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Meaning of assessment centers:-

The Assessment centers are today
considered the most effective tools for identifying
future managers. means they help a company to
hire the best people by evaluating their
knowledge,behavoural traits, skills, and
Selected candidates go through simulations
and situational exercise which are effective
indicators of their abilities.
Assessment centre process

• Identification and definition of the strategic purpose of the centre.

• Analysis of the target job or capability level to define the require
competencies and skill for success.
• Design of appropriate materials
• Training of assessors to use assessment material.
• Communication with the participants to inform them of the process.
• A concluding, structured consolidation analysis and discussion final
decision making process) to identify summary performance and capability
for each individual.
• Structure, consistently delivered feed back to the participant on that
• Review of the performance of the assessment process in delivering against
the strategic needs identified at the beginning.
Benefits to organizations: Assessment centers make it possible
for organization to make use of the best methodology for
assessing their employees” if the assessment is competency
based the organization can use the overview data to plan
acquire and develop the capabilities that it will need in the
The use of Assessment centers in the industry

Modern assessment centers in the UK tend now to follow

the American format although there are still some which have
their roots in the public sector civil service model. The growth
in the use of assessment centers in the Uk has been rapid. In
the 1986 Robertson and making reported that slightly more
than one quarter of the organizations who employed 500
people or more used assessment centres.In 1989 Mabey
reported that more than one third of the companies employing
over 1000 people used them while most recently Boyletal
reported that 45 per cent of the organizations who responded
used assessment centres and that their use was more prevalent
in the private sector and by larger organization.
The main reason is behind this has been the realization
that centres have the element of decision making in selection
and promotion that can have a demoralizing effect on those
individuals who have not been performing.

Many industry leaders are currently using assessment

centers and their modified forms to improve their human
resources capital diverse companies like HUL,Ranbaxy,Tata
Group,Tera nova,HSBC,ICICI,Colgate,Motorola have well
defined assessment centers to look into the overall personal
and organizational growth.
A History of assessment centre

Assessment centers in the UK: How were the people

assessed earlier? This approach of an assessment center in
organization started just two decades back. Looking into
history in 1942 war office selection Broads were introduced in
the UK to selected officers.Anstey recounts that the system
where the boards replaced had clearly broken down.
Assessment centre in the USA: In the USA the pioneering work
undertaken by the office of strategic studies used the method
to select spies during the second world war in the USA post
war development moved to the private sector. The pioneer was
the American Telephone and Telegraph company, which used
assessment centers in its management progress study, which
began in 1956 to investigate changes in personal
characteristics as managers moved through their careers.

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