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Group : A collection of two or more people
who meet regularly and influence one another
over a period of time , perceive themselves
as a distinct entity distinguishable from
others, share common value and strive for
common objectives.

Dynamic: always active or changing

Group dynamics

- the study of groups, and also a general term for
group processes. In group dynamics, the phrase
"group process" refers to the understanding of the
behavior of people in groups, such as task groups, that
are trying to solve a problem or make a decision.

An individual with expertise in group process, such as
a trained facilitator, can assist a group in
accomplishing its objective by diagnosing how well the
group is functioning as a problem solving or decision
making entity and intervening to alter the group
operational behavior.

o Group Cohesiveness

When member of a group subscribe to
common values, beliefs and objectives and
when there is a high level of agreement
between them on these matters and how
best to achieve those adjectives of the
group , a state of cohesiveness is said to

According to Kurt Lewin , the founder of the
movement to study group scientifically the
phrase "Group Dynamics" contains two

(i) Group- a social unit of two or more
individuals who have in common a set of
believes and values, follow the same norms
and works for an establish able aim common.
The members of the group share a set of
common purpose, task or goals.

(ii) Dynamics- the flow of, coherent activities
which as envisaged or will lead the group
towards the establishment of its set goal.

People join groups for a variety of reasons. Some group
members are motivated by task concerns and others are
motivated by interpersonal attraction to other group members.

Group Synergy : It refers to the idea that two heads (or
more) are better than one. You may have also heard the phrase,
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts," which also refers
to group synergy. Put simply, groups are often capable of
producing higher quality work and better decisions that can an
individual working alone. Support and

Commitment : A group may be more willing to take on a
large project than would an individual. In addition to its increased
ability to perform work, the group can provide encouragement
and support to its members while working on a big project.

Interpersonal Needs: Individuals often join a group to
meet their interpersonal needs. William Schutz2 has
identified three such needs: Inclusion, Control, and
Affection. Inclusion is the need to establish identity
with others. Control is the need to exercise
leadership and prove ones abilities. Groups provide
outlets for this need. Some individuals do not want to
be a leader. For them, groups provide the necessary
control over aspects of their lives. Affection is the
need to develop relationships with people. Groups
are an excellent way to make friends and establish

A formal group is established by management and is expected to
perform a well defined tasks to achieve organizational objectives. At the
organizational level formal group helps to accomplish complex
,interdependent tasks and create new ideas. At the individual level it
helps to satisfy a persons need for affiliation , confirm his identity and
enhance self esteem.

Formal groups are again classified in to two types:

Task group : Temporary formal groups that are established to solve
specific issues. Example of a task group will include a curriculum
committee constituted to look after specific disciplinary issues in an
organization. Such task groups compromises of people from different
department who possess complimentary skills in the area of expertise
that are required.

Command group : Permanent group in an organization dictated by the
structure of the organization. A typical command group comprises of
supervisors exercising his authority over a set of subordinates.

Grows out of need for friendship, affiliation,
companionship and communication between people.
The membership of this group is not identified by the
organization but it is dependent upon the common
values and interest shared by the employees.

A common example of informal groups are tea or
coffee group. Membership to groups are often found
to be more powerful than formal group.


It is based on common characteristics such as age,
common value and college affiliation. They help to
satisfy the affiliation need of the members. Members
have tremendous influence on each other.


These group comprises of individual who
shares mutual interest and group tries to
achieve their objectives.


individual who comes to fight for a common cause
such as alcohol or smoking is an interest group.

A permanent group in its evaluation has to pass through five distinct
stages.( tuckmans 1965). In a temporary group the fifth stage is also

The five phases are :

a. Forming : The first stage in group formation is the inclusion of the
members in a group for a definite objective. The primary
consideration is to focus on the task in hand and the utilization of
resources to complete it. Members tries to get to each other and
build rapport. Most people are very cautious of each other and seek
for guidance. The search for power center or leader also may begin
at this stage .

b. Storming : As member receive clarity about
the techniques of doing the job , there may be
disagreement about the process involved, the
way resources are being used and their own
lack of skills and abilities to do the job. Among
the members themselves there may be
personality clashes , ego hassles , friction in
interpersonal relationship and inability to
accept leaders power, there by creating a
dissonance among the group members,.
c. Norming : As the differences begins to resolve, members
develops mutual understanding and clarity with respect to
the task in hand. There is an open invitation to exchange
feelings and ideas which results in the acceptance of each
others opinion. Cohesion also develops at the social level.
Members develops there own set of formal and informal
norms. ( through consensus) and try to abide by these

d. Performing : As members develops norms for work and
interpersonal relationship. Solutions to the problem begins to
emerge and constructive attempts are made to complete the
job. Members relate to each other while performing the task
with flexibility. Since interpersonal have been handled well,
the energy of the group gets channelized in a positive

e. Adjourning : This stage is more apparent
in temporary groups , where the members
have to abandon their membership in the
group once the task has been
accomplished. It creates a lot of mixed
feeling in terms of excitement of being able
to complete the task effectively and
experience melancholy for terminating the
existence of membership in the group.

ROLE EXPECTATIONS : These are defined as the
way others believe you should act in a given situation.
In the work place , it will be helpful to look at the topic
of role expectation through the perspective of the
psychological contract. Unwritten agreement that exist
between the employer and the employee . What
management expect from the expects from workers
and vice versa.

ROLE CONFLICT : When an individual is confronted to
divergent role expectation , the result is role conflict. It
exist when an individual finds that compliance with one
role requirement may it difficult to comply with others.

NORMS AND STATUS : Acceptable standard of behavior that
are shared by the group member. Norms tell the members
what they aught and ought not to do under certain
circumstances. Probably the most common group norm is the
performance norm . Work groups typically provides cues to
how hard they should work . Other types include appearance
norms and resource allocation norms( distribution of resources
like pay and equipment ).

CONFORMITY : The adjustment of ones behavior to align
with the norms of the group. Deviant workplace behavior : Also
known as antisocial behavior or workplace incivility. These are
the voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational
norms and in doing so, threatens the well being of the
organization or its members.

GROUP PROCESSES STATUS : A socially defined
position or rank given to groups or groups members by
others. Status is an important factor in understanding
human behavior because


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