Palladium: Group Members: Shruti Gundal M1247 Tushar Kharate M1254

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Group Members:
Shruti Gundal M1247
Tushar harate M12!4
About Palladium Mall...

It is Mumbais, frst luxury and premium luxury retail

and entertainment destination, appropriately
christened, Palladium.

Located in Central Mumbai at Lower Parel.

Palladium is a very uniue desi!n expression and

stands out ma"in! a statement in the architecture o#
the city.

$avin! comprehensive luxury labels, hi!h #ashion

brands, ca#es, fne dinin! restaurants, a stand%up
comedy venue, spas and salons ma"in! Palladium,
truly the one o# its "ind luxury retail space in India.

It houses about &' stores spread across (


Palladium was conceptuali)ed in '**+ and it

opened its doors to customers in '**,.

Presently, it houses anchor stores li"e

-urberry, ./0/, 1ucci and multi%brand outlet %
2he Collective.

/ccommodatin! luxury brands li"e Paul 3mith,

4immy Choo, 2umi, -otte!a 5eneta, $u!o -oss,
6mporio /rmani, Chanel, Paul 7 3har", 6208,
2/1 $6960, Canali.

Premium brands li"e 3warovs"i, :;<=,

:iesel, 3teve Madden to desi!ner labels
li"e 3atya Paul, /nita :on!re and 0ohit

Palladium also provides hi!h #ashion li"e

Man!o, /ldo, 5ero Moda, 3uper :ry,
Chemistry, 4ac" 7 4ones alon! with a wide
array o# cosmetic and s"in care brands
li"e M/C, 6stee Lauder, Cliniue, 2he
-ody 3hop and a salon % 4ean Claude
A "ide Shot o# Palladium Mall
Main 6ntrance...
Promotional /ctivities Carried 8ut /t
Palladium Mall
6ntertainment >or 2he 5isitors
$%A&DS '& G%'U&D (L''%
?hat we interpret #rom !round

2he !round @oor consist o# mainly

most P06MI9M brands.

It consist o# -rands li"e /rmani, 1ucci,

.ara, :iesel, $u!o -oss, -urberry, etc.

2he !round @oor doesnt have any

Indian -rand 7 these -rands are all
internationally acclaimed -rands.
Movin! towards frst @oor....
-rands on >irst >loor....
$%A&DS '& 2
$%A&DS '& *
>loorin! BBB

/s we were movin! up #rom the !round @oor to

the last @oor, what we observed that the -rands
started !ettin! less premium CD3till we cant
aEord FG G.

3ome Indian brands can be seen on '

7 +


Li!htin! 7 >loorin! were diEerent in diEerent

shops and ambience were maintained accordin!
to it.

Mood Li!htin! alon! with yellow li!htin! can be

commonly seen in many o# the shops.
3ome Huestion that are runnin! in our

?hat is the 0ent system o# shops on

!round @oor, I
, '
, 7 +

>oot#all was comparably less as

compared to other mall which is situated

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