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Values and Image

Morality is the foundation of every human society.
Without civic morality,communities perish. Without
personal morality, human survival has no value.Every
culture admits the values standard of behavior. When
the moral foundation of a nation is threatened, then
society itself is threatened.Values and Morals Defined
Values is a collection of guiding, usually positive,
principles; they are what one deems to be correct and
desirable in life, especially regarding personal conduct..
Morals pertain to, or are concerned with the principles or
rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and
wrong.Respect and Reverence A good citizen acts
respectfully towards his fellowmen because it is by giving
respect to others that we are respected. By giving
respect, we demonstrate that we are humans with proper
breeding and etiquette.
To whom do we show respect?
Our parents and relatives
Women, elders, and superiors
Our neighbors
People in authority Punctuality and
We often hear people refer to Filipino time. As good
citizens, we must be considerate of other peoples
schedule and observe punctuality at all times. Here are
some tips that will help you manage your time well:
Make sure that your clock time is synchronized with that
of the one you are meeting with.
Consider your distance and travel time from your
meeting place.
Do not commit to a meeting or set a deadline if you are
not sure that you can make it on time.
Make it a habit to check your schedule for the next day
before going to bed.
Consider creating a planner or organizer if you have a
busy schedule.
If for some inevitable reason you cannot be at the
appointed time,always notify the person you are meeting
with at the soonest possible time. Avoid keeping other
A good citizen must learn to be obedient whenever
possible and necessary.Our actions must be in accordance
with laws, rules, and regulations set by people in authority.
In any case we violate these rules, we must be prepared to
suffer the consequences of our actions and take the
corresponding sanctions.What should we be observing?

Government laws
School rules and regulations
Religious morals
Social etiquette
A good citizen is always ready to help and
cooperate with other members of the
society. The spirit of bayanihan runs in our
bloodstream. Cooperation is certainly a
necessity especially in this age of
globalization which calls for the nation to
move as one as it competes with the rest
of the world.
Patriotism and Nationalism
Patriotism refers to ones love of country,
while nationalism refers to ones love of
his countrymen. As good citizens, we must
always be ready to fight for the freedom
and honor of both our motherland and
countrymen. We can also show our love
by appreciating its beauty, protecting its
environment and fulfilling our duties and
obligations as citizens.
Courage and Bravery Filipinos have a great
history of courageous and valiant men and
women.Our heroes fought and died so that we
would be free. In return, we should also be
brave to confront all the challenges that the
Filipino nation is facing right now. The problem
of poverty, hunger, unemployment, illiteracy,
criminality, and ecological degradation are just
some of the odds that we have to face as a
nation.We need to start moving as a nation if we
want to win this war. We must be brave enough
to open our eyes and the eyes of others to see
the kinds of national situation we are in now.

An individuals personal philosophy is his way of
looking at the world and the people around him.
His personal philosophy is one of the most
fundamental elements of his being, for it enters
into his thinking, his emotions, his actions, and
reactions.Some people do not have only one
philosophy or way of thinking. They maybe
eclectic, meaning they partake of several
philosophies.Roughly there are three basic

1. The realist
The realist looks to what is he seeks for the
answers to his questions.He observes nature, he
sees man as a product of the world about him.
To the realist, mans most important feature is
his ability to adapt and use the laws of the
universe. The naturalists belong to the same
2. The idealist
The idealist finds the answer to reality within
mans mind or soul. The two main categories are
the religious and the personal. If the idealist
believes in God, he looks to Him for the ultimate
answer to reality. He believes that the most
important thing about man is his soul and his
spiritual kinship with the Diving Being.

3. The pragmatist
The pragmatist looks for meanings in their practical bearings
and believes that the function of thought is to guide action. He
believes that experience is composed of circumstances,
events, ideas, people,environment, and that the interaction
among all these things is the basis of reality. The pragmatist
is concerned with change, for experience is never static. An
individuals right to his personal philosophy must be
respected, and wha the does if taken in the light of that
philosophy, becomes more understandable. If one can do
this, his ability to get along with people and consequently, his
chances of improving his own personality will be greater. A
persons values is based on his philosophy the things he
considers to be of worth and importance. Other factors that
influence a persons choice of values is his cultural tradition
into which he was born, the values of the society in which he
moves. One may value money; another, power; another,
creative expression; and others a combination of all of
these.In our nation today, the factors in determining and
individuals pattern of value is confusing to young people.
Until you know what you hold fast to, you are quite likely to be
confused and bewildered by the conflicting sets of values you
observe around you.

Your Most Priceless Possession Attitude is the way you communicate
your mood to others. When you are happy, you transmit a happy
attitude and people usually respond favorably. When you are
pessimistic or have a negative attitude, people tend to avoid you.
Inside your head is where it all starts, attitude is a mind set. It is the
way you look at things mentally.Emphasizing the positive and
eliminating the negative is like using a magnifying glass. You can place
the glass over good news and you can feel better or you can magnify
bad news and make yourself miserable.In the work environment, as in
your personal life, it is your attitude that makes the difference. Building
and maintaining healthy relationships among superior s and co-
workers is the key to success in any organization. Nothing contributes
more to this process than a positive attitude.A positive attitude will
expand your network. When positive, you transmit friendly signals.
Customers, co-workers, and superiors are more open to you. Your
attitude is expressed before you say a word. It shows in the way you
look, stand,walk, and talk.
If you are cheerful and upbeat, your attitude acts like a
magnet. You not only attract others, but they are
friendlier toward you because they sense in advance that
you already like them.Some individuals downgrade the
importance of building and maintaining good human
relations. They place so much emphasis on technical
skills that they ignore the human issues. As a result, they
have difficulty understanding why others often lack
enthusiasm for their work.Along with good work skills,
career success depends on the quality of working
relationships. An important first step is the development
of good attitude. If you do not look for the best in your
fellow workers you are less apt to find it. As a result,you
will not become the team player management expects.
Your personal productivity may remain high but you will
not be contributing as much as you could to the
productivity of your organization.

The saying the no man is an island, is true. We all need other
people. This is especially true in the workplace. Those who build a
strong network of supporters create their own attitude reinforcement
program. It is difficult to remain positive without daily people contact.
Co-workers, like personal friends and family members, can give your
attitude the perspective, focus, and motivations to remain positive.
Attitudes truly are infectious.Look Better to Yourself Through
advertising we are told to improve our image. Self-improvement of
any kind should be applauded; but the overriding reason for a new
image is not to look better for others, rather it should be because
you want to look better for yourself. When you improve your
appearance, you give your positive attitude a boost. The term
inferiority complex is when you look better to others than you do to
yourself. In other words, when you have a negative self-image, you
make yourself psychologically inferior. The truth is that you often
look better to others than you do to yourself. There may be periods
when you feel unfashionable, unattractive, or poorly groomed. This
does not necessarily mean you look that way to your friends, but you
end up communicating a negative attitude because you dont look
good to yourself. When you look good to yourself, the world seems
brighter. You are more i n focus.Adjusting Your Positive Attitude
Through Image Improvement Below are five general physical and
psychological activities people engage into improve or maintain their
Wardrobe improvement Pay more attention (and money,
if necessary) to what you wear, how you coordinate
various fashion items, colors, etc. make the best fashion
statement possible.
Hairstyle, cosmetics Spend more time with your
hairstyle, facial appearance, etc.
Looking healthy Devote time to an exercise program.
Anything that will create a healthier appearance. Include
posture, dental care, weight control, and diet.
Being yourself
Refuse to be over-influenced by other and the media.
Stay with your own idea of what your image should be.
Be different in the way you want tobe different.
Image-attitude connection
Accept the premise that your attitude will suffer if you
dont keep agood self-image. Even if you dont care
about how other think you look, care about how you look
to yourself because it is important to your own attitude.
Assertive Behavior
Many people think that being assertive is pushing for his
or her own way,refusing to give an inch. Others think of
someone who is stubborn on certain issues. This is not
so. Assertive behavior is defined as a natural style that is
nothing more than being direct, honest, and respectful
while interacting with others.Assertiveness is a most
desirable behavior. It is needed for honest, healthy
relationships. It s the behavior required for win-win
outcomes in negotiations,conflict resolution, family life,
and normal business dealings.Nonassertive behavior is
passive and indirect. It communicates a message of
inferiority. By being nonassertive we allow the wants,
needs, and rights of others tobe more important than our
own. Nonassertive behavior helps create win-lose
situations. A person behaving non-assertively will lose
while allowing others to win.Following this road leads to
being a victim, not a winner.Aggressive behavior is more
complex. It can be either active or passive
Aggression can be direct or indirect, honest or dishonest but it always
communicates an impression of superiority and disrespect. By being
aggressive we put our wants, needs, and rights above those of
others. We attempt to get our way by not allowing others a choice.
Aggressive behavior is usually inappropriate because it violates the
rights of others. People behaving aggressively may win by making
sure others lose but doing so set themselves up for retaliation.
No one likes a bully.Assertive behavior is active, direct, and honest.
It communicates an impression of self-respect and respect for
others. By being assertive, we view our wants, needs, and rights as
equal with those of others. We work toward a win-win out come. An
assertive person wins by influencing, listening and negotiating so
that others choose to cooperate willingly. This behavior leads to
success without retaliation and encourages honest, open
relationships.What an assertive person can do:
Deliver a direct, open honest communication
Use feeling talk express what you feel to
Express things about yourself (self-disclosing)
Accept and give honest compliments
Accept and give constructive criticism and
Disagree without making the other person wrong
Speak up and be counted
Ask for and receive clarification
Negotiate toward a workable compromise
Be able to listen to the environment

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