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Complex Analysis

SEM. GASAL 2014/15

M. Ziaul arif, S.Si, M.Sc
Calculus 2 Introduction 1
A brief History of Mathematics
Birth of modern science and of calculus
Stage I, 15001630: from speculation to science (Nicolaus
Copernicus, Johannes Kepler)
Stage II, 16301680: science is written in the language of
Mathematics! (Galileo Galilei, Descartes, etc)
Stage III, around 1680-1800: how to speak the language of
mathematics! (Edmond Halley, Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke,
Newton, Leibniez, etc)

2 Calculus 2 Introduction
Why do we learn Math?
1. Math is practical
2. Math is exciting
3. Math makes you rich
4. Math complements other subjects
5. Math makes you desirable
6. Math is beautiful
7. Math is non-commercial
8. Math is the language of the universe
9. Math is logical
10. Math makes everything easy

3 Calculus 2 Introduction

4 Calculus 2 Introduction

5 Calculus 2 Introduction

6 Calculus 2 Introduction

7 Calculus 2 Introduction

8 Calculus 2 Introduction

9 Calculus 2 Introduction

10 Calculus 2 Introduction
Our lectures
1 semester 16 weeks
1 week 2 lectures
Total : max 24 Lectures

11 Calculus 2 Introduction
Our lectures - Midterm
12 Calculus 2 Introduction
week topic
Bilangan kompleks: pengertian, sifat aljabar, makna geometri,
koordinat kutub, formula Euler dan penarikan akar.
4-5 Fungsi-fungsi analitik: fungsi variabel kompleks, pemetaan
6-8 limit dan kontinuitas
9-10 Derivatif
Persamaan Cauchy Riemann (PCR), fungsi-fungsi analitik, fungsi
13-14 Integral kompleks: integral berharga kompleks dari fungsi real
15-16 deret kompleks
shouldnt be late
Attendance : min 80% from total Lectures
Pray before Lecture
Check e-learning regularly on: www.e-
Absence on exam will not be tolerated
but getting ill

13 Calculus 2 Introduction
Quiz : 20 %
Mid exam : 40 %
Final exam : 40 %
14 Calculus 2 Introduction
Books are available on e-learning
Or Other resources from Internet
(YouTube, MIT open course, etc.)
15 Calculus 2 Introduction
Please check your e-learning regularly
Lecture note
Information Quiz or Schedule.
Communication via E-learning or email :
16 Calculus 2 Introduction

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