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Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three
Canada is the world's second-largest country by total area, and its
common with the United States is the world's longest land border shared
by the same two countries.
Canada is a federal state governed as a parliamentary democracy and
a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state
As Canada is a developed country-
-9th highest per capita income globally
-11th highest Human Development Index ranking.
Origin of the Name Canada
The explorer depicted in the image is
Jacques Cartier .
The Huron-Iroquois word for "village"
or "settlement was kanata.
The first use of "Canada" as an official
name came in 1791 when the Province
of Quebec was divided into the colonies
of Upper and Lower Canada.
The Coat of Arms
Canadas Coat of Arms was officially
proclaimed on November 21, 1921.

The present Coat of Arms was approved
in 1994.

The arms of the Sovereign and signify
national sovereignty and ownership.

Used as a mark of authority by various
government agencies and
representatives, including the Prime
Minister and Cabinet, and most courts,
including the Supreme Court.

Symbols of Canada
The beaver attained official status as an
emblem of Canada March 24, 1975 .

The maple leaf began to serve as a Canadian
symbol as early as 1700 .

The color of the maple leaves on the arms of
Canada was changed from green to red in 1957.
Provincial and Territorial Tartans
Maple leaf
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
British Columbia
Northwest Territories
The Great Seal
The Great Seal of Canada is used
on all state documents such as
proclamations and commissions
cabinet ministers
senior government officials.

The seal bears the effigy of
Queen Elizabeth II, in her robes,
holding the orb and scepter, and
shows her sitting on the
coronation chair.
The Parliament Building
The Centre Block The House of Commons
The Senate Chamber The Library of Parliament
Total Area
Canadas land mass is 9 976 140 km squared, making it the worlds
second largest country geographically after Russia.

Canada has the longest coastline of any country (Atlantic, Pacific, and
Arctic) Canada has 6 different time zones.

Due to the harsh climate only 12% of Canadas land is suitable for

The total population of Canada is around 35 Million only. Its top cities with
population more than 1 Million are as follows:

Name Province Population
Toronto Ontario 5,583,064
Montreal Quebec 3,824,221
Vancouver British Columbia 2,313,328
OttawaGatineau OntarioQuebec 1,236,324
Calgary Alberta 1,214,839
Edmonton Alberta 1,159,869
Gender Ratio
Gender Ratio is number of males per female population. Gender ratio
of Canada along with comparison with India is shown below:
Country At birth Under 15
15-64 years Over 65 years Total
1.056 1.05 1.02 0.78 0.98
1.12 1.13 1.07 0.9 1.08
Literacy Rate
According to a 2012 NBC report, Canada is the most educated country in
the world
Canadian provinces and territories are responsible for education.
The mandatory school age ranges between 57 to 1618 years,
contributing to an adult literacy rate of 99%.
As of 2011, 88 % of adults aged 25 to 64 have earned the equivalent of a
high-school degree
Canadians sense of belonging to their community and their country,
their participation in civic, community and volunteer activities, the
social and family relationships they have with one another, and the
presence of a social safety net equally available to all citizens are
important components associated with our well-being as citizens.
About 85% of Canadians reported their sense of belonging to Canada
as being very strong or somewhat strong.

Overall, 53% of Canadians said that in general people can be trusted, whereas 43%
said that one cannot be too careful in dealing with other people. Quebeckers were
less inclined to trust people but more likely to express confidence in institutions.
A research on seniors, widowers are 70% more likely to die than men who are
married or living with a partner. The protective effects of marriage for menan
indicator of social support and social integrationwith respect to mortality has
been widely observed.
Internet use in Canada:
A new study says 80 per cent of Canadians aged 16 and older, or 21.7
million people, used the Internet for personal reasons last year.
That's a big increase over 2007, when the figure was just 73 per cent.
Canadian 15-year-old students use of information and communication
technologies at home and at school.
The agency says Internet use was highest at 85 per cent in both British
Columbia and Alberta, followed by 81 per cent in Ontario.
Calgary and Saskatoon were the most online-savvy cities, with web-usage
rates at 89 per cent apiece.
They were followed by Edmonton, OttawaGatineau, Vancouver and
Victoria, each at around 86 per cent.
Technology In Canada
Technologies in industries :-
In mining:-
Mining is one of the most technologically advanced industry.
Since the first coal mine opened on Nova Scotias Cape Breton Island some
350 years ago, the mining industry in Canada has changed considerably.
Presently, Canada has more than 800 mines. The industry employs at least
363,000 people and is one of the most technologically advanced sectors in

Technologies in Agriculture : -

Saving water from rain.
Farms operating on heavy clay soils often install tile drainage systems to remove
excess water from fields.
Getting crops the right amount of water at the right time has always been a
challenge for farmers.
Scientists at Agriculture and Agri -Food Canada are helping farmers achieve this
balance and, at the same time, reduce their impact on local water quality and
Scientists there have developed an innovative closed loop water management
technology that combines tile drainage, reservoir and controlled drainage with
irrigation system.

Technology used by Canadians:

2,40,37,372 are mobile phone users among the 3,42,38,035 people of
2,69,60,000 are internet user, 79.2% of the population, as of march 2011.
Canada is 10th largest economy in the
Rank: 11
Currency: Canadian Dollar
Fiscal Year: 1
April 31
Trade Organisations: NAFTA, OECD, WTO & others

GDP: $1.844 trillion
GDP Growth: 2.4%
GDP Per Capita PPP: $52,364

GDP By Sectors
Inflation (CPI) 1.6%
Population below
Poverty Line
Labour Force 18.53 million
Labour Force by
Agriculture 2%, Manufacturing 13%, Construction 6%, Services 76%,
Others 3%
Unemployment 7.2%
Main Industries Transportation Equipment, Chemicals, Processed & Unprocessed
Minerals, Food Products, Wood & Paper Products, Fish Product,
Petroleum & Natural Gas
Ease of Doing Business
U.S U.S.
U.K China
Japan Mexico
China Japan
Mexico Germany
Germany U.K.
South Korea Algeria
Netherlands Norway
Belgium South Korea
France France
Exports $393 billion
Export goods Motor Vehicles and Parts, Industrial Machinery, Aircraft,
Telecommunications Equipment; Chemicals, Plastics, Fertilizers;
Wood Pulp, Timber, Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas, Electricity,
Main Export Partners US 74.9%, UK 4.1%
Imports $401.7 billion
Import goods Machinery and Equipment, Motor Vehicles and Parts, Crude Oil,
Chemicals, Electricity, Durable Consumer Goods
Main Import Partners US 50.4%, China 11%, Mexico 5.5%
FDI Stock $528.7 billion
Gross External Debt $1.181 trillion
Public debt $519.1 billion (2010)
Budget deficit $55.6 billion CAD (Federal, 2009-10)
Revenues $218.6 billion CAD (Federal, 2009-10)
Expenses $274.2 billion CAD (Federal, 2009-10)
Credit Ratings by
Standards &
AAA (Domestic)
AAA (Foreign)
Foreign reserves US$63.019 billion (April 2011)
Public Finances
Canadas Marginal Propensity to consume is 0.6, that means Canadian
spend and save 40% of their total income.
The Government
Canada is a democracy with a parliamentary Government.
There Government consists of three parts: Federal, Provincial and
Major Parties in Canada

House of commons

Conservative (165), new democratic(101), liberal(35), bloc
Quebecois (4), Green (1), Independent (1)


Conservative (61), Liberal (41), Progressive conservative (1).

Other parties

Canadian action, Christian heritage, communist, first people,
Libertarian, marijuana, pirate, progressive Canadian, united, western

Notable historic parties

Anti confederate, bloc popular, labour.
Canada is a federal state with a parliamentary political system.
Governmental structure is based on both the British North America Act of
1867 and unwritten customs. Britains influence ended with the
Constitution Act of 1982
Supreme political authority rests with Canadas bicameral Parliament,
Which consists of a Senate and a House of Commons. The leader of the
majority party becomes automatically the Prime Minister.

Law & Order
Canada's constitution is its supreme law, and any law passed by any federal,
provincial, or territorial government that is inconsistent with the
constitution is invalid.
Laws passed by the federal government are initially announced in the
Canada Gazette, a regularly published newspaper for new statutes and
Only the Supreme Court of Canada has authority to bind all courts in the
country with a single ruling.
Law & Order
Canada is the worlds second largest country after Russia by covering the northern
two-fifths of Northern America. The capital of this country, which stretches 4.600
km from north to south and 5.380 km from east to west, is Ottawa. However,
Canada is one of the most thinly populated countries.
The highest mountain of Canada, Mount Logan is situated in the Canadian
Cordillera. Canadas rivers and lakes are sensations, too.
5 rivers, the St. Lawrence River, the Mackenzie River, the Yukon, the Fraser and the
Nelson river, are among the worlds largest 40. Lake Superior, Lake Huron, both
shared with the USA, the Great Bear and the Great Slave belong to the 11 biggest
lakes in the world.

Canadas climate is dominated by extreme long and cold winters. With the
exception of the Pacific coast.
Just 8% of Canadas land area is farmland, more than 30% of Canada is
forest. The forest between Newfoundland and the Yukon is one of the
worlds biggest. More northern areas are occupied by tundra and the arctic
islands are covered by permanent ice caps.


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