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Abdus Salam 2
Lecture-3 & 4
History of Internet
Intranet vs Extranet
Internet Service Provider
Internet Address
World Wide Web
Web Browser
Domain Name System
Bandwidth and
Abdus Salam 3
A network of networks in which user of any computer can get
information from other computer, if they have permission.
An internet (note the lowercase letter i) is two or more networks
that can communicate with each other.

It is a generic term used to mean an interconnection of networks.

The second is the name of a specific world wide network.
The most notable internet is called Internet (uppercase letter I),
in which connect more than hundreds of thousands interconnected
Abdus Salam 4
History of Internet
The extraordinary communication system Internet came into
being in 1969.
In mid-1960, mainframe computers in research organization were
stand-alone devices. Computers from different manufacturers
were unable to communicate with one another.
The ARPA in the DoD was interesting in in finding a way to connect
computers, so
In 1967, at an Advance or Association for Computing Machinery
(ACM) meeting, ARPA presented its ideas for ARPANET, a small
network connected computes.
The basic purpose to create a network that allows the researchers of
one university to able, to talk or share their research to Researchers
The network was designed to work without centralized control.
This means if one portion of network fails or destroy in disaster or in
military attack, the remaining portion will be able to route packets
from sender to receiver through alternate path.
Abdus Salam 5
An Intranet is an organization network,
that uses Internet protocols, network connectivity to
securely share part of an organization information or
operation with its employee.
An intranet belonging to an organization, usually a corporation,
accessible only by the organization's members, employees, or
others with authorization.

Abdus Salam 6
An Extranet is designed to connect the offices of a large
organization situated in metropolitan area.
Extranet is simply an external network.
Intranet is accessible only to people who are members of the
same company or organization,
An extranet provides various levels of accessibility to
outsiders like a company with its customers, suppliers, or other
business partners.
You can access an extranet only if you have a valid username
and password.
Extranets are becoming a very popular means for business
partners to exchange information.
Abdus Salam 7
Internet has linked numerous LANs into huge network.
The LANs and computer connected to internet is maintained by
Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
ISP sells internet services to netizen.
Today most end users who want Internet connection use the
services of ISPs.
There are :
International ISPs,
National ISPs,
Regional ISPs and
Local ISPs.
Internet Service Provider
Abdus Salam 8
The International ISPs that connect nations together.

The National ISPs are backbone networks created and maintained by
specialized companies.
The Regional ISPs are smaller ISPs that are connected to one or more
national ISPs.
The Local ISPs provide direct services to the end users.
Internet Service Provider
Abdus Salam 9
ISP (Internet Service Provider) List of Pakistan
ISP City Website
Asia Net Lahore
Brain Net Karachi, Lahore
Click Online Peshawar
Comsats Islamabad, Karachi
Cyber Access Karachi
Cyber Net Karachi
Dancom Online Karachi
Excel Net Islamabad
Expert Net Okara
Iqra Net Peshawar
Micro Net Islamabad
Internet Service Provider
Abdus Salam 10
Internet Address
Every computer on the Internet has a unique Internet address
(similar to telephone number), which can be accessed any other
computer by dialing to the other IP address.
The existing version now-e-days IP VER-4.
Static IP addresses
When a computer uses the same IP address every time it connects
to the network, it is known as a Static IP address. In contrast.
Dynamic IP addresses
In situations when the computer's IP address changes frequently
(such as when a user logs on to a network through dialup), it is
called a Dynamic IP address
Abdus Salam 11
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (commonly abbreviated as "the Web") is a system of
interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet
Introduced in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee
Allows computer users to locate and view multimedia-based documents
It allows users to explore and retrieve text and graphics from web
Transferring text and graphics simultaneously
Client/Server data transfer protocol
Applications, E-mail, Product Display, Catalogs, Order placement
Founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee
Devoted to developing non-proprietary and interoperable
technologies for the World Wide Web and making the Web
universally accessible
Abdus Salam 12
World Wide Web
Web site
A web site is a collection of web pages with some common
Like books, Web sites contain information and consist of pages.
A Web site may consist of many pages or just a single page.
Web page
A World Wide Web page
The individual pages that make up a Web site.
You can view a single Web page at a time.
Home page
When accessing a Web site, the first page displayed is usually the Home
page. Often, like a books table of contents, it gives information about
what is available on that site.
This is simply the first page displayed when you connect to the
Internet, or, the starting point of your Internet session.
Abdus Salam 13
Web Browser
Application Software that allows users to view Web content such as
text, images, videos, music, games and other information located on a
web page at a web site on the www. Or
A program on a computer that accepts requests for information,
processes the requests and allows you to navigate to resources on the
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Netscape Navigator
Google Chrome
Web browsers were introduced by companies like Mozilla,
Netscape, and Microsoft. More recently, Google entered the
browser market.
On the Web, you navigate--commonly known as browsing or surfing
Abdus Salam 14
Web Browser
Hyperlinks/ Links
One way to navigate the WWW is by clicking on a link.
A link is an area of a Web page that, when you click on it, will take
you from the page you are presently viewing to another page either
within the same site or to an entirely different site.
Links can be anything on a page.
Graphical or textual elements
Underlined text; Images; color varies but is often blue, Objects in
motion etc
Abdus Salam 15
Uniform Resource Locator is a fancy term for the address of a World
Wide Web page or other resource.
Used to identify web pages

The first part is protocol http://
Second is host name (name.domain name) or is the Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN).
This name identifies the web site containing the page.
The term FQDN" refers to a complete website or other
computer's name on the Internet.
The term "domain name" usually refers only to the last part of the
host name, in this case, which has been registered for
that particular company's exclusive use.
The 3rd part of the URL welcome/main.html is the path at which
this particular web page is located on the web server.
Protocol Hostname
File Path
Abdus Salam 16
DNS server translate symbolic name (such as
into numerical IP address.
Symbolic names are a great convenience because they are easier
to remember than numerical addresses.
Domain Name System (DNS) is a database which keeps track of
computers names and their corresponding IP addresses on the
Its like a phone book.
DNS helps users to find their way around the Internet. here the domain name is google. Com
The www is not necessary and most commercial sites register
their name both with and without it.
ICANN, is responsible for managing and coordinating the DNS.
Domain Name System
Abdus Salam 17
The .edu is the top level domain the top level in which a site
wants to register.
The second level domain is typically the company or brand name
for most marketers.
Domain Name System

. (root)
edu org
Abdus Salam 18
Domain Name System
it is used for commercial websites.
They earn money from advertisements e.g.
it is used for educational websites e.g.
Government institutions
Non-profit organizations
Used for military websites e.g.
Networking organizations. It represents an organization that is
working on network
Abdus Salam 19
A communication protocol is set of rules that control data
The protocol determine the following:
The types of errors
How the sending device will indicate that it has finished sending a
How the receiving device will indicate that it has received a

A protocol defines what is communicated, how it is communicated,
and when it is communicated.
Abdus Salam 20
HTTP is the protocol that supports communication between web
browsers and web servers.
The heart of the Web
Protocol for client/server communication
Very simple request/response protocol
Client sends request message,
server replies with response message
Do not confuse this with the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
HTML is a language used to write web pages.
Abdus Salam 21
FTP is the standard mechanism provides for a copying a file from
one host to another.
SMTP is used for transferring electronic mail.
SMTP connects to remote machines and transfer mail message
POP is an older method used by programs Netscape to send and
receive email from and to a mail server.
Abdus Salam 22
Server is computer that provides network resources or services.
Server based network also called client-server network, containing Client &
the server that support them.
The Web is known as a client-server system. Your computer is the client;
the remote computers that store electronic files are the servers.
Examples include file, print or communication servers.

Abdus Salam 23
Bandwidth refers to the capacity of transmission media.
The total media capacity or bandwidth can be divided into channels.
A channel is simply a portion of the bandwidth that can be used for
transmitting data.

A high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major
pathway within a networks.
Abdus Salam 24
MODEM short for modulator/demodulator.
A device, either internal or external, which connects the user to
their ISP, which in tern connects the user to the internet.
The modem is necessary because the phone network transmits
audio, not data bits.
Modulation is a prescribed method of encoding digital (or analog)
signals onto a waveform (the carrier signal).
Once encoded, the original signal may be recovered by an inverse
process called demodulation.

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