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Minnesotans of African Heritage Concerns | 2014

Survey and Focus

Group Methodology

Survey was to solicit input from constituents and

Current policy initiatives of the Council on Black

To help determine the Councils policy priorities for 2015
legislative session

Survey was sent electronically to 1500 recipients

140 respondents

Providing a basis for a 90 percent confidence in the
applicability of the data
The purpose of our community focus group discussions was to collect information to ensure
people of African heritage benefit from policies and procedures of the State of Minnesota.

It followed Mohammed Dougal and Richard Kruegers discussion modal which requires
approximately 5-7 people who have some common characteristics

Conducted by a trained interviewer

Saint Paul (2), Minneapolis 2), Duluth (2), Rochester (2), Mankato (1), Faribault (1) and Saint Cloud

Number of Participants: 55
Survey Results
150 respondents
September 2014

Survey Results
140 respondents
September 2014

Questions Themes
What do you feel are some of the advantages of having the Council on Black
Minnesotans work at the legislature to ensure the concerns of African Heritage
people are addressed by the governor and the legislature?
An Entity To Go With Ideas, Educating The
Community, Address Disparities, Local Staff
Representation Is Needed
What are some of the key African Heritage concerns that need to be addressed by
the legislature and governor?
Jobs/Economic Development, Housing, Education,
Criminal Justice/Civil Rights, Cultural Preservation
What are some key actions that need to be taken to ensure the legislature and the
governor address those concerns?
Sustained Communications, Partnerships,
Coalitions, Mobilize

What are some of the main messages the legislature and the governor need to
hear to ensure they understand how these concern affect the African heritage
communitys quality of life?

Inclusion, Prevention, End Stereotyping, Self-
Determination, Common Good
What are some of the main messages the council on Black Minnesotans need to
take to the governor and legislature to ensure they understand how these
concerns affect the African Heritage communitys quality of life?
Equality, Rights, Encouragement, Training,
Empower, Resources
Are there changes you like to see to the Council on Black Minnesotans proposed
enabling legislation?

Name Locations Out State, Unify Our Voice
How are you willing to help the Council on Black Minnesotans with its work to
ensure the governor and legislature address concerns of the African Heritage

Help With Awareness, Go To Capitol, Mobilize,
Are there any other important things need to be considered related to the
legislature and governor addressing the concern of the African Heritage

Cultural Awareness, Meet With People Where They
Are, Action, Speak Out

Focus Group
Theme Results
55 Participants
7 cities

Questions Themes
What do you feel are some of the advantages of having the Council on Black
Minnesotans work at the legislature to ensure the concerns of African Heritage
people are addressed by the governor and the legislature?
It gives us people that represent our concerns. Can
help communities solve problems the way they
want them to be solved. Can go directly to the
governor and legislators.
What are some of the key African Heritage concerns that need to be addressed by
the legislature and governor?
Affordable Housing. Not Enough Housing. Jobs,
Crime Prevention Programs. Too Many Of Our Kids
Being Put In Jail. A Cultural Center
What are some key actions that need to be taken to ensure the legislature and the
governor address those concerns?
Open Office in Mankato. Build Coalitions With
Outstate Communities & the Metro. Mobilize People
to the Capitol to Support the Legislation

What are some of the main messages the legislature and the governor need to
hear to ensure they understand how these concern affect the African heritage
communitys quality of life?

We are United. We Need Quick Action Because
Issues Are Important
What are some of the main messages the council on Black Minnesotans need to
take to the governor and legislature to ensure they understand how these
concerns affect the African Heritage communitys quality of life?
Name Mankato As A Location For An Outstate
Council Office
Are there changes you like to see to the Council on Black Minnesotans proposed
enabling legislation?

Offer Training In Citizenship/Civic Engagement
How are you willing to help the Council on Black Minnesotans with its work to
ensure the governor and legislature address concerns of the African Heritage

Meet with Mankato Legislators. Mobilize Others To
Get Involved. Travel to the Capital. Help Others to
Understand We Share a Common Community and
Common Culture

Focus Group
Theme Results
7 Participants

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