Day 1

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Araullo University
May 18 - 20, 2011
Participants Introduction
Name, Role in the Organization, # of
Years in AU
Origin of my name and what I like
about my name

Program Overview
Training Goals:
Display mindset and skills needed to
perform your function as first line coaches
to the teachers
Display more confidence in your
approach in giving feedback and
conducting coaching sessions
Program Overview
Specific Objectives:

Explain the role and importance of coaching in
Performance Management
Describe the difference between Performer-centered
and Coach-centered coaching
Understand and explain reasons for poor performance
Explain the different coaching models and be able to
appropriately choose what model to use given a particular
Demonstrate effective feed-backing, listening and
questioning skills
Demonstrate how a problem is translated into a motivating
outcome in any conversation using the GROW model
What are YOUR Expectations?
Name one thing you want to take
home from this 3-day program.
What are your hopes for this training?
What are your concerns regarding this
training and its implementation?
A word of
during a failure is
worth more than an
hour of praise
after success.
Learning to be a coach is one of
the most effective ways to
become an excellent teaching
and leadership practitioner

Coaching is personalised learning
at its height

Enables people to challenge
limiting beliefs safely

Developing leadership capacity:
growing tomorrows school leaders

Activity 1 What is Coaching?
Think of a special person in your childhood
or career, someone who helped you
develop. Then ask yourself the following

What did they do?

What qualities and behaviours did they

How did you feel as a result?
Is this common?

treated me as an equal
listened to my point of view
believed that I could
challenged me
were fun and enthusiastic
showed trust and respect
gave me time and full attention

I felt:

safe and cared for

Coaching is not about:
Giving answers or advice
Making judgements
Offering counselling
Creating dependency
Imposing agendas or initiatives
Confirming long-held prejudices

Coaching Is NOT
An opportunity to correct someones
behaviors or actions
Directing someone to do something to
meet the goals
Being the expert or supervisor who has
all the answers
About trying to address personal issues

As a general principle, it is not the role of
the coach to provide answers or give
advice. A core purpose of coaching is
to support the development of the
thinking and learning processes of the
professional learner.

"A man sooner or later discovers that he is the
master-gardener of his soul, the director of his
Coaching is Cultivation
Peter Senge asks organizations to operate
like gardens rather than like machines.
We need to move to a gardening
model: cultivate and grow people
rather than fix them.
Coaching is the gardening tool to
cultivate skills.
Coaching Is . . .
A means of learning and development
Guiding someone to meet his/her
Mutual sharing of experiences and
opinions to create agreed upon
Inspiring and supporting others

Coaching is about:
Coaching is a leadership approach that can be used
flexibly to meet the needs of individuals and groups.

The coach should focus on the goals of the individual
and/or the school and use sensitive questioning to
establish an agreed action plan.

The process is based on the three core skills of deep
listening, precise questioning and promoting action.

Coaching fits best in a school culture that is
predicated on shared leadership rather than a
command and control, hierarchical structure.

What is Coaching?
Coaching is a set of skills for managing
performance to deliver results
Coaching is an approach to management
how one carries out the role of being a
It is a goal focused conversation
The coach always has this question in his
How is this discussion helping this person
achieve his/her goal?

What is a Coach?
A coach is someone who supports, explains,
demonstrates and guides others via
encouragement and asking questions.
Creates the capacity for continuous
improvement, development and success
through supporting people and organisations to
make best use of their knowledge, insight, vision,
creativity, sensibility, and vast ability to learn and
Centred on goals
Non-directive, does not impose solutions or

Coaching is...
Helping someone expand and apply skills,
knowledge and abilities, by

Setting Goals
Definitions: Coaching, Counseling,
Mentoring, & Training
Coaching focuses on improving skills.
can address issues of know how, know when, know
why, motivation, time, distraction, priorities, support.
Counseling is coaching that focuses on peace
of mind.
Mentoring is coaching about career and
relationships with people and the organization.
Training is skill building from the ground up.
Benefits of Coaching
Coaching enables people to discover their
strengths, to concentrate on areas for
development and to learn from their
It motivates them to move forward in their
role, and to take responsibility for their goals
and actions.
It discourages the command and control
method of management
Benefits of Coaching
Coaching skills can also be used to
introduce a more collaborative
approach to:
performance management;
meetings and group discussions.
Benefits of Coaching
Increased confidence and self-awareness;
Enhanced emotional intelligence;
Effective resolution to issues and challenges;
Professional/personal growth and career
Better decision-making and clarity around goals;
Improved time and stress management; and
Enhanced interpersonal (verbal and non-verbal)
communication skills
Group Activity 2
PEN COCs Next Top Coach
What are the KASH of the PEN COC
Characteristics of a Coach
Performance centered
Focus on Learning
Develops Individuals

A Great Coach is . . .
Evolutionary elder
The coach has more experience and know
how than the person being coached.
Coach can be a sounding board for ideas.
Coach benefits when the person being
coached achieves.
Coach leads the supporting cheers.

The Habits, Qualities, Attributes and
Traits of a Good Coach
Coach shows the person being coached the
right steps to take, which pitfalls to avoid.
Reality checker
Coach helps person being coached evaluate
progress towards goals.
Coach (and person being coached) envision
what success would look like.
The Habits, Qualities, Attributes and
Traits of a Good Coach
Coach directs person being coached as to
what actions to take. Uses phrases like try this
Coach often can see & understand what the
person being coached cannot.
Coach can sometimes sound an early warning.

Coaching Mindset
Believe in Potential
Be Unattached
Dont Know and Dont Fix It
Keep It Light and Fun
Stay Curious
Trust Your Gut
Build Awareness Before Action
Coaching Actions
Create Space

Ten Roles of a Coach
Resource Provider
Data Coach
Curriculum Specialist
Instructional Specialist

Classroom Supporter
Learning Facilitator
School Leader
Catalyst for Change

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