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Amity Business School

Amity Business School
MBA, Semester 1
Dr. Anshu Yadav
Amity Business School Attitude
Predisposition to respond in positive or
negative way to someone or something in
ones environment

Attitudes are evaluative statements - either
favourable or unfavourable concerning the
objects, people or events
statements or
people, or
Affective Component
The emotional or feeling segment
of an attitude.
Cognitive component
The opinion or belief segment
of an attitude.
Behavioral Component
An intention to behave in a certain
way toward someone or something.
Cognitive = Evaluation
My supervisor gave a promotion
to a coworker who deserves it
less than me
Affective = Feeling
I dislike my supervisor
Behavioural = Action
I am looking for other work
I have a complain for my supervisor
Negative Attitude
Towards Supervisor
The Theory of Cognitive
Desire to reduce dissonance
Importance of elements creating dissonance
Degree of individual influence over elements
Rewards involved in dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes
or between behavior and attitudes.
Measuring the A-B
Recent research indicates that attitudes (A)
significantly predict behaviors (B) when
moderating variables are taken into account.
Moderating Variables
Importance of the attitude
Specificity of the attitude
Accessibility of the attitude
Social pressures on the individual
Direct experience with the attitude
Self-Perception Theory
Attitudes are used after the fact to make sense
out of an action that has already occurred.
Types of Attitudes
Job Involvement
Identifying with the job, actively participating in it,
and considering performance important to self-worth.
Organizational Commitment
Identifying with a particular organization and its
goals, and wishing to maintain membership in the
Job Satisfaction
A collection of positive and/or negative feelings that
an individual holds toward his or her job.
Types of Attitudes
Employee Engagement
An individuals involvement with, satisfaction with, and
enthusiasm for the organization.
Perceived Organizational Support (POS)
Degree to which employees feel the organization cares
about their well-being.
The Theory of Cognitive

Leon Festinger originated the concept
of cognitive dissonance, defining it as
inconsistency between two thoughts.
Cognitive dissonance may arise when a
person engages in an act that is
discrepant from ones self-concept.
Cognitive dissonance is the feeling of
discomfort caused by information that
is discrepant from your customary,
typically positive, self-concept.
Experiencing dissonance motivates an
attempt to reduce it.

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