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Presential &

Attained Knowledge
Most fundamental distinction pertaining to modes of knowing
The division of knowledge into the presential and the attained is based on
the distinction between immediate and indirect knowledge concerning the
intelligible or spiritual world.
Division into presential and attained knowledge is more fundamental and
universal than the religious-intellectual division

Presential knowledge : direct, immediate, supra-rational, intuitive and

Attained/acquired knowledge : indirect, rational, logical & discursive.

Presential Knowledge
Al-Ghazali refers to this knowledge under several names. Among them are ilm ladunni
(knowledge from on high) and ilm al-mukasyafah (knowledge of unveiling of the divine

Presential knowledge is superior to attained knowledge because it is free of error and doubt and
it confers the highest certitude concerning spiritual truths.

Presential knowledge : comprises both prophetic knowledge, which is derived from revelation
(wahy) and the knowledge of the saints, which is derived from inspiration (ilham) and which is
called knowledge from on high (al-ilm al-ladunni)

Al-Ilm al-Ladunni
Knowledge obtained directly from Allah. It can be experienced both by Prophets as well as non-

In this kind of revelation to a Prophet, an angel does not appear to the eyes. He does not speak
out words, remains concealed, but inspires the recipient with whatever Allah wishes to send
across of knowledge

In case of non-prophets, `ilm al-ladunni can take the form of inspiration. However, it has no
Shara`i or legal value. At best, it is for the benefit of the individual, and for him to judge its exact

Modes of Revelations
The infusion of an idea into the mind, which is called wahy in this verse.

The Holy Prophet has described this mode in the words: The Holy Spirit has put this
into my heart.

From behind a veil this includes dreams, visions, hearing words of inspiration.

By sending a messenger this refers to the sending of angel Gabriel, who is seen
and whose word is heard by the man receiving the revelation

Revelation to Prophets

1. The angel would come to him with a voice like the clanging of a bell. This is the
severest way revelation would come to the Messenger. Such a harsh sound
demands the full attention of the one being addressed with it. When the
revelation came in this manner, it was extremely demanding upon all of the
Messengers faculties.

2. The angel would come to him in the form of a man. This was easier than the
previous way, since the form of the angelic Messenger was familiar to the human
Messenger and easier to relate to

Both of these ways are mentioned by the Prophet in his answer to al-Haarith b.
Hishaam when he asked how the revelation came to him

Revelation to non-prophets

Revelation in spoken words : To Mariam, the mother of Isa, came the revelation: Shake towards yourself
the branch of the palm-tree. Fresh, ripe dates will fall on you. Eat and drink and cool the eye. (19:25)
Shake, eat, drink and cool are commands.

A slave-girl of Abu Bakr was pregnant. He said: It was revealed to me that it would be a girl. And she gave
birth to a girl.

True Dreams - These are the elementary stage of wah. It is the exposition or the manifestation of some
truth in a dream. A most definitive statement about the dreams has been given by the Holy Prophet
Mohammad. He said dreams are of three kinds: A self-suggestion; Satanic instigation; glad tidings from

Visions (Kashaf) - This is a form of revelation higher in grade than the True Dream. Literally, "kashaf" means
to open or to unveil. It is an experience in which a person in his state of consciousness and wakefulness
enters a spiritual world where he is informed about some truths by the All-Mighty
Attained Knowledge
It is our duty, as believers, to consistently seek knowledge in all aspects of
life. Without knowledge, we cannot overcome our fears and we jeopardize
our intellect and spirituality. Being ignorant would be like being in a dark
maze where we must guess our way out. It is thus important to strive in
attaining knowledge; the only cure for one's ignorance and the basic
foundation to reach for God
Ways to Attain/Acquire Knowledge
If you must read in order to acquire knowledge, read critically. Believe nothing till its
understood, till its clearly proven.

The men of the best memories are those who make notes, who write things down. They
just dont write to remember, they write to learn.

Pay attention to the person speaking. Contemplate the meaning of his words, the
nature of his thoughts. Grasp and retain the truth. Of all the ways to acquire knowledge,
this way requires least effort on your part.

Consider the knowledge you already have the things you really know you can do.
They are the things you have done over and over; practiced them so often that they
became second nature

5. ASK
We grow up to be men and women, still eager for knowledge, but afraid and ashamed to ask in
order to get it. When you ask, you have to be humble. You have to admit you dont know.

Desire is the foundation of all learning and you can only climb up the ladder of knowledge by
desiring to learn

Most of your knowledge, however and this is the great difference between non-education and
education is not in shape to be used, you havent it on the tip of your tongue. Its hidden, buried
away down inside of you and because you cant see it, you think it isnt there.

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