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Global Warming

 Name: Mohamed Ahmed Ali Jazem Omar

 ID: H00014569

 Teacher: Mr. Paul Grant

Climate Change:-
 Climate change is a long term alteration in.

 Global weather patterns, Australian temperatures have, on average, risen by

about 1°C with an increase in the frequency of heat waves and a decrease
in the numbers of frosts and cold days.

 Rainfall patterns have also changed Northwest has seen an increase in

rainfall while much of eastern Australia and the far southwest have
experienced a decline
Why is climate change
 Gases in the earth’s atmosphere act like a blanket
 earth or like a greenhouse trapp the sun’s heat and stopping
it from escaping. 
 Gases are called greenhouse gases and keep the earth at a
nice temperature.
Global Warming and Greenhouse

Cause 2 :- Concentration of carbon

Cause 1 :- Carbon dioxide emissions in dioxide has dramatically increased
million tons per year over the last 200 in the . last 50 years
Global Warming and Greenhouse

Effects of global warming :-

There are two major effects of global warming:
1- Increase of temperature on the earth by about 3° to 5° C (5.4° to 9° Fahrenheit ) by the year 2100.
2- Rise of sea levels by at least 25 meters (82 feet) by the year 2100.
Did you know?
 1. Did you know that without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of
the Earth would be about 0°F (-18°C).
 Human activity has increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
contributing to global warming.
 Main greenhouse gases responsible for this are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and
nitrous oxide and the CO2,
 UK in particular, is emitted by everyday activities like driving your car, heating your
home and even switching on a light

 2. Did you know that over 7 billion tones of CO2 is released in to the earth’s
atmosphere every year through using fossil fuels like oil, coal and gas.
 All gases stay in the atmosphere for a certain length of time, for CO2 this is between 50
- 200 years.
 This means that CO2 will be present in the atmosphere for at least 50 years before it is
 It also means that CO2 emitted into the atmosphere today could cause global warming
for up to two centuries to come.

T h e A rctic O ce a n 's se a ice is in a " d e a th sp ira l" d u e O ve r a 3 5 - d a y p e rio d fro m Ja n u a ry 3 1 to M a rch 7 ,

to risin g te m p e ra tu re s, scie n tists sa id in 2 0 0 8 . 2 0 0 2 , A n ta rctica 's La rse n B ice sh e lf lo st a to ta l o f
M a n y m a rin e sp e cie s, su ch a s th e se n a rw h a ls a b o u t 1 , 2 5 5 sq u a re m ile s ( 3 , 2 5 0 sq u a re kilo m e te rs),
sw im m in g th ro u g h a b a y in N u n a vu t, C a n a d a , o n e o f th e la rg e st sh e lf re tre a ts e ve r re co rd e d . T h is
d e p e n d o n th e ice th ro u g h o u t th e ir life cycle s. im a g e , ca p tu re d b y N A S A 's M O D IS sa te llite se n so r o n
E xp e rts p re d ict th a t su m m e r A rctic ice m a y Fe b ru a ry 2 3 , sh o w s th e sh e lf m id -d isin te g ra tio n ,
co m p le te ly d isa p p e a r w ith in a fe w d e ca d e s. sp e w in g a clo u d o f ice b e rg s a d rift in th e W e d d e ll S e a .
In D e ce m b e r 2 0 0 7 , a te a m o f N a tio n a l G e o g ra p h ic
E xtin ctio n o f A rctic exp lo re rs w illb e g in a five -w e e k e xp e d itio n a cro ss th e
p o la r b e a rs co n tin e n t's La rse n ice sh e lf to stu d y h o w g lo b a l
w a rm in g is ch a n g in g th e to p o g ra p h y o f A n ta rctica .
What will happen in the future & The

Climate change will stress water resources

Sea level rise is the greatest problem

This is due to a combination of

rising sea level and stronger storms
Polar bears thr eatened by and hurricanes , effects of increasing
thaw across the Arctic warmth in the atmosphere and ocean .
“An Inconvenient Truth” Effects of Hurricane
Carbon Footprint:-

A carbon footprint is defined as:

The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to
directly and indirectly support human activities,
usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon
dioxide (Co2).
Carbon Footprint:-
To Calculate your carbon
http :// www . myfootprint . org /
Ecological Footprint Quiz by
Redefining Progress The Nature of

To reduce the carbon footprint there are by

change our lifestyle in all way .
.Measure your carbon footprint.
.Track your mileage.
.Read your electric meter.
.Track your natural gas or propane meter.
 Thank you for All
 Any Question?

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