Miss USA

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Louis Terkel

Born: Bronx, New York on May 16, 1912

Russian-Jewish American
1934- got a Law degree in the University
of Chicago
Changed his name to Studs"
Died: October 31, 2008 at his home in
Chicago at the of 96
Louis Terkel
A master chronicler of American Life in the
1940s Radio shows and TV programs
Books- Division Street America, Hard
Times, Working, American Dreams: Lost
and Found
Prefers to call himself a guerrilla journalist
with a tape recorder
Ms. USA: Emma Knight
I. Introduction
An Essay a short literary composition on a single subject
usually presenting authors personal view
Prologue of American Dreams: Lost and Found
About Emma Knights journey towards becoming Ms. USA
Emma Knight: Not your typical beauty queen, the reluctant
beauty queen
i. Reminiscing on the time she was Ms. USA
ii. Adolescence: a loner, feels ugly and awkward
being taller than other girls (Paragraph 1)
iii. University of Colorado 3 years (1968-1971)
iv. Went home for the Summer- Model, Commercial
Actress, Acting Jobs

v. Miss Illinois Universe sponsored by a lumber
vi. Signing of contract
vii. Training for Miss USA February to May
curly hair
Handshake: Ring up

viii. Miss USA the only beauty queen that didnt cry
when she won
ix. Newspaper Interview Nixon should resign
x. Invitation from the White House- Richard Nixon
on Sony
xi. Runner up in Miss Universe lost to Miss
Philippines, Margie Moran

viii. Crowning the New Ms. USA Nobody gives a
damn on the old one (Paragraph 22)
ix. Opinions on beauty pageants I could tell
them what I hated. It wouldnt make any

Thesis Statement
Ms. USA: Emma Knight by Louis Terkel focuses
on how American Dream affects the view of
Americans regarding beauty, Feminism and how
society dictates identity.

Its mostly whats known as t and a, tits and ass
(Paragraph 1)
The beauty queen syndrome: the young, untouched,
unthinking human being (Paragraph 9)
I never sign anything that I dont read (Paragraph 11)
You want a ghost writer? I said: Hell no, I know how to
talk. (Paragraph 17)

I didnt like being told by Seventeen magazine:
Subvert your interest if you have a crush on a guy,
get interested in what hes interested in what hes
interested in (Paragraph 1)
Tell me, is it Miss or Ms.? I said: Its Ms.
(Paragraph 11)

Society dictates Identity
There she is, Miss America, your ideal. Well not
my ideal, kid (Paragraph 14)
What I resent most is that a lot of people didnt
expect me to live this version of the American
Dream for myself. I was supposed to live it their
way. (Paragraph 19)
The con is on (Paragraph 26)


The essay Ms. USA depicts the journey of Emma
Knight towards becoming the Miss USA and how she
struggled against oppression and redefined the
American Dream for women.

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