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EF 105
Fall 2006
Week 12


1.Program Flows
More on loops (While)
MATLAB program Structures
Control Structures
In the last lecture three types of control structures were
Straight line control
Conditional control (or branching structures)
Iterative control (or looping structures)

Conditional structures were covered in the last lecture. The
focus of this lecture will be iterative structures.

Iterative Structures
MATLAB offers two types of iterative structures:
for loops primarily used to execute a block of statements a
specified number of times
while loops used to execute a block of instructions while a
certain logical test is true
The for loop
The for loop is used to execute a block of
statements a specified number of times. It has
the form shown to the right.
for loopVar = loopVector
Command 1
Command 2

Command n
Evaluate the following summation:

1 i
i Sum
>> for1
Sum = 3025
>> for2
Sum = 3025
% filename: for1.m
% Example: Use a for loop to find sum(i^3) for i = 1 to 10.
Sum = 0; %Initialize variable to zero
for i = 1:1:10
Sum = Sum + i^3;
fprintf('Sum = %0.0f\n',Sum);
% filename: for2.m
% Example: Use a for loop to find sum(i^3) for i = 1 to 10.
Sum = 0; %Initialize variable to zero
for i = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Sum = Sum + i^3;
fprintf('Sum = %0.0f\n',Sum);
Write a program to determine the balance after N years on an account that contains
an initial deposit D and earns a simple interest of I percent. Prompt the user to
enter values for N, D, and I.
>> Interest
Enter the amount of the initial deposit: $1000
Enter the percent interest rate: 6
Enter the number of years: 10
Final balance = $1790.85
% Sample program to determine the final balance in a savings account where
% D = initial deposit
% I = interest rate (percent)
% N = number of years
% Filename: Interest.m
D = input('Enter the amount of the initial deposit: $');
I = input('Enter the percent interest rate: ');
N = input('Enter the number of years: ');
Balance = D; %Initial value in the account
for years = 1:N
Balance = Balance*(1+I/100);
fprintf('Final balance = $%0.2f\n',Balance);

Nested for loops
For loops can occur within other for loops as shown in the examples below. Note that
while indenting loops is not required, it helps to make them more readable.
for loopVar1 = loopVector1
Command 1
for loopVar2 = loopVector2
Command A1
Command A2

Command An
Command 2

Command n
Sum = 0;
for I = 1:10
for J = 1:15
Sum = Sum + 1;
fprintf(\nSum = %0.0f,Sum);
What value for Sum is printed
in the program below?
The example program on the following slide:
Prompts the user to enter each value of a 2D array
Calculates the maximum value of the array (and the row/column where the max
% Program to prompt the user to enter values in a matrix
% by row and column number.
% Also find the max value in the matrix.
% Filename: Matrixmax.m
format compact
Rows = input('Enter the number of rows in the matrix: ');
Columns = input('Enter the number of columns in the matrix: ');
for i = 1:Rows
for j = 1:Columns
fprintf('Enter A(%0.0f,%0.0f):',i,j);
A(i,j) = input(' ');
% find the max value in the matrix
Max = A(1,1); %Set max to first value in array
MaxRow = 1;
MaxCol = 1;
for i = 1:Rows
for j = 1:Columns
if A(i,j)> Max
Max = A(i,j);
MaxRow = i;
MaxCol = j;
fprintf('Max value in array A is A(%0.0f,%0.0f) = %0.2f\n',MaxRow,MaxCol,Max);
>> Matrixmax
Enter the number of rows in the matrix:
Enter the number of columns in the
matrix: 3
Enter A(1,1): 12
Enter A(1,2): 14
Enter A(1,3): 17
Enter A(2,1): 23
Enter A(2,2): 11
Enter A(2,3): -8
A =
12 14 17
23 11 -8
Max value in array A is A(2,1) = 23.00
The while loop
The while loop is used to execute a
block of statements as long as a
logical test is true. It has the form
shown to the right.
while LogicalTest
Command 1
Command 2

Command n
TRY IT: What is the greatest value of n that can be used in
the sum 1
+ 2
+ + n
and get a value of less than 100?
>> S = 1; n = 1;
>> while S+ (n+1)^2 < 100; n = n+1; S = S + n^2;
>> [n, S]
ans = 6 91
The lines of code between while and end will only be
executed if the condition S+ (n+1)^2 < 100 is true.
Another While Example
Modify the previous program that
calculated the balance in an account after
N years so that it will determine the
number of years to reach a desired

See next slide.
% Sample program to determine the number of years required for an initial
% balance to reach a final value
% Deposit = initial deposit
% Desired_Balance = final value to be reached
% I = interest rate (percent)
% N = number of years
% Filename: Interest2.m
Deposit = input('Enter the amount of the initial deposit: $');
Desired_Balance = input('Enter the desired final balance: $');
I = input('Enter the percent interest rate: ');
N = 0; %Initialize the number of years
Balance = Deposit; %Initial value in the account
while Balance < Desired_Balance
N = N+1;
Balance = Balance*(1+I/100);
fprintf('\nResults:\nFinal balance = $%0.2f\n',Balance);
fprintf('Number of years to reach final balance = %0.0f\n',N);
>> Interest2
Enter the amount of the initial deposit: $1000
Enter the desired final balance: $3000
Enter the percent interest rate: 7

Final balance = $3158.82
Number of years to reach final balance = 17
While Example2
Suppose we wish to sum the odd integers
from 1 to 9 using a while loop. Here is the
Matlab code to do that:
sum = 0; num = 1;
while num <= 9
sum = sum + num; num = num + 2;
Programming Tips
Use descriptive names. This is true for
script names as well as variable names.
The name need not be long, but it should
relate to the intended use. Short names
such as i, j, k can be used for temporary
variables and loop counters. Remember
not to use blanks or dashes in M-file

Other Programming Tips
Whitespace is essential for making
source files readable.
Meaningful parts of code are grouped
together by using blank lines as
Indentation - use tabs/spaces to indicate
the level of nesting. Don't forget that you
can use the Smart Indent (Text->Smart
Indent) feature of the Matlab text editor to
handle indentation for you.
Use comments throughout your scripts to explain why
the code is important, not just re-iterate what each
statement is doing.
Use several lines of comments at the top of each of your
M-Files to describe the script.
You don't need to comment every statement. Use
comments to:
highlight the major steps of your algorithm
explain long calculations or conditions
clarify convoluted or unusual code
mark locations where you suspect a bug may exist
mark locations where improvements or enhancements
are planned
A Well Documented M File
Take a look at the baseball trajectory
MATLAB Exercise 3
See the Word document for this
exercise and perform at end of
class on your own!!

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