Criminal Justice System

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Criminal Justice System

By: Cory Golden

Criminal Justice System was founded through the first published bible which was dated seven
thousands years ago. The first verse that stated the common law was in the Old covenant and the bible verse of
Exodus 21:24 which was stated in the article Concepts of Justice past and present by John A. Sterling. Sterling
stated in his article that,In Exodus 21: 24, the oft misquoted "Eye for an eye" verse, when read in context is a
statement of the modern "rule of proportionality" standard used on our courts today. That is, the pay-back
(penalty) is proportionate to the harm actually caused. This is a legal principle in Biblical, Rabbinical and
Common Law. Thus, creating the first step toward creating a Criminal Justice System. After the first bible was
published and the bible verse that created the criminal justice system it developed into a system which took
place throughout the 20th century. From the 20th century to modern day the criminal justice system has been a
success and it creates the sense of security throughout the world today.

History of Criminal Justice System
In the article criminal justice system by Richard s. Frase and Robert R.Weidner the definition was
stated in the beginning of the article. A criminal justice system is a set of legal and social institutions for
enforcing the criminal law in accordance with a defined set of procedural rules and limitations.(pg 1)
The definition of Criminal Justice System
The Criminal Justice System does benefit our societies through up-handing criminals, conviction of
criminals for crimes or being released for not committing a crime. In the article, Good Things about the Criminal
Justice System by Christina Whitaker she stated, The Criminal Justice System promotes safety by ensuring that
police officers monitor neighborhoods and watch for violent or illegal activities, such as gang activities, drug use
or street fights. (pg 1) The Criminal Justice System provides the stability that our society needs and also
provides order into our communities. Everyone in our society agrees that Criminal Justice System protect us and
provides justice which we all stand together on.

Does Criminal Justice System benefit our society?
The criminal justice system is made up by five components, Law enforcement, prosecution, defense
attorneys, courts, and corrections which plays a important key role on our criminal justice processes. In this
website article, The Criminal Justice System by The National Center for Victims of crimes it had stated each
component of the criminal justice system in detail and further explains the reason why its important.
What is the Criminal Justice System made up by?
Law Enforcement: Law enforcement officers take reports for crimes that happen in their areas. Officers investigate crimes and gather and protect
evidence. Law enforcement officers may arrest offenders, give testimony during the court process, and conduct follow-up investigations if needed.
Prosecution: Prosecutors are lawyers who represent the state or federal government (not the victim) throughout the court process-from the first
appearance of the accused in court until the accused is acquitted or sentenced. Prosecutors review the evidence brought to them by law enforcement
to decide whether to file charges or drop the case. Prosecutors present evidence in court, question witnesses, and decide (at any point after charges
have been filed) whether to negotiate plea bargains with defendants. They have great discretion, or freedom, to make choices about how to prosecute
the case. Victims may contact the prosecutor's office to find out which prosecutor is in charge of their case, to inform the prosecutor if the defense
attorney has contacted the victim
, and to seek other information about the case.
Defense Attorneys: Defense attorneys defend the accused against the government's case. They are ether hired by the defendant or (for defendants
who cannot afford an attorney) they are assigned by the court. While the prosecutor represents the state, the defense attorney represents the
Courts: Courts are run by judges, whose role is to make sure the law is followed and oversee what happens in court. They decide whether to release
offenders before the trial. Judges accept or reject plea agreements, oversee trials, and sentence convicted offenders.
Corrections: Correction officers supervise convicted offenders when they are in jail, in prison, or in the community on probation or parole. In some
communities, corrections officers prepare pre-sentencing reports with extensive background information about the offender to help judges decide
sentences. The job of corrections officers is to make sure the facilities that hold offenders are secure and safe. They oversee the day-to-day custody
of inmates. They also oversee the release processes for inmates and sometimes notify victims of changes in the offender's status.

The five components of the system
A law enforcement officer is someone who is a part of the criminal justice system and is one of the
most important members of the justice system. I also found the definition of Law enforcement officer in the
website article ,the 2014 Florida statutes Florida Legislature which stated that a Law enforcement officer
means any person who is elected, appointed, or employed full time by any municipality or the state or any
political subdivision thereof; who is vested with authority to bear arms and make arrests; and whose primary
responsibility is the prevention and detection of crime or the enforcement of the penal, criminal, traffic, or
highway laws of the state.

The definition of a law enforcement officer
The history of a Law Enforcement Officer is dated back to the 1800s and is the turning point for
the history of law enforcement officer. In 1845 the first police department was opened in New York city by
Theodore Roosevelt who was the police commissioner at that time. In the book, The History of Police by
Sagepub it stated that, ...the New York City Police Department was unified in 1845,41 the St. Louis
Metropolitan Police Department in 1846,42 the Chicago Police Department in 1854,43 and the Los Angeles
Police Department in 1869,44 to name a few. After opening the first police department in the United States the
movement of creating more was beginning to blossom. Thus, creating the societies strong relationship with Law
Enforcement Officers and having faith in them. Also, created the trust we have with them during the modern
The History of a Law Enforcemnt officer
There has been plenty of hatred and heated debates about officers having too much control and
abusing the law. There has been plenty of questionable shootings, killings, racism and corruptions among the
Law Enforcement department. Some might even go as far as saying all Law Enforcement Officers are abusing
their powers and should be handle with discipline. Also, many people want those who abuse their power to do
jail time and to be fired from their positions for good. Everyone has a different outlook on Law Enforcement
Officers and each one person should be able to freely show others their concerns about corrupted officers in their
communities and societies.
The controversy of having Law Enforcement officers
There has been a lot stories and news that contains to Law Enforcement Officers abusing their
powers in the public and our communities. There was a incident this year(2014) about an African lady walking
on the 10 freeway in Downtown Los Angeles and was beaten up by a Freeway Officer. This police officer didnt
need to beat her up with his bare fist because she was walking on the freeway. I believe this officer was abusing
his powers as a police officer. In the article, Police Brutality and Abuse of Power the New Norm? by Mai
Nowlin describes her outraged on this topic. In her article she stated that, Not a day goes by without news of
another case of police brutality or the abuse of power by officers, which begs the question: is this the new norm?
There was a time when it was not so common to hear about abuse by the police, let alone see actual footage of
the abuse taking place. she is correct on her argument about abusing the power which is a Conflict Theory in
itself. Police shouldnt be able to hit people espically women.

Abusing power?
Video of Law Enforcement Officer abusing his power
The criminal Justice System has its pro and cons like any other system in the United States. I personally
believe it does work even when there has been negative incidents that had dealt with Law Enforcement. It
doesnt reflect on the rest of the department in the Criminal Justice System. That section of the criminal
justice system should be revised and put in stronger process of hiring to prevent these incidents.

Provides stability throughout our societies and communities,
Brings protection and security,
Provides the right justice in our communties
Innocent people can be convicted,
Killers can get Parole,
Police officers can abuse the law without punishment.

Does the Criminal Justice System work? (Pros/cons)
The institution that I have chosen for this assignment was a good choice for defining the Functionalist and
a Conflict Theory. Law enforcement officers is what society wants and theyre willing to back them up as one.
The functionalist is defined as what is best for society as a whole which most people would agree upon that
law enforcement officers is best for our society. While some others believe that law enforcement officers have
too much power in the laws and they abuse what is given to them. Some people in communities believe that the
officers wants power over everything and conflicts doesnt matter to them. Thus, corrupted officers that are the
opposite of justice and are in for negative rather than positive which is why I also think that this part a Conflict
Theory. Criminal Justice System is in both categories of Functionalist and Conflict theory.

Final Conclusion
"Good Things About the Criminal Justice System." EHow. Demand Media, 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
"Criminal Justice System - Structural And Theoretical Components Of Criminal Justice Systems, The Systems
In Operation, The Importance Of Viewing Criminal Justice As A System." - JRank Articles. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
"Concepts of Justice past and Present." History of Criminal Justice System. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
"The Criminal Justice System." The Criminal Justice System. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
"Police Brutality and Abuse of Power the New Norm? [Graphic Video]." Guardian Liberty Voice. Web. 6 Oct.
"The Final Call." Los Angeles Gets Spotlight in Videotaped Highway Police Beating of Black Woman. Web. 6
Oct. 2014.
"Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine." Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online
Sunshine. 5 Oct. 2014. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
Work Cited

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