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Enterprise SIP Evolution

Enhanced Release 6.0 –

CS1000 IM and Presence Application

September 8, 2009


CS1000 IM and Presence - Agenda

• Introduction and Overview

• Application Design Discussion
• How it works
• Deployment
• Configuration
• Tips and Trouble-shooting
• Management Design Discussion
• ‘Live’ Demo
• Q&A

CS1000 IM and Presence – Release 6.0 ‘Plus’
• Release 6.0 delivers significantly improved SIP Line
• New SIPL Uext is significantly improved for operation
• Improved ‘action’ as a Line
• Ability to ‘listen’ for features
• New SLG core component
• Combines registrar, proxy, and signaling for h/w reduction
• Builds new ‘translation’ function => access to BGT features
• ‘Fits’ into CS1000 deployment schemes for scale and robustness
• Introducing the new CS1000 IM and Presence Application
• Extends the capabilities of release 6.0
• IM and Presence are ‘foundation’ UC services
• Native capability delivered by CS1000
• Native IM and Presence service for ALL CS1000 line types.

Release 6.0 Builds SIP Base; IM and Presence Extends 6.0 Value
CS1000 SIP Line: IM and Presence
• Interim development
• Use of Jive open source software
• OpenFire Server Delivers IM and
Presence ‘engine’
Carrier • Sparkweb Server – browser access
to Presence, IM
• Add Nortel IPR – Openfire ‘plug-in’
CS1000E • Presence for all CS1000 lines
COTS – SSG_TC • Extends IPSP 3456 value
• SIP soft client with Video
CS1000E SIPL • XMPP-capable, IM and Presence
CPPM – Call Svr. • Plan for Fall ’09 delivery
CPPM – Sig. Svr. CS1000E • Delivery of IM and Presence
• Packaging and UCM ‘launch’
• Significant benefits to
COTS – IM and Presence development
• All CS1000 Lines have all ‘base’
COTS – SLG multimedia
• IM, Presence
• SIP Lines add Video+ Presence+ IM
• First delivery of ‘base’ services
• Sets ‘stage’ for Puma

CS1000 IM and Presence – Application
• CS1000 IM and Presence
• XMPP is set of open methods for
delivery of IM and Presence (etc.)
XMPP Server • Standards-based
OpenFire Server • Key components
• Presence Engine • OpenFire Server
• Instant Message
• Presence ‘engine’
Nortel • Browser UI • IM server
Plug-In • Sparkweb
• Component of OpenFire suite
• Browser I/F to Presence and IM
• Nortel ‘Plug-in’
• Nortel code => IPR
• Allows tracking of dialog/events for
CS1000 lines=> on/off phone
• User access to IM/Presence App
• SIP Line + IPSP3456
• Browser, via Sparkweb
IPSP3456 User Browser User
CS1000 SIP Line – IPSP 3456 Soft Client

• IP Soft Phone 3456

• Basic presentation window
is shown on right
• Telephony ‘calls’ window at
• Dial pad indicator
• Video, conferencing, etc
• Speaker/microphone
• ‘Call’/’Hang-up’ button
• Address Book window
• ‘Contacts’ management
• Display options
• Add contacts
• Search
• Call History
• Video window for video
calling- active when used
• IPSP3456 can handle
multiple accounts – allows
multiple service proxies
CS1000 SIP Line – IPSP3456 IM and Presence
Pre-Puma UC
IPSP 3456 1 • IPSP3456 can handle multiple
accounts –
• Allows multiple service proxies
• Enables service from both the
CS1000 and an IM/Presence
3 engine
• Standard presentation window is
augmented with new information 1
• Integration of OpenFire service
• Open source IM/Presence
server, XMPP based
• Presence information is shown
2 in 2
4 • busy/idle update when using
SMC client
• customized presence message
• Instant Messaging window
“Scroll-over” window
• Shows message conversation3
• Gives Presence information
• Gives a ‘Typing’ activity
message for the respondent
• ‘Scroll-over’ window gives
information on ‘friends’
CS1000 UC – Browser UI via Sparkweb
• Nortel PUA/Plug-in development
allows Presence information to
be tracked for all CS1000 line
• Another Jive Software open
source component allows those
users to monitor Presence and
also IM
• Sparkweb
• Part of the OpenFire ‘suite’
• Browser I/F to Sparkweb
3 • Leverages OpenFire
2 • ‘Standard’ browser window
• User’s own Presence state and
1 options to manually change at
top of Presence window
• Presence information from the
OpenFire server is shown in the
2 lower portion of the Presence
• Instant Messaging window
gives a simple view to IM with
3 capability to IM with all Openfire
CS1000 IM and Presence Application
Delivery Elements, Customer Implementation
Bundle $ License $
• Deliver
XMPP Server
OpenFire Server
• Presence Engine
• IM/Presence App +
• Instant Message

• Browser UI
Plug-ins s/w bundle
• Signaling Server SU
CS1000 + COTS – IM/Presence + + (Includes Subscriber
Manager update)
License • CS patches
• Server (COTS2)
• Enterprise customer purchases: • SIPCD license per user
•Server -COTS2
•UC software -Application ‘bundle’ • Incremental:
•SIPCD license -unit = 1 • IPSP 3456
• License based on a ‘User’ of services, not per line/device • SIP Line
• All treated as ‘Merchandise’, simplifies EC and delivery
• I&C includes
• CS patch application
• SS Service Update, Subscriber Manager update
• Use of Subscriber Manager to provision ‘Users’
Application Design Discussion

Network Topology (Simple Demonstration)
Each user has dual accounts: one
telephony account to get voice service
from call server; And one XMPP to register
to the IM & Presence Application.

Publish User Agent
Call Server Signaling Server IM & Presence Application


John Smith Betty Joe

DN: 3127 DN: 3124

User Name: jsmith User Name: bjoe
Password: xxxxx Password: xxxxxx

Phone Presence Update Message Flow

CS SS Presence Server
Phone PUA NT1K Plugin

1: USM OffHook
2: PUBLISH, activity=busy

Client offhook, CLS = PREA and 3: 200 OK

PSDN is acquired by PUA

1: USM OnHook
2: PUBLISH, activity=idle

3: 200 OK

Client onhook, CLS = PREA and

PSDN is acquired by PUA

Deployment Model
>Single Presence Server to server
multiple call server.
Publish User-Agent
(PUA) >No redundancy of the IM & Presence
System #1
Node #1 application in the initial offering
>Each system (call server) can have
multiple PUAs connected.
CS >PUAs can be configured in
Publish User-Agent active/stand-by configuration to
(PUA) achieve node-based redundancy.
Node #n

IM & Presence Application

Publish User-Agent
System #m (PUA)
Node #1

CS nodes

Publish User-Agent
Node #n

Software Packaging and Deployment
• Call server
• Install presence patch
• Patch based on release 6.00R, MPLR29026.
• New Signaling Server (SS) application (can co-reside with other SS
applications like LTPS or SIPGW)
• Available in 6.00.3x build
• IM & Presence Application
• New software package available on Deployment Manager (DM)
• Available in 6.00.3x build
• Subscriber Manager
• Deployed through DM
• Packaged in 6.00.3x build
• SubM2.0

Installation / Upgrade / Configuration Flow
• Call server (CS)
• Install CS patch
• Perform CS configuration (see Server Configuration slide for details)
• All CS configuration can be done through EM except for the LD 23
• Element Manager (EM)
• Upgrade Signaling Server with 6.00.3x build
• Deploy EM package
• EM application needs to be upgraded to get the new PUA
configuration page and the changes in Phones page.
• Signaling Server (SS)
• Install/Upgrade Signaling Server with 6.00.3x build
• Deploy SS package
• Use Element Manager (EM) to configure PUA

Installation / Upgrade / Configuration Flow (cont.)
• Subscriber Manager
• Install/Upgrade Signaling Server with 6.00.3x build
• Deploy Subscriber Manager package
• IM & Presence Application
• Install 6.00.3x load on a COTS2 server (It has to be a fresh
install since the UC Server is a new standalone bundle)
• Deploy “UC Server” package
• Configure IM & Presence Application
• User Configuration
• If needed, use Migration tool in EM to migrate existing
CS1000 users into Subscriber Manager
• Use Subscriber Manager to configure IM & Presence
attributes for new/existing users

Server Configuration
• Call Server
• Configure AML link
• LD 17 Configure ELAN AML Link
• ADAN New ELAN elan# -- should be bigger or equal to 32
• LD 17 Configure VAS ID for AML Link
• VAS New
• ELAN elan # -- should match the one configured in previous step
• Configure Presence Service DN
• LD 23 Configure ACD DN
• REQ New
• CUST custNum
• ACDN xxxx -- An ACD DN to be used when configuring CDN
• LD 23 Configure CDN
• REQ New
• CUST custNum
• CDN yyyy -- An CDN number to be used by PUA
• CDSQ Yes -- Need to be yes, so the presence activity is sent to PUA
• DFDN xxxx -- match the ACD configured in last step

Server Configuration (Cont’d)

• PUA (refer to demo/NTP)

• Configure presence service
• NOTE: Match CDN and customer number with those
configured on CS.
• IM & Presence Application (refer to demo/NTP)
• Configure service domain (recommended with FQDN name)
• Only one service domain per network
• Configure listening SIP IP/port
• NOTE: match configuration with those provisioned on PUA

User Configuration
• New user
• In EM
• create a new Phone Template with Presence Service enable
and assign a PSDN
• In Subscriber manager
• Create new user
• Assign a unique user name
• Create password
• Create for the user a Telephony account using the Template
created earlier
• Existing user (refer to demo/NTP)
• In Subscriber manager
• Assign a unique user name and create a password for the user
• Modify the user’s existing Telephony account to enable Presence
Service and assign a PSDN

Supported Clients
• Phone Devices (for Presence update)
• All CS1000 Line types are Presence-enabled
• All ‘hard’ phones and ‘soft’ phones
• Presence can be monitored by IM & Presence soft clients (e.g
IPSP3456 or SparkWeb)
• IM is available via IM & Presence soft clients (e.g SparkWeb)
• IM & Presence Clients
• IPSP3456 – SIP soft client for SIP Lines, XMPP-capable,
delivers Voice, Video, and now IM and Presence
• Sparkweb – Delivers browser interface to IM and Presence
service for all CS1000 users

Client Configuration
• IPSP 3456
• The Jabber ID has to be
<username>@<FQDN of IM &
Presence Application server box>
• Password has to match user’s
Presence password in
• Outbound proxy is <TLAN (or
FQDN if DNS is being used) of IM
& Presence Application server
box >
• SparkWeb
• No special configuration required.
• Login to server using IE or Firefox
using URL:
• http://<server fqdn>/sparkweb

CS1000 IM and Presence –
User Experience Anomalies
• When using SparkWeb to watch a user who is logged in from more than 1
client, if one of the clients logs off, the user will be shown as offline on
SparkWeb even though the user is still online and have other clients connected.
The user will remain offline until a presence update occurs.
• When a hard phone user logs off from all of his clients during a call, his
presence will be seen as available when the call is completed, even if he
manually changed his presence before logging off.
• A user with multiple phones will not become available until all the sets
associated with his PUID are Available, unless the user otherwise overwrites it.
• When IPSP3456 user adds a friend in its Contacts list, the friend appears in the
list but its presence status doesn’t show right away until the friend’s status
changes, even if the friend is logged in.
• When Sparkweb user adds a friend in its Contacts list, the friend doesn't appear
in the list right away until the friend’s status changes, even when the friend is
logged in.

Trouble Shooting
• Verify PUA configuration
• puaShow
• Example output:
• === VTRK ===
• ===== General ======
• PUA State = AppReady
• ===== AML Info ======
• hAppBlk TaskName Tid LinkState NumRetry LinkNum Trace
• 0x9c5ef8 PUA 0xf300 Up 0 32 0
• AML Link Timer:
• Not Active.
• puaConfigShow
• example output
• === VTRK ===
• Service Domain :
• Primary Presence Server :
• Secondary Presence Server :  Not used in the initial offering
• Local SIP Port : 5075
• Local TLS Port : 5076
• Customer Number : 1
• CDN Number : 5001
• Verify IM & Presence Application status
• appstart openfire start|stop|restart|status
• Openfire is deployed at /opt/nortel/openfire
• Plugin is /opt/nortel/openfire/plugins
• Log files location: /opt/nortel/openfire/logs
• Config file location: /opt/nortel/openfire/conf

Trouble Shooting
• AML message
• On SS (PUA): puaAmlTrace 4 (0 to disable)
• Logs captured in ss_common.log file
• Example output:
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: Message Type: USM (0x1a)
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: Application : TPS (0x16)
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: IE (0x37) = ThisPartyTN, Len 0x2,
Data = [60 48]
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: IE (0x36) = ThisPartyDN, Len 0x2,
Data = 3124 [31 24]
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: IE (0x3b) = ThisPartyDNType, Len
0x1, Data = Internal [08]
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: IE (0x38) = ThisPartyStatus, Len
0x1, Data = Disconnect [05]
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: IE (0x96) = CallID, Len 0x4, Data =
[07 65 4e 02]
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: IE (0xf2) = UserId, Len 0xf, Data =
3124@NORTEL.COM [33 31 32 34 40 4e 4f 52 54 45 4c 2e 43 4f 4d]
• Aug 28 14:20:38 mhou-cppm vtrk: (INFO) tPUA: IE (0x5f) = EnhancedTimeStamp,
Len 0x7, Data = [1c 08 14 09 0e 14 2b]
• On CS: LD 48, enl msgi/msgo <aml link num>
• SIP message
• Wireshark
• Sip log file on IM & Presence Application server (for file location, check the server configuration
• XMPP message
• Wireshark

• SIPLines IPSP 3456 softphones do not require the PREA Class of
Service (CLS) on their UEXT TNs to enable presence capability. This
is because IPSP 3456 softphones have a built-in XMPP client that
communicate directly with the IM & Presence Application.
• Converged Desktop ISMs are used to control the new PREA CLS. As
a result, PREA and CDMO/CDMV CLS are mutually exclusive.
• Although an ACD DN and a CDN are required on the CS for IM &
Presence capability, no ACD agents are needed. The CDN is merely
used to identify the PUA where to send the AML messages.
• In the initial offering, the STAT SERV command in LD 117 on CS
does not show PUA application. It only shows VTRK. As well, LD 81
FEAT prompt does not recognize PREA/PRED input (cannot list or
count sets with PREA/PRED CLS).
• In the initial offering, the IM & Presence Application offers no

• A dedicated NTP for this new offering will be made
available by the Trials team.

Management Design Discussion-



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