Narcotic: Dzikrina Miftahul Husna

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Definition of Narcotic
The term narcotic is believed to have
been coined by Galen to refer to agents
that benumb or deaden, causing loss of
feeling or paralysis
Fist, Narcotic used for therapeutically as
But, after a Long time, Narcotic use for
many activities with over dose.
Narcotics can be administered in a variety
of ways. In a medical context, they are
taken orally, transdermally (skin patches),
injected, or administered as suppositories.
As recreational drugs, they may be used
orally, but are also commonly smoked,
snorted, or self-administered by the more
direct routes of subcutaneous ("skin
popping") and intravenous ("mainlining")
injection, depending on the precise
substance in question. (Recreational use of
suppositories is uncommon.)
Kinds of Narcotic
Shabu-Shabu Ampetamin
Kinds of narcotic
Magadon Heroin
Kinds of narcotic

Cocain Extacy/Inex

Drug effects depend heavily on the
dose, route of administration, previous
exposure to the drug, and the
expectation of the user.
A side from their clinical use in the
treatment of pain, cough suppression
and acute diarrhea, narcotics produce a
general sense of well-being, known as
euphoria, and reduce tension, anxiety,
and aggression.
Narcotic use is associated with a variety
of side effects, including drowsiness,
itching, sleeplessness, inability to
concentrate, apathy, lessened physical
activity, constriction of the pupils,
dilation of the subcutaneous blood
vessels causing flushing of the face and
neck, constipation, nausea, vomiting and,
most significantly, respiratory depression.
Among the hazards of careless or
excessive drug use are the increasing
risk of infection, disease and overdose.
Medical complications common among
recreational narcotic users arise
primarily from the non-sterile practices
of injecting. Skin, lung and brain
abscesses, endocarditis, hepatitis and
HIV/AIDS are commonly found among
persons with narcotic dependencies who
share syringes or inhale the drug.

With repeated use of narcotics,
tolerance and dependence develop.
The development of tolerance is
characterized by a shortened
duration and a decreased intensity
of analgesia, euphoria and sedation,
which creates the need to
administer progressively larger
doses to attain the desired effect.
Tolerance And Dependence
Physical dependence refers to an
alteration of normal body
functions that necessitates the
continued presence of a drug in
order to prevent the withdrawal
or abstinence syndrome.

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