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Listening and Speaking

Lesson Plan
Focus : Listening and speaking
Theme : World of stories
Topic : Flora and Fauna
Learning Standards : 1.1.2 Able to listen to and enjoy stories.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of
oral texts:
( c ) by giving True / False replies

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
State three requests from the frog mentioned in the story.
Respond to True or False statements orally

Time : 30 minutes

Teaching Aids : Worksheet of True and False , Big Book, Audio
Activities : Pre-listening:
Teacher asks pupils to listen to some sounds of animals.
Pupils guess the sounds orally
Teacher reads the story while pupils listen to the story.
Teacher asks pupils to state the three requests from the frog in
the story.
Pupils say the three requests aloud.
Teacher tells the story again. Pupils listen.
Teacher gives True / False Statements and pupils reply orally.

Appendix 1
Exer 1
Listen to the sounds made by the animals. Name the

Exer 2
Say True or False to the following statements.
The golden ball had accidentally fallen into the
The frog failed to find the golden ball from the
The frog stated three requests after he found the
golden ball.
The princess disagreed to the frogs requests.
The frog turned into a handsome prince.

Appendix 2
A frog prince
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess who had a golden ball. One
day, while playing in the garden, the ball fell into a pond. While she sat there
crying helplessly, a frog hopped out of the pond and asked, why are you crying,
little princess? she told him about her golden ball. The ugly frog said, I can get
your ball but what will you give me in return? I will give you anything you
want! said the princess. The frog immediately dived into the water and fetched the
ball for her. The princess was very happy and ran back to the palace.
The next morning, the princess found the frog waiting for her. He said, I
have come to live in your palace, Hearing this, the princess was upset and ran to
her father. The kind king told her to keep her promise. The princess had no choice
and let the frog stay at palace. During dinner, the frog asked the princess to take
him to her bed at night. The princess picked him up angrily and threw him to the
In a flash, the frog turned into a handsome prince! He told the princess that
he had been under the spell of a wicked witch. The princess fell in love with the
prince. They were married to live happily ever after.
Lesson Plan
Focus Skill : Reading
Theme : World of stories
Topic : Flora and Fauna

Learning Standard : 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and
sentences in linear and non-linear text.
2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
match the picture cards to the phrase cards correctly.
rearrange the jumbled sentences according to the
sequence of the story by numbering the sentences.

Cross Curricular Elements / Educational Emphases : Mastery Learning,
Values and Citizenship
Teaching aids : Picture cards, phrases cards, worksheets
Teaching aids : Picture cards, phrases cards, worksheets
Activities :
Teacher divides pupils into groups.
Pupils match few picture cards to the phrase cards correctly in their groups.
(Appendix 1)
Pupils paste the cards on the board.
Pupils read aloud all the phrase cards.
Teacher reads the story while pupils listen. (Appendix 2)
Pupils read the story in groups.
Pupils underline the difficult words found in the story in pairs.
Teacher discusses the story.
Teacher asks questions to the pupils to check their understanding of the
What are the characters in the story?
What is the moral value that you find from the story.
Pupils transfer information from the story read into a table. (Worksheet 1)
Pupils read out the completed table.
Pupils rearrange the jumbled sentences according to the sequence of the story by
numbering the sentences. (Worksheet 2)

a beautiful princess

a golden ball

an ugly frog

a pond

a kind king

a castle

a handsome prince

1. The title of the story

1. The characters of the story

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________

1. The moral value of the story
Worksheet 1
Name : ____________________
Class : ____________________
Fill in the table.

The princess golden ball fell into a pond. 1
The princess promised the frog if the frog helped her.
The next morning, the frog waited for her outside the palace.
A frog hopped out of the pond.
The frog turned into a handsome prince.
The king asked the princess to keep her promise.
The frog dived into the water to fetch the ball.
The princess threw the frog on the floor.
They were married and live happily ever after.
Worksheet 2
Name : ____________________
Class : ____________________
Number the sentences according to the story read.

Lesson Plan
Theme : World of Stories

Topic : Flora and Fauna

Learning Standards : 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct
spelling :
a) phrases
b) simple sentences
3.2.1 Able to complete
a) linear texts

Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
a) rearrange correctly the 3 out of 5 pictures
according to the sentences
b) rearrange the sentences into correct sequence of
the story.

Cross curricular elements/ educational emphasizes : a) Mastery Learning
b) Knowledge Acquisition

Teaching Aids : LCD, slideshow,
pictures, worksheets
Teaching and Learning
Activities : 1. Teacher selects 5 students randomly to come in front of
the class to hold set of pictures cards
2. The students are given 2 minutes to rearrange the pictures
in a correct sequence of Frog Prince story that they have
heard before.
3. Teacher shows 5 sentences to the pupils using the
slideshow and LCD.
4. Teacher asks the students to read the sentences
5. Teacher asks for volunteers to come in front and
arrange the pictures according to the correct sentences.
6. Teacher distributes the worksheets to the students
containing pictures and sentences of the Frog Prince story.
7. Teacher asks students to rearrange and write down the
sentences according to the picture with correct sequence
of the story.
8. Teacher discusses the answers with the students. Teacher
shows the correct sequence of the story to the pupils.
9. Teacher asks question what is the moral of the story.
10. Teacher writes down the students answers on the
whiteboard and explains the moral values in the story.

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess who had a golden ball.
One day, while playing in the garden the ball fell into a pond.
While she sat there helplessly, a frog hopped out of the pond and asked
her why she cried. The frog said that he could help her get the ball.
The next day, the frog came to the palace and the princess had no
choice to let the frog stay at the palace.
During dinner, the frog asked the princess to take him to her bed at
night. The princess picked him up angrily and threw him to the floor.
In a flash, the frog turned into a handsome prince! The princess fell in
love with the prince. They were married to live happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful
princess who had a golden ball. One
day, while playing in the garden the ball
fell into a pond.
While she sat there helplessly, a frog
hopped out of the pond and asked her
why she cried. The frog said that he
could help her get the ball.
The next day, the frog came to the
palace and the princess had no choice
to let the frog stay at the palace.
During dinner, the frog asked the
princess to take him to her bed at night.
The princess picked him up angrily and
threw him to the floor.
In a flash, the frog turned into a
handsome prince! The princess fell in
love with the prince. They were married
to live happily ever after.
Language art
LEARNING STANDARDS 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative work with
guidance based on story given.

4.3.2 Able to perform with guidance based on.

1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recites
rhymes, tongue twister, and sing song paying
attention to pronunciation, rhythm, and
OBJECTIVES By the end of the lessons, pupils would be able
to ;
1. Produce their own mask.
2. Acts based on the dialogue given.

2. Line Printed Mask
SET INDUCTION 1. Teacher plays a frog sound and ask students to guess.

PRE 1. Teacher plays a video titled The Frog Prince.
2. Teacher asks student about what happened in the story.
3. Teacher ask pupils to name all the animals they can see in the story.
4. Teacher divides pupils into 5 groups.
WHILE 1. Teacher explains what they are going to do.
2. Teacher gives the printed mask to pupils and ask the pupils to colours
and cut it.

POST 1. Teacher shows dialogues using PowerPoint.
2. Pupils read the dialogues with teacher guidance.
3. Teacher calls out five pupils to come in front and try to act according to
the dialogues.
CLOSURE 1. Teacher discuss about the moral values in the story.
Lesson Plan
Theme : World of Stories
Topic : The Frog Prince
Content Standard : 5.1 Pupils will be able to use different
word classes correctly and appropriately.
Learning Standard : 5.1.3 ( c ) Able to use simple past words
correctly and appropriately.
Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
form at least 6 simple past words.
Time : 60 minutes
Teaching aids : word cards / interactive games/ slide

Activity TLS Notes

1) Teacher shows an
interactive game on
simple past tense
using LCD projector.
2) Teacher encourages
the pupils to play the
3) Teacher introduce the
basic rule for the
past tense using
4) Pupils practice the
given quiz.


Practice by recalling


Identifying the correct
form of simple past.

Tapping their existing

Appendix : ( a )
( b )
( c )
( d )

Activity TLS Notes
Able to form and use
simple past

Pupils add ed or just d
To make past tense.

Get pupils to make a list of
irregular past tense.
Appendix ( e )
4. Pupils practice the given quiz.

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