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Adaptation and Selection of Words

Construction of Clear Sentences and

Writing for effect

The Basic Need for Adaptation
What do we mean by adaptation ?

Fitting the message to the specific reader

Readers do not all have the same ability
to understand a message( vocabulary,
knowledge of subject or the same
To adapt

we must..know the person with
whom we wish to communicate & form
our message to fit that persons mind

Visualizing the reader
Adaptation BEGINS with .

visualizing the reader- imagining what he/she
knows, feels, thinks and such

Example : in talking to a child, we
naturally adapt the language to the child.
Similarly, in business comm. We need to
adapt the language to the reader
Techniques of Adapting
Often you will need to write at levels
lower than your own

In writing to less educated workers,
you may need to simplify (write
differently for highly educated people
Adapting to Multiple Readers

If you write for 1 person in a GROUP,
you may miss the other.

To communicate with all, write for
the LOWEST member of the group.
Use Familiar Words
Unfamiliar Words :The machine has a tendency
to develop excessive and
unpleasant audio symptoms
when operating at elevated temperatures
Familiar Words- This machine tends to get noisy when it
runs hot
Exercise : Company operations for the
preceding accounting period terminated
with a substantial deficit
Choose Short Words
Short words generally communicate better than long words

Long words sometimes leave an impression of difficulty &
hinders communication

Use long word only when you think your readers know it.

Long words Short words
The decision was
predicted on the
assumption that an
abundance of
monetary funds was
The decision was
based on the belief
that there would be
more money
Use Concrete Language
opposite of abstract
concrete words (exactness) stand for
things the reader can SEE, FEEL,
it can refer to readers experience

Abstract Concrete

The majority 62 percent
In the near future By noon Thursday
Substantial amount RM123,456.78

Suggestions for Nondiscrimanatory

Avoid Sexist Words ( he, him, his,
man-made, businessman, etc)

When an unauthorized employee enters the
security area, he is subject to dismissal

An employee who enters the security area is
subject to dismissal
Avoid words that Stereotype by
Race, Nationality, , Sexual
Orientation or Those with Disabilities

(Janji Melayu, Malay Contractor, Tauke Cina,
China man, teenagers, deaf & dumb)

In summary

Explain the role of adaptation
in selecting words that
Simplify writing by selecting
short and familiar words
Use technical and acronyms

Discuss the differences in the
strength of words and select the
words that communicate your
message best.
Write with clarity and precision
by selecting the right words
Use words that do not
Lets discuss !

Refer to Activity Sheet 1

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