 0.645 | 0.510 | 1.373 | 1.493 |
| te/p0217A | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_dll_state | A ^ -> Z v | INVERT_C | 0.172 | 0.112 | 1.486 | 1.605 |
| _machine_block2010_a/Fp0274A | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_dll_state | B v -> Z ^ | NAND4_A | 0.228 | 0.144 | 1.630 | 1.749 |
| _machine_block2010_a/p0244A | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_dll_state | A ^ -> Z v | NOR4_A | 0.254 | 0.140 | 1.769 | 1.888 |
| _machine_block2010_a/p0316A | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_state_machine_block2010_x3/inst_voting_ou | B1 v -> Z v | AO222_C | 0.141 | 0.234 | 2.003 | 2.122 |
| tput/p0296A | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_lock_detector2010_x1/inst_dll_lock_detect | B1 v -> Z ^ | AOI22_A | 0.299 | 0.190 | 2.193 | 2.312 |
| or2010/p0334A | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_lock_detector2010_x1/inst_dll_lock_detect | A ^ -> Z v | NOR2_A | 0.153 | 0.104 | 2.296 | 2.416 |
| or2010/p0415A | | | | | | |
| inst_dll_lock_detector2010_x1/inst_dll_lock_detect | D v | DFF_E | 0.153 | 0.000 | 2.296 | 2.416 |
| or2010/state_reg_1 | | | | | | |
Clock Rise Edge 0.000
+ Source Insertion Delay -0.030
= Beginpoint Arrival Time -0.030
Other End Path:
| Instance | Arc | Cell | Slew | Delay | Arrival | Required |
| | | | | | Time | Time |
| | clk_dllStateMachine ^ | | 0.000 | | -0.030 | -0.149 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L1_I0 | A ^ -> Z v | CLKI_Q | 0.082 | 0.178 | 0.148 | 0.029 |
| clk_dllStateMachine__L2_I6 | A v -> Z ^ | CLKI_O | 0.108 | 0.186 | 0.335 | 0.215 |
| inst_dll_lock_detector2010_x1/inst_dll_lock_detect | CLK ^ | DFF_E | 0.108 | 0.002 | 0.336 | 0.217 |
| or2010/state_reg_1 | | | | | | |
A. Kluge 22
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
signoff summary setup (20130131)
# Generated by: Cadence Encounter 09.12-s159_1
# OS: Linux x86_64(Host ID lnxmics3)
# Generated on: Thu Jan 31 10:16:17 2013
# Command: timeDesign -si -signoff -pathReports -drvReports -slac...

timeDesign Summary

| Setup mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate |
| WNS (ns):| -0.159 | 0.119 | 0.326 | -0.159 | N/A | N/A |
| TNS (ns):| -0.510 | 0.000 | 0.000 | -0.510 | N/A | N/A |
| Violating Paths:| 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 | N/A | N/A |
| All Paths:| 251 | 237 | 49 | 11 | N/A | N/A |

| | Real | Total |
| DRVs +------------------+------------+------------------|
| | Nr nets(terms) | Worst Vio | Nr nets(terms) |
| max_cap | 0 (0) | 0.000 | 0 (0) |
| max_tran | 0 (0) | 0.000 | 0 (0) |
| max_fanout | 1 (1) | -2 | 1 (1) |

Density: 127.028%
Total number of glitch violations: 0
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
signoff summary hold 20130131
# Generated by: Cadence Encounter 09.12-s159_1
# OS: Linux x86_64(Host ID lnxmics3)
# Generated on: Thu Jan 31 10:17:42 2013
# Command: timeDesign -si -signoff -hold -pathReports -slackRepor...

timeDesign Summary

| Hold mode | all | reg2reg | in2reg | reg2out | in2out | clkgate |
| WNS (ns):| 0.078 | 0.078 | 0.137 | 0.168 | N/A | N/A |
| TNS (ns):| 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | N/A | N/A |
| Violating Paths:| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | N/A |
| All Paths:| 251 | 237 | 49 | 11 | N/A | N/A |

Density: 127.028%
Total number of glitch violations: 0
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Assura DRC: 20130131
Calibre DRC:20130131
Assura LVS: 20130131
Calibre LVS: 20130131
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
.lib files (x)
several .lib files have been created
only those are reasonable which are created when
encounter is closed and restarted and createLibModels.tcl
using saveModel is started.
sdf files and lib files have been compared for one signal:
see next to pages
results seem coherent
A. Kluge 26
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Design flow notes

Feb 5 & 6, 2013

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
serial interface
read & write procedure
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
serial_reg_read status
uses Gianluca configRegisterRO
has a reset output to reset registers after being read.
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
uses Gianluces configRegisterRW but has been modified to
output also the non triplicated data for use in the qchip
here the triplicated data output is used
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
SEU simulation
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
in ./digital/source/DFF_meta.v
`define meta_duration 2500 defines length of metastbaility
//`define random 1, to be commented/uncommented when
metastability should give random value after metastability or
old value for setup, new value for hold violation

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
behavioral & functional
almost identical (with exception of verification of internal
scans the phase between the clk_dll and the serial signals for
0 to clk_dll_period in 30 steps to verify correct
synchronisation between clock domains
meta stable flip flop used
SEU simulation on functional
write & readback care taken not to read back serial reg
without actual read command
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
scripts for synth, place and route
power up to M5 conform with Gianluca
size ~225x 242 um2
DRC & LVS run on virtuoso
max frequency 442 MHz: sdf backannotated max delay
min frequency 200 MHz: sdf backannotated min delay
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
code coverage (2012)
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
notes on design flow
cp /homedir/bert/SysAdm/KITdistribution/m* .

./mklib name of digital block

will create directory structure from design_1 as in script on page 22.
following info is available for the script:
-- mklib -- by S. Bonacini and B. Van Koningsveld
Add in verilog the VDD,GND and IO pads.
What to do now:
- Copy your verilog files in ./digital/hitArbiter/syn/verilog [default name: hitArbiter.v]
- Edit ./digital/hitArbiter/syn/scripts/init.tcl setting the variables: CORE_CHIP, VERILOG_LIST, DFT
- Edit ./digital/hitArbiter/pnr/scripts/variables.tcl setting the variable: CORE_CHIP [default: CORE]
- A default sdc file is provided in ./digital/hitArbiter/syn/sdc/constraint.sdc [please set at least the clock
- DFT [scan chain] port options are in ./digital/hitArbiter/syn/scripts/dft.tcl [default: off]
run synthesis in ./digital/hitArbiter/syn/work by launching ./run_rc
In case source is VHDL modify init.tcl:
remove files name from set ec::VERILOG_List and add to VHDL list
set _attribute hdl_language to vhdl
change read_hdl $ec::VHDL_LIST
modify import.tdl and change the floorplan values
run encounter until floorplan and do design/save/io and save template IO file to be modified
uncomment ioadIOfile ...save.io
- run PnR in ./digital/hitArbiter/pnr/work by launching encounter -replay ../scripts/all.tcl

or copy from me

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
change libraries to 1.2V
change timing libraries to 1.2 V
in: /projects/IBM_CMOS8/gtk2010/V4.0/workAreas/akluge/digital/hitArbiterAndController2010a/pnr/work
ln -s /vlsicad/micsoft/IBM_CMOS8_V1.8_DM_vcad/ibm_cmos8rf/std_cell/relDM/synopsys_1.2/ synopsys_std_cell_1.2
change oa.conf in pnr/script
# original timing files
#set rda_Input(ui_timelib,max) { ./synopsys_std_cell/slow_v140_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_CMOS8RF_SC_SLOW_V140_T125.lib \
./synopsys_short_io/slow_v135_t125_pv162/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_SLOW_V135_T125_PV162.lib }

#set rda_Input(ui_timelib,min) { ./synopsys_std_cell/fast_v160_tm55/IBM_CMOS8RF_CMOS8RF_SC_FAST_V160_TM55.lib \
./synopsys_short_io/fast_v165_tm40_pv363/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_FAST_V165_TM40_PV363.lib }
# end original timing files

# 1.2 V timing files
set rda_Input(ui_timelib,max) { ./synopsys_std_cell_1.2/slow_v110_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_SLOW_V110_T125.lib \

./synopsys_short_io/slow_v108_t125_pv162/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_SLOW_V108_T125_PV162.lib }

set rda_Input(ui_timelib,min) { ./synopsys_std_cell_1.2/fast_v130_tm55/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_V12_FAST_V130_TM55.lib \

./synopsys_short_io/fast_v132_tm40_pv363/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_FAST_V132_TM40_PV363.lib }

# end 1.2 V timing files
from 1.8 on change also mmc.view
#original files
#create_library_set -name libs_max -timing {./synopsys_std_cell/slow_v140_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_CMOS8RF_SC_SLOW_V140_T125.lib
./synopsys_short_io/slow_v135_t125_pv162/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_SLOW_V135_T125_PV162.lib } -si {std_cell_ss_1.4v_125c.cdb}
#create_library_set -name libs_typ -timing {./synopsys_std_cell/typ_v150_t25/IBM_CMOS8RF_CMOS8RF_SC_TYP_V150_T25.lib
./synopsys_short_io/typ_v150_t25_pv250/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_TYP_V150_T25_PV250.lib }
#create_library_set -name libs_min -timing {./synopsys_std_cell/fast_v160_tm55/IBM_CMOS8RF_CMOS8RF_SC_FAST_V160_TM55.lib
./synopsys_short_io/fast_v165_tm40_pv363/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_FAST_V165_TM40_PV363.lib } -si {std_cell_ff_1.6v_m40c.cdb}
#end original files
#changed for 1.2V operation
create_library_set -name libs_max -timing {./synopsys_std_cell_1.2/slow_v110_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_SLOW_V110_T125.lib
./synopsys_short_io/slow_v108_t125_pv162/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_SLOW_V108_T125_PV162.lib } -si {std_cell_ss_1.4v_125c.cdb}

create_library_set -name libs_typ -timing {./synopsys_std_cell_1.2/typ_v120_t25/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_TYP_V120_T25.lib

create_library_set -name libs_min -timing {./synopsys_std_cell_1.2/fast_v130_tm55/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_V12_FAST_V130_TM55.lib
./synopsys_short_io/fast_v132_tm40_pv363/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_FAST_V132_TM40_PV363.lib } -si {std_cell_ff_1.6v_m40c.cdb}
# end changed for 1.2V operation
in mmmc.view and oa.conf link to std_cell_ff_1.6Vxxx.cdb files should be changed to 1.2V but does not exist.

change init.tcl in syn/script
# original settings
#set ec::LIBRARY "$IBM_PDK/ibm_cmos8rf/std_cell/rel$PDK_OPT/synopsys/slow_v140_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_CMOS8RF_SC_SLOW_V140_T125.lib \
$IBM_PDK/ibm_cmos8rf/short_io/rel$PDK_OPT/synopsys/slow_v135_t125_pv162/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_SLOW_V135_T125_PV162.lib "

#end original setting
#1.2 V libraries
set ec::LIBRARY "$IBM_PDK/ibm_cmos8rf/std_cell/rel$PDK_OPT/synopsys_1.2/slow_v110_t125/IBM_CMOS8RF_STD_SLOW_V110_T125.lib \

$IBM_PDK/ibm_cmos8rf/short_io/rel$PDK_OPT/synopsys/slow_v108_t125_pv162/IBM_CMOS8RF_BASE_SHORT_IO_SLOW_V108_T125_PV162.lib "

#end 1.2V libraries

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
workflow simulations
in akluge/. run
or hdlCompileDllStateMachine2010Functional.script
must be started in a gp window, otherwise ncsim will not
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
work flow
run gp select gtk2010 version 1.8 / version 4 or gpak
run all procedures on the new window

top module is called
dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector2010 syn
constraints file is in syn/sdc and need verification for earlyPD and clk_dll *(20120404)
output is in syn/output/r2g.v
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
work flow
synthesize dll_state_machine_and_lock_detector2010
digital//dllStateMachine2010/syn/work run ./run_rc
in digital/dllStateMachine2010/pnr/work
run velocity replay ../scripts/all.tcl
simulation with backannotation
verilog output from pnr is dfm.v dllStateMachine2010/pnr/output/dfm.v
compiles all required files and starts simulations
in test_dll_state_machine2010_stimulus.vhd variables modify log behavior and sim behavior
constant displayMessages :boolean := true;
constant logMessage :boolean := true;
constant number_of_phase_runs : integer := 20;
in ./digital/source/DFF_meta.v
`define meta_duration 2500 defines length of metastbaility
//`define random 1, to be commented/uncommented when metastability should give random value after metastability or old value for setup, new value for hold violation
./seuFunctional_meta.tcl loads SEU into design
This must be stared manually -> reset simulation if simulation time is not 0, then source seuFunctional_meta.tcl

sdf command files defines min/max, reelaboration required if changed

/projects/IBM_CMOS8/gtk2010/V4.0/workAreas/akluge/digital/sdf_backannotate_dll_state_machine2010/ contains backannotations scripts: check that they are error/warning free;

elaborated with option coverage to receive coverage report
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
work flow virtuoso
open (dfm) layout and convert to layout
Launch > layout L
( not needed anymorefrom layout view: tools > remaster Instances
search for view name abstract and update to view name layout
save as different view from dfm)
Assura DRC
IBM_PDK > checking > Assura > DRC
rundirectory ./DRC (assura_drc_dll_state_machine)
rules file:
rc.rul (echo $techdir)
options: GridCheck BEOL_STACK_323 CELL
Assura density antenna checks
Assura run DRC
run directory ./ANT (./assura_ant_drc_dll_state_machine)
change technology field co cmos8sfTech
is greyed out and thus not possible ?[check Rule Set field to antenna]
click switch ames button and set the BEOL_STACK_323 ALL_CHECKS options

Feb 5 & 6, 2013
work flow virtuoso
IBM_PDK Checking Calibre DRC menu
BEL_STACK:3_2_3, density local: off, design_type: cell
last metal:MA, nummetal:8 OK
Rules Tab:
run directory: (calibre_drc_dll_state_machine)
Input tab: new directory OK
Output tab:
Look at summary file
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
workflow LVS
assura runLVS
set rundirectory field to ./LVS (assura_lvs_dll_state_machine)
change technology field to cmos8sfTech
set switches NO_SUBC_IN_GRLOGIC SBAR_feature
ruleset field to default
click OK
click watch logFile
after run click YES
From LVS debug
click on the Nets/Devices to peon Nets mismatch tool or devices mismatch tool
click view LVS Error Report
Go to LVS dir and check different files (.err, .cls, .sum)
Feb 5 & 6, 2013
Calibre LVS
IBM_PDK Checking Calibre LVS Menu
Default Runset (never appeared)
BEOL_STACK:3_2_3, cell, lastMetal: MA, #layers =8,
No_subc_in_grlogic = true, use_resistance_multipliers:
Rules tab:
Set DRCrundirectory (calibre_lvs_dll_state_machine)
click inputs tab
in rundirectory check files
Feb 5 & 6, 2013

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