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Teacher Burn Out

By: Allison Tryon

What is Teacher Burn Out?
An intense feeling of stress
A lack of motivation
Physical & emotional exhaustion
The result of having too much
The result of prolonged stress compiled
with a lack of success, or feeling of
Lost of meaning in profession
How Does Burn-Out Effect
Prevents teachers from effectively coping with
their job stresses, and responsibility.
Prevents teachers from coping with stresses in
their personal life.
Teachers often feel dissatisfied with their job.
They will also feel dissatisfied with the work they
are doing.
Teachers may lose confidence both
professionally and personally when experiencing

How Cont
Most often teachers will first experience feelings
of irritability followed by feelings related to early
Teachers will find themselves snapping and
doing or saying things that are out of character.
When burn-out manifests itself through
depression teachers will find their emotions
become more sedate.
Socialization with other adults will become less
Causes of Burn-Out
Too many expectations.
Not enough resources to do job efficiently.
Lack of student interest
Rowdy class lack of control.
Conflicts with colleagues, administration and
Conflict with School Board
Lack of job satisfaction and recognition.

Causes cont
Isolation from other adults.
Ambiguity in role as a teacher.
Too many expectations:
Lunch duties, extra supervision
Curriculum changes
Boredom and lack of change.

Effect on Students
Teachers experiencing burn-out have a lack
of ambition which often leads to students
having a lack of ambition and motivation.
Teachers may be resentful of their job and
of their students.
Teachers often will not put the same
amount of effort into lessons when
experiencing burn-out.
Teachers may have subdued emotions
which do not allow them to have a close
relationship and open up with students.
Students often are better learner when they can see
the teacher as a person, or when they can share a
joke or a story.
Identifying Teacher Burn-Out
Look for:
Emotional and Physical fatigue
Feelings of failure
Withdrawal from friends and family
Burn-Out in Men and Women
The effects can sometimes differ in male and
female teachers.
Women often experience depression, headache
and role conflict. Women tend to burn-out
because of lack of support socially and personal
life stress compiled with job stress.
Men often experience depersonalization: the
feeling of being detached from oneself.

Who is the Global Teacher?
Treatment & Prevention
Find a support group
Make friends with colleagues so that you can vent,
and talk about problems in the classroom.
Within your group of colleagues compliment each
other and make and effort to keep up each others
Realise your limitations
Dont try to play the hero
Make time for yourself outside of school
Know when to quit
Administration should make an effort to prevent
burn-out by working closely with staff and setting
goals. They should assure that the lines of
communication are open.
Administration and teachers should work with
school boards to lower class sizes and create the
best policies possible.
Burn out is the intense feeling of stress, physical and
emotional exhaustion.
It is often caused by having to meet to many
expectations and by not being able to complete
everything one would like all at once.
It can manifest as depersonalization and depression.
Irritability is also a symptom.
Teachers feel overwhelmed and often lack self
Teachers must take steps to prevent burn-out throughout
their career.
Still Interested?
Some supportive websites to
check out:
My Sources
Nagy, Mary Lou. (October 2006) Changes for
Avoiding Burnout in Teachers and Advisers.
Education Digest, Vol. 72, Issue 2, Retrieved
September 14, 2007, from EBSCO Host
Beauchamp, Larry & Parsons Jim. (2000).
Teaching from the Inside Out.
Edmonton,.Alberta: Duval House Publishing Inc.
Provenso, Eugene & Kottkamp, Robery & Cohn,
Marilyn. (1987). To Be a Teacher. New York,
New York: Random House.
Warner, Jack & Bryan, Clyde. (2001). Unauthorized
Teachers Survival Guide. New York, New York:
Park Avenue.
Parkay, Forrest (2005). Becoming a Teacher.
Toronto, Canada: Pearson.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually
fearing that you will make one.
~Elbert Hubbard

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