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Pratik , Jitesh, Jagruti, Siddhita, Reshma.

Profile of NYSE
Stock market concept
Origin of NYSE
History of NYSE
Brief timeline of NYSE
Major companies in NYSE
Crashes along with their reasons and effects
Capital market
Classification of issues

Location U.S.
No. of Listing Co.
Market Capital
New York city
March 8, 1817.
NYSE Euronext
Duncan L. Niederauer
US $
2800 aprox.
US$ 13.39 Trillio ( Dec 2010)
A stock market is a public entity for the trading of
company stock (shares) and derivatives at an agreed
price; these are securities listed on a stock
exchange as well as those only traded privately.
Back to over 200year ago U.S. decided to finance the
war by selling the bonds, and government notes
promising to payout at profit at a later date.
At the same time pvt. Bank began to raise money by
issuing stock or shares of the company to raise their
own money.
NYSE started in 1792.
In start only five securities traded.
In 1817, the rules & regulations was
Anthony Stockholm was elected the first
president of exchange.
First set trading hours were estd in 1873.
Dow Jones industrial average with a starting
value of 90.
Crashes over the years effect on the NYSE.

1792 - Twenty-four brokers and merchants
gathered on Wall Street to sign the Buttonwood
Agreement. The NYSE is born!
1792 - Bank of New York becomes the first listed
company on the NYSE.
1903 - April 22, the NYSE moved into 18 Broad
Street. (This building is still in use today.)
1918 - The pneumatic vacuum tube system is made
for sending tickets to and from different
1929 - October 23: Black Thursday.
October 26: Blue Monday (Market loses $26 billion
in value.)

1953 - October 10: Trade volume on the NYSE
900,000 shares, this marks the last day that the
daily volume of the NYSE is under 1 million shares.
1967 - NYSE admits its first woman member.
1987 - October 19: Black Monday (Market drops
508 points, the largest one-day drop in history.)
1992 - May 17: the NYSE celebrates its 200th
1996 - May 7: The highest price ever paid for a
membership is $1,450,000

1.ExxoMobil Corp(XOM)
Market Cap: $329B
2. Petro China (PTR)
Market Cap: $237B
3. BHP Billiton(BHP)
Market Cap:$222B
4.Petrobras (PBR)
Market Cap:$210B
5.HSBC Holdings (HBC)
Market Cap:$206B

6. Wal-Mart
Market Cap:$203B
7.China Mobile (CHL)
Market Cap:$191B
8. Royal Dutch Shell
Market Cap: $190B
9. BHP Billiton plc (BBL)
Market Cap:$187B
10. BP Plc (BP)
Market Cap: $186B

In Oct 24, 1929 was known as a Black Thursday stock
prices fell sharply by a volume of about 13
million shares. Five days later, October 29th, 1929, the
market crashed by a volume of over 16 million shares.
At the time this was the highest volume drop that was
not to be matched for 39 years. This crash marked the
beginning of the Great Depression.
Reason behind the crash:-

Stocks were overpriced.
Federal Reserve policies were causing disagreement and
Many people had an overconfidence from the 20's which
influenced a search for easy money and made many people
Many people took their chances in the market by "buying
on a margin". This means that they bought stocks on
borrowed money, money they did not have. They would be
making money as long as their stock price increased, but if
the prices fell then they would be deep in debt.

In Oct 19, 1987 was known as Black Monday because the
NYSE dropped 508 points, the largest one-day fall in history.
From October 14 to October 19th of 1987 the major parts of
the market dropped around 30% or more.
Some explanations for the causes of the crash:
Computer trading securities-many analysts say this is the
cause. Computers in large investing companies were
programmed to order large numbers of stocks when certain
market trends prevailed.

Liquidity- trading mechanisms in the stock market were unable
to deal with such a large flow of sell orders.

Trade and Budget deficits-trade and budget debts during the
third quarter of 1987 might have led investors into thinking
that these debts would cause the crash.

Euronext and NYSE Group:-
NYSE Group bid 8 billion in cash and shares for Euronext
on May 22, 2006.

The new firm, tentatively dubbed NYSE Euronext, would be
headquartered in New York City.

NYSE CEO John Thain, who would head NYSE Euronext.
NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Brse:-
The new company becoming the world's largest stock
exchange operator with a market capitalisation of listed
companies equal to US$15 trillion.

President and deputy CEO of NYSE Euronext Dominique
Cerutti would become the new company's president.

Deutsche Brse shareholders will have 60% ownership of
the new entity, and NYSE-Euronext shareholders will have

The nature of capital market is brought out by the
following facts:
It Has Two Segments
It Deals In Long-Term Securities
It Performs Trade-off Function
It Creates Dispersion In Business Ownership
It Helps In Capital Formation
It Helps In Creating Liquidity

The capital market constitute of two members , i.e. the
lenders and the borrowers, without which the market
wouldnt function
Lending and borrowing of capital is nothing but supply and
demand of money
The function of lending and borrowing should balance out
itself to maintain growth and stability in the economy
Following indications are affected as a mismatch in lending
and borrowing
1. Liquidity
2. Growth
3. Cost of capital
4. Inflation
5. Credit
6. Gold prices
7. Bond yields
8. Market sentiment

It Is Related With New Issues
It Has No Particular Place
It Has Various Methods Of Float Capital: Following are
the methods of raising capital in the primary market:
i) Public Issue
ii) Offer For Sale
iii) Private Placement
iv) Right Issue
v) Electronic-Initial Public Offer
It comes before Secondary Market

It Creates Liquidity
It Comes After Primary Market
It Has A Particular Place
It Encourage New Investments

Further Public
Initial Public
Offer for
Offer for
The Indian Capital Market is one of the oldest capital
markets in Asia which evolved around 200 years ago.
Chronology of the Indian capital markets
1830s: Trading of corporate shares and stocks in Bank
and cotton Presses in Bombay.
1850s: Sharp increase in the capital market brokers
owing to the rapid development of commercial
1860-61: Outbreak of the American Civil War and
' Share Mania ' in India.
1894: Formation of the Hamada Shares and Stock
Brokers Association.
1908: Formation of the Calcutta Stock Exchange

Capital market investment takes place through the bond
market and the stock market.
The capital market is basically the financial pool in
which different companies as well as the government
can raise long term funds.
Capital market investment that takes place through the
bond and the stock market may be elucidated in the
following heads.

The stock market is basically the trading ground capital
market investment in the following:
i) Companys stocks
ii) Derivatives
iii) Other securities
The capital market investments in the stock market take place
1) Small individual stock investors
2) Large hedge fund traders.
The capital market investments can occur either in:
1) The physical market by a method known as the open
2) Trading can also occur in the virtual exchange where
trading is done in the computer network.

The bond market is a financial market where the participants
buy and sell debt securities.
The bond market is also differently known as the debt, credit
or fixed income market.
There are different types of bond markets based on the
different types of bonds that are traded. They are:
1. Corporate,
2. Government and agency,
3. Municipal,
4. Bonds backed by mortgages & assets,
5. Collateralized Debt Obligation.
6. The capital market investment in the bond market is done
7. Institutional investors
8. Governments, traders and
9. Individuals.

Investment in long term financial instruments is
accompanied by high capital market risks.
Since there are two types of Capital markets- the Stock
market and the Bond market.
So risks are present in both the market.

Pratik-From slide 1 to 8
Jitesh-From 9 to 15
Reshma-From 16 to 19
Siddhita-From 20 to 24
Jagruti-From 25 to 30

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