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Ethical Leadership is leading by knowing and doing what is right. Ethical leadership is
divided into two parts. The leader must act and make decisions ethically, and second,
the leader must also lead ethically in their attitudes and interactions.
Characteristics of Ethical Leader
Leaders who are ethical demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for
encouraging a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important for followers to
accept the vision of the leader. These are important and direct factors to lead ethically.
The character of a leader provide the basis for personal characteristics that direct a
leaders ethical beliefs, values, and decisions. Individual values and beliefs impact the
ethical decisions of leaders.
Leaders who are ethical are people-oriented are also aware of how their decisions
impact others, and use their social power to serve the greater good instead of self-
serving interests. In ethical leadership it is important for the leader to consider how his
or her decisions impact others. Ethical behaviour, in its simplest terms, is knowing and
doing what is right. The difficulty is in defining right. Different individuals, different
cultures, and different religions define it in different ways.
They view the world as interconnected and develop multidisciplinary solutions to
address complex problems that crop up every day. Ethical leaders extend trust to their
workers, creating the conditions necessary to empower employees, suppliers, and even
customers to take the risks necessary to create game-changing innovations.
Ethical Leadership In Organizations
In organizational communication, ethics in leadership are critical. Business leaders
must make decisions that will not only benefit them, but also they must think about
how the other people will be affected. The best leaders demonstrate and clarify their
values and their ethics and preach them in their leadership style and actions. These
actions consists of communicating complete and accurate information, where there is
a personal, professional, ethical, or legal obligation to do so. When leaders practice
ethics, they gain the respect and admiration of employees, with the satisfaction of
knowing they are making the most moral choice. If a leader never makes their actions
or choice clear to others, those choices can be seen as a sign of mistrust.
Unethical actions in the workplace includes anything from taking personal phone calls
while at your desk, to lying about the status of a payment, to taking office supplies for
your personal use. Most organizations have an ethical code, which is usually a list of
rules that tells you what behaviours are acceptable and what are wrong in the
For your organization, you might want to let employees know your values right off the
bat. Such values can be, teamwork, ambition, honesty, efficiency, quality,
accomplishment, and dedication.
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