Forms of Advertising

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Forms of Advertising- II

Advertising Management
Categories of Advertising
• Public Awareness Advertising
• Product Advertising- 3 Types
• Consumer Advertising
• Industrial Product Advertising
• Service Advertising
• Corporate Advertising
• Public Relation Advertising
Categories of Advertising
• Public Service Advertising
• Financial Advertising
• Global Advertising
• Internationalizing of Advertising
Service Advertising
• Services are activities, benefits, or
satisfactions offered for sale
• They are intangible, inseparable, variable
& perishable.
• They require strict quality control, supplier
credibility, & adaptability
Service Advertising
• Personalizes services like
• laundry, hair grooming, beauty salon,
automotive repairs,
• when advertise place greater emphasis on
the institution offering it
• & the advantages in patronizing them
Service Advertising
• The advertisers may project a congenial
atmosphere, quickness of service,
economy, exclusiveness, status
• Luxury hotels & airlines attach great
significance to service with a smile,
courtesy, thoughtfulness, & claim that they
offer a home away from home
Service Advertising
• Banks advertise about the teller system,
personalized banking, computer banking
• Hospitals may talk about location &
Institutional Advertising
• Advertising intended to promote a company or
organization rather than its products; also
called Corporate Advertising.
Institutional Advertising
• The institution presents its story to create
an image in the minds of the target
• May present its views on a national cause,
like prevention of blindness, & the efforts it
has taken to help the cause
Institutional Advertising
• It may list its social contributions or may
emphasize its social contributions
• It may stress on the mission of the
organization & its philosophy
• Institutional Advertising is indirect, subtle,
& affects our basic attitudes
Terms of Advertising
Institutional Advertising
• Company may build on its history & may
build its awareness around it
Institutional Advertising
• The ad copy may be directed to a potential
market, or any of the interest groups like
employees, shareholders, govt.,
• Institutional advertising cultivates or tries
to promote a spirit of friendliness towards
it among the public
• Aims at building a positive image or its
internal & external customers
Institutional Advertising
• It does not attempt to sell anything directly
• The advertising is integrated to public
relations of the organization
• It can be informative, persuasive, or
• This advertising gives the face/image to
the company
Institutional Advertising
• Main objectives:
• To make the company known
• Make its products/services known
• Achievements known
• Values known
• Make its socio-political, economic or moral
statements known
Institutional Advertising
• Establishes a relationship
• Example: Taj Group
• A new hotel is trying to create an identity;
how can it be done? What is the role of
relationship marketing in marketing a hotel
Receptivity to Institutional
• The information is hardly relevant to many
• Recall rates are low
• Self-praise
• It asks for no action- only approval
• Difficult to evaluate
• Can have major impact- considered nice,
rather than necessary
Trends- Institutional Advertising
• Used to harness investor support
• Has become means to an end- end being
public issue
• Smaller companies go for corporate
advertising for getting visibility
• This trend was started in the 80s by RIL
for its branded issue Khazana
Trends- Institutional Advertising
• The high stakes make a pre-issue
campaign essential
Public Relation Advertising
• It is a part of institutional marketing
• Most widely accepted definition is: ‘the
deliberate, planned & sustained effort to
establish & maintain mutual understanding
between an organization & its public’
• PR is an extended arm of the
management& tends to flow over the
whole business & its management
PR Advertising

• Public Relation Advertising represents the

management & & communicates the
policies, problems and performances to
the public
• PR advertising should be objective
• Often this is done before the share issues
• Annual reports & Chairman's speech also
can be used
PR Advertising
• Crises control management is also a part
of PR
• Many areas of institutional advertising &
PR overlap
• Communication with the public
Public Relations
• Public relations (PR) is the practice of
managing the communication between an
organization and its publics.
• Public relations gains an organization or
individual exposure to their audiences
using topics of public interest and news
items that do not require direct payment.
Public Relations
Common activities include speaking at
conferences, working with the press, and
employee communication.
Public Relations
Because public relations places exposure
in credible third-party outlets, it offers a
third-party legitimacy that advertising does
not have.
Public Relations
• PR can be used to build rapport with
employees, customers, investors, voters,
or the general public.
• Almost any organization that has a stake
in how it is portrayed in the public arena
employs some level of public relations.
• There are number of related sister
disciplines all falling under the banner of
Corporate Communications, such as
Analyst relations, Media Relations,
Investor Relations,
Internal Communications or
Labor Relations.
Public Service Advertising
• Is part of the social responsibility by the
advertising agencies, business
organizations, government or social
service organizations
• Seeks to promote important social issue
• Created to promote awareness of public
Public Service Advertising
• Some examples include:
• Handicapped children
• Save the girl child
• National integration
• Drug addiction
• Blood donation
• Education system
• Save the tiger
Public Service Advertising
• The public service advertising is awarded
by the institution of Ashok Jain Awards
where they are judged on
• Thematic brilliance
• Design & layout
• Inspired copy
• Renewed vision
• Best entry by young amateurs
Public Service Advertising
• There is some public service even in ads
like soap, detergent, banking, insurance
• But it is considered product advertising
with a public service slant
• Here primary demand is being stimulated
• Essential to focus on target segment-
family planning would not appeal to
farmers because more children, means
more help in the fields
Public Service Advertising
• Also called:
• Public awareness advertising
• Social service advertising
• Social awareness advertising
Financial advertising
• A lot of investment is done today
• A small percentage of the investor
community can be motivated that
understands their aspirations & respects
their intelligence
• Promoting capital issues has become
avery specialized field of advertising called
financial advertising
Global Advertising

• Global advertising is defined as any paid

form of non-personal presentation &
promotion of ideas, goods or services by
an identified global sponsor of a product to
a global customer
Global Advertising
• Objectives:
• To keep up world-wide corporate image
• To reduce production & creative costs
• To avoid message confusion in
international areas of media overlap
Global Advertising
• Degree of Standardization:
• Depends on product type
• Nestle requires a high degree of
• Coke is less culture bound

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