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Equal Opportunity in

O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female and have
made you into nations and tribes for you to know one
another. Truly, the noblest of you with God is the most
Truly, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Quran, 49:13)

Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove
unequal talents
Viscount Samuel

Equal Opportunity in Employment
Equal Employment opportunity is a type of Law, policy
or guideline for employers, employees and job
applicants which enables to eliminate barriers to
ensure that all employees are considered for the
employment of their choice and have the chance to give
their maximum output.

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Primary Federal EEO Laws
Title VII, CRA (1964/72/91)
Equal Pay Act (1963)
Age Discrimination in Empl. Act
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964

Intended to eliminate job discrimination based on
five protected classes:
Race : (Black, Asian, Native American etc)
Color :(refers to the color of a persons skin)
National Origin :(persons ancestors or cultural
Religion ( Muslims, Hindu, Christian)
Sex (applies equally to men and women)
Scope of Coverage of Title VII

Title VII applies to all types employment
agencies (government private), but not limited
Hiring and firing
Work rules
Promotion and demotion
Payment of compensation and benefits
Availability of job training opportunities
Forms of Title VII Actions
Disparate Treatment
Occurs when an
discriminates against
a specific individual
because of his or her
race, color, national
origin, sex, or religion.

Disparate Impact
Occurs when an
discriminates against
an entire protected
Sexual Harassment (act 1964 title
constitutes unwelcome sexual dvances, requests
for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual
harassment when this conduct explicitly or
implicitly affects an individual's employment.
Unreasonably interferes with an individual's work
performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile,
or offensive work environment, violates Title VII.
Religious Discrimination
Title VII prohibits employment discrimination
based on a persons religion or religious

Under Title VII, an employer is under a duty to
reasonably accommodate an employees
religious practices, observances, or beliefs if it
does not cause an undue hardship on the
Equal Pay Act (1963)

Protects both sexes from pay discrimination
based on sex.
The Equal Pay Act expressly provides the criteria
that justify a differential in wages
Seniority (skills, responsibiltyetc)
Quantity or quality of product
Any factor other than sex
Any other discrimination will be the violation of
Equal Pay Act (1963)
Age Discrimination in Employment
Act (ADEA-1967/86)

Prohibits age discrimination in all employment
decisions, including:
Payment of compensation
Retirement plans
Other terms and conditions of employment
ADEA applies to employees who are 40 years of
age and older.

Americans with Disabilities Act
Disability refers to any mental or physical impairment
that limits his major life activities.
The ADA imposes on employers and providers of
public transportation, telecommunications, and public
accommodations to accommodate qualified
individuals with disabilities.
ADA imposes to modify all possible accommodations
facilities for qualified disabled individuals.
Title I of the ADA prohibits employment
discrimination against qualified individuals with

Procedure and Remedies
Aggrieved person must first file charge with
EEOC may choose to take action
Reinstatement with back pay
attorneys fees
Compensatory and punitive damages
State and Local Government Anti-
discrimination Laws
Many state and local governments have adopted
laws that prevent discrimination in employment.
Usually include classes protected by federal
equal opportunity laws
Also include classes of persons not protected
by federal laws (e.g., homosexuals)
International Reach of U.S. Anti-
discrimination Laws
Civil Rights Act (1991) expressly protects U.S.
citizens employed in a foreign country by U.S.-
controlled employers.
Foreign operations not controlled by U.S.
employers are not covered.
The law contains an express exception that
protects U.S.-controlled employers from
conflicting foreign laws.

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