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Seminar on 2 nd December 2009

1 2 /2 0 /0 9 1
Topics Discussed...
2.Hologram & Holography
3.History of holography
4.Photography vs Holography
5.HOLOGRAM- Recording & Reading
7.Types of hologram
8.Holographic Memory
9.Holographic Versatile Discs (HVD)
12. 12/20/09 2
Hologram & Holography

 A hologram is a flat surface that,

under proper illumination, appears
to contain a three-dimensional

 Holography is the Nobel award-

winning science

 The hologram presents a true three

dimensional recreation of the
original object. 12/20/09 3
History of holography

Invented in 1948 by Dennis Gabor for use

in electron microscopy, before the
invention of the laser

Leith and Upatnieks (1962) applied laser

light to holography and introduced an
important off-axis technique

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Conventional vs. Holographic

C o n ve n tio n a l:
2-d version of a 3-d scene
Photograph lacks depth perception
Film sensitive only to radiant energy
Phase relation (i.e. interference) are lost

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Conventional vs. Holographic

H o lo g ra m :
Freezes the intricate wavefront of light that
carries all the visual information of the
To view a hologram, the wavefront is
View what we would have seen if present at the
original scene through the window defined by
the hologram
Provides depth perception

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Two laser beams used (Signal and
Data encoded on signal beam via Spatial
Light Modulator
Second beam interfaces with reference beam
through the volume of photosensitive
recording medium

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 Reading:
 Reference beam used to diffract off recorded
gratings reconstructing stored array

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Areas of Holographic
 Security

 Entertainment

 Packaging (Consumer Goods Brand Protection)

 Gifts

 Tax Stamp

 Labels & Tapes

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Areas of Holographic

 Decoration
 Art and Interactive Graphics
 Architecture
 Sports Events

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Medical Applications

 Holographic Techniques
X-Ray Holography
 Endoscopic Holography
Internal Hologram Recording Endoscope
External Hologram recording Endoscope
Multiplexed Holography For Medical Tomography
Holography in Ophthalmology
Diffractive Bifocal Intraocular Lens
Holography in Dentistry
Holography in Otology
Study of Tympanic Membranes
 Holography in Orthopedics

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Hologram – Reflection vs. Transmission

Transmission hologram: reference and object waves

traverse the film from the same side
Reflection hologram: reference and object waves
traverse the emulsion from opposite sides

View in View in
Transmission reflection
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3.4 Embossed Holograms

Widely used in most security

applications .
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3.5 Integral Hologram
 Made from a series of photographs of an object.
These are usually transparencies.

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3.6 Rainbow Holograms
 Very practical holograms
 Displaying three-dimensional images
 Images are reconstructed by white light.

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Computer Generated
 Holograms produced with the help of
 Used for developing 2D and 3D

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Multiplex Hologram

 Depicting the holographic storage of

photographic information.
 Produced by combining a large number of
photographs in a holographic manner.

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Holographic Storage - Background

Holographic Imaging discovered in 1947

by Hungarian Physicist

Original Theory was to improve electron

Holographic images on toys, credit
cards, magazine covers, art, etc.

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 sto rin g 1 te ra b y te ( T B ) d a ta in a
su g a r- cu b e - size d cry sta l.
 D a ta fro m m o re th a n 1 , 0 0 0 C D s
co u ld fit o n a h o lo g ra p h ic
m e m o ry sy ste m .
 recording multiple images in the
same area utilizing light at
different angles
 capable of recording and reading
millions of bits in parallel
 D a ta tra n sfe r ra te : 1 G B / se c
12/20/09 20
H olog rap h ic D ata S torag e
 uses three-dimensional holographic images
to enable more information to be stored in
a much smaller space.

 holography records and reads over a million

bits of data with a single flash of light.

 High storage densities and fast transfer

rates, combined with durable, reliable, low
cost media

 50 hours of high definition video on a single

disk, 50,000 songs on a postage stamp, or
500,000 x-rays on a credit card.
Holographic storage makes it12/20/09
all possible. 21
Storage Trends:
 T h e fu tu re is sto ra g e -ce n tric , sto re d
d a ta is th e h e a rt o f a m o d e rn
n e tw o rk .
 B y 2 0 1 4 th e a ve ra g e U S h o u se h o ld
w illh a ve a b o u t 1 2 Te ra b yte s o f
co n te n t sto re d
  U p to 1 , 6 0 0 Te ra b yte s m a y b e
re q u ire d fo r a co m p le te d ig ita l
m o vie p ro d u ctio n a t 4 K re so lu tio n
 B y 2 0 1 5 p e rso n a lco n te n t w illg re a tly
exce e d co m m e rcia lco n te n t a n d
12/20/09 22
Holographic Versatile Discs (HVD)

0 , 7 GB 9 GB 30~ 50 GB

What is next ?
12/20/09 23
Holographic Versatile Discs (HVD)
 fe w h u n d re d m o vie s o n a n o p tica l
d isc? T h a t's th e g o a lo f th e
H o lo g ra p h ic V e rsa tile D isc ( H V D )
 ( 1TB ) of data onto a single optical
d isc - H a lf o f th e ca p a city w o u ld b e
e n o u g h to re co rd six ch a n n e ls o f T V
fo r five a n d a h a lf d a ys non -stop
 H V D d isc co u ld h o ld a s m u ch d a ta a s
2 0 0 sta n d a rd D V D s
 Tra n sfe r d a ta a t o ve r 1 g ig a b it p e r
se co n d , o r 4 0 tim e s fa ste r th a n a
12/20/09 24
Holographic Versatile Discs
( HVD)
1 Page
B it Data
D at

~1μm Recording
Substrate Layer

D a ta a re re co rd e d o n to th e Page data are recorded into
su rfa ce a s b it b y b it the volumetric recording layer
in C D / D V D S yste m
in Holographic recording
onventional Optical Disc
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 Optical computers Will use holograms

as "circuit elements". Parallel
processing is made possible
because when a hologram is
addressed, all the information
comes out simultaneously

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 Mostly the holographic techniques have

been used for biomedical applications.
 X-ray holography
 Endoscopic holography
 Three dimensional images of biological
 Holography is useful for measurements
for biomedical specimen.

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 Holograms are made inside live organs

through optical fibers, providing more
details than any previous alternate

 Holographic interferometry is used in

numerous laboratories for non-
destructive testing. It visually
reveals structural faults without
damaging the specimen.

 Instantaneous growth rate of a live plant
can be directly observed through a
hologram. 12/20/09 32

 Anti-counterfeiting in credit card is

now a common practice.

 Holographic microfiche for high
density information storage is more
attractive then conventional

 Holographic scanners are used in
store check-out counters for
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Zebra hologram

 A 2-foot-by-3-foot colour
Zebra hologram contains
a staggering 2 terabytes
(2 trillion characters) of
 Zebra's "virtual camera"
records a 3-D image file,
like a map, from 500,000
slightly different
perspectives. Each shot is
encoded on a laser,
focused through a
spherical lens and burned
onto a 1-millimeter
section of plastic called a 12/20/09 34
Future Applications of Holographic Technology

 holographic televisions
 Holographic cinematography
 Holographic projector
 holograms will revolutionize storage
 Optical or holographic computers
 holographic security methods
 Using holograms in museums and
exhibitions with animated multimedia
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Holographic Mobile

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