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Seerah of Prophet


Madani Period
Challenges before the Islamic
Movement in Madina.
✦ Islamic state in Madina emerged needing:
Administrative structure,laws,justice,family laws.
✦ Aggressive efforts at Dawah and attack on the false
✦ Settlement of the migrants in Madina with their financial
support but also their Islamic education and moral training.
✦ Prepare for Jihad and armed resistance against the enemies
of Islam.
Initial Steps
✦ Treaties with Jews.
✦ Hypocrites in Madina.
✦ Change of Qibla.
✦ Warning for pagans that their trade route to Syria
could be blocked.
✦ Abdullah bin Hajash led an ambush upon a
Pagan’s caravan.Omar bin Hadarmi died.This
happened without the Prophet’s approval.
Battle of Badar
✦ A big trade caravan of pagans was en route
from Syria to Mecca.
✦ Abu Sufyan sent a man to Mecca to get help
✦ He announced in Mecca that Muslims
attacked the caravan.
✦ Most of the pagan leaders prepared for fight
✦ 1000 men strong army prepared to march
to Madina.
Battle of Badar
Prophet’s(SAW) concerns
✦ Decisive battle with impact on future
✦ Muhajiroon came with no assets
✦ Ansaars had no experience of battle.
✦ Tribes of Jews had hidden animosity
✦ Hypocrites and some pagans in Madina
✦ Muslims resources and numbers were
disproportionately less than pagans.
Battle of Badar
Prophet’s (SAW) consultation
✦ He presented the situation before Sahaba
✦ He asked whether we should go after the trade
caravan or face pagan’s army
✦ Many opined to go after the caravan
✦ Prophet asked the question again
✦ Miqdad bin Amar ® from muhjiroon said we shall
go with you where Allah’s order is
✦ Saad bin Muaaz from ansaar supported
Battle of Badar
Comparison of forces
✦ Muslims ✦ Pagans
.313 men . 1000 men including
.3 horses 100 leaders
.70 camels .Several horses, camels,
.60 shields swords and shields.
Battle of Badar
Glimpses of fighting
✦ Prophet’s dua before the battle.
✦ Difficult test for muhajiroon, stood against
their family members.
✦ Pagans were defeated.70 of their men killed
including leaders.70 became POW’s.
✦ Pagan’s left lot of valuables behind.
Comments on the Battle of Badar
Sura Anfaal -8
✦ Purpose of Qital is not bounties but making Islam
prevalent and to please Allah.
✦ Obedience of ameer is pivotal in Jamaah.
✦ Victory in Badar was due to Allah’s Help.
✦ Jihad is the ultimate test for a believer.
✦ Your money and families are a test.
✦ Sabar is the essence of any movement
✦ Desire to achieve the objectives should never
allow you to compromise the Islamic guidelines.
Battle of Uhad
✦ Reasons
1-Defeat of pagans in Badar alarmed tribes
2-Pagans of Meccah wanted revenge.
3- Jews of Madina encouraged pagans to fight
✦ Pagans advance to Madina in Shawwal,3 Hijra with
3000 men.
✦ Prophet consulted the sahaba.
✦ Prophet gathered army of 1000 people.Hypocrites
withdrew 300 men.
✦ Enthusiasm of youth. Story of Rafe and Samra.
Battle of Uhad
✦ Prophet placed his army in front of uhad
✦ He appointed 50 archers led by Abdullah bin
Jubair to guard corridor in the mountain.
✦ Women in the pagan army sang and beat the
drums to encourage their fighters.
✦ In the beginning, Muslims defeated the pagan
army. Then they started gathering bounties.
Battle of Uhad
✦ Most of the archers at the Uhad coridoor left to get bounties
except few.
✦ Khalid bin Walid, leader of one of pagan’s fighting group
attacked from the poorly guarded Uhad coridoor.
✦ Muslims were now attacked from back and front.
✦ Muslim army was dispersed and many were on the run.
✦ Rumor was spread that the Prophet was killed.
✦ Many lost their will to fight when got the rumor.
Battle of Uhad

✦ Prophet was guarded by few sahaba.

✦ He was moved up to the mountain.
✦ When Muslims heard about Prophet’s
safety, they gathered again and fought.
✦ Pagans at that time left the battlefield.
✦ Latter, they thought of returning but did not.
✦ Prophet even chased them till Hamra ul
Battle of Uhad
Comments in Ale Imran:122-144
✦ Dependence on the Help of Allah.
✦ Love of material wealth was one reason for
initial defeat. Allah forbade Riba.
✦ Guaranty of success if you are believers.
✦ Islamic movement does not depend on
✦ Fear of death is the root cause of
cowardice.There is appointed time of death.
Tribal Revolts
✦ Uhad’s setback encouraged hostile tribes to stand
up against Muslims and fight.
✦ Jofeed tribe tried to attack in Muharram,4H.
✦ Lahyan tribe attacked same month.
✦ Safar,4H.70 learned sahaba were sent to the
Kallab tribe for teaching Islam & got killed.
✦ Two other tribes took 10 sahaba for teaching.7
were killed and 3 were imprisoned.Khabbab and
Zaid were sold in Mecca and latter killed.
Jewish Enmity
✦ Reasons
1-Jewish leaders felt threat to their business.
2-Quran was openly criticizing Jew's behavior
3-Fear of living under Islamic rule.
✦ Banu Qanqa- exiled Shawwal, 2H for declaring war
against Muslims.
✦ Kaab bin Ashraf executed Rabil Awwal,3H by
Mohammd bin Muslima.
✦ Banu Nazeer.Broke treaties and conspired to kill the
Prophet. Exiled to Kheyber.
Battle of Ahzab
✦ Jews in Kheyber conspired and incited pagans
to bring a 10.000 army to Madina.
✦ Prophet consulted sahaba.Salman Farsi
suggested to dig a ditch on open part of city.
✦ 8 Ziqad,5H digging started.10 yards of ditch
was assigned to 10 people.It was 5 yard deep.
✦ 3000 people dug it in 20 days.
Battle of Ahzab
✦ Pagans attacked Madina from 3 sides.33:10
✦ Hard test of Iman.Hypocrites exposed.33:12
✦ Enemy kept blockade for one month.
✦ They threw stones and arrows.
✦ They tried to cross the ditch.
✦ With Allah’s sent windstorm, enemies fled.
Battle of Ahzab
Commentary in Sura Ahzab
✦ Trust in Allah’s Help.
✦ Test of Iman.
✦ Root cause of weakness- fear of loosing life
and property.
✦ Excellent example in the Prophet’s conduct.
✦ Banu Qureza’s punishment for breaking the
treaty.Blockade.Decision according to their
book. 400 people killed, rest made POW.
Hudabeya Treaty- 6 Hijra
✦ Zeqad, 6 H, Prophet announced intention to
visit Kaaba.1400 Muslims joined him.
✦ Prophet sent someone to find pagan’s plan.
✦ Pagans started gathering forces.
✦ Prophet continued travel and stopped at
✦ Prophet sent Osman to negotiate.
Hudabeya Treaty
✦ News came that Osman has been killed.
✦ Bait Ridwan.Prophet gathered Muslims
under a tree and took a pledge that we shall
fight till we die or win.
✦ Peace Treaty. Pagan released Osman and
sent Suhail bin Amar for peace talks.
✦ A peace treaty was concluded and written.
Hudabeya Treaty
✦ Muslims shall go back this year.
✦ They shall return next year and stay for 3days
✦ They shall not have any weapons except one sword
in the shield.
✦ They can’t take Muslims left in Mecca and shall not
stop any Muslim from coming back to Meccah.
✦ If someone goes to Madina, he shall be returned but
if someone returns to Mecca, shall not be returned.
✦ Tribes shall have the choice to enter into
treaty with Muslims or pagans.
✦ This treaty shall be in effect for 10 years

Abu Jandal’s matter.
Effects of Hudabeya.
Letters to Kings and Emperors
6-7 Hijra
✦ Roman Emperor. Wahya Kalbi
✦ Persian Emperor. Abdullah bin Huzafa
✦ Aziz Misr.(Egyptian Emperor) Hatib bin
Abi Baltah
✦ Najjashi, King of Abysenia. Omar bin
Strengthening of Islamic State
and Society
✦ Attack on Khyber. Muharram, 7 Hijra.
✦ Laws and regulations for Society.
Suras Nisaa and Maida.
Family laws,rights of men and
women,inheritance law,prohibition of
alcohol and gambling, law of
testimony,general moral instructions.
Prophet performed Umra in 7 Hijra.
Victory of Mecca
✦ Violation of Hudabeya Treaty by pagans.
✦ Preparation to invade Mecca.10 Ramadan,8H.
✦ Abu Sufyan is arrested and released.
✦ Entry in Mecca.(Minimal fighting.)
✦ Peace declaration in Mecca.
✦ Entry in Kaaba.Removal of idols and pictures.
✦ Victory address by the Prophet.
✦ General amnesty.
Battle of Hunain
10 Shawwal, 8 Hijra
✦ Hawazan and Saqeef tribes prepared for war
✦ Prophet took 12000 men and weapons to fight in
Hunain (between Mecca and Taif)
✦ Some Muslims said who could defeat us.
✦ Initially, Muslims faced severe arrow attack
✦ Latter, they gathered around the Prophet and
fought well defeating the enemy.
✦ Surah Tauba, 9:25,26.
Battle of Tabook
Rajab, 9 Hijra.
✦ Conflict with Roman empire already started in
battle of Mota (Jamadi ula, 8 H).Sharjeel the ruler
of Basra brought army of 100,000 which fought
against 3000 Muslims.
✦ Farwa bin Amar Jizami, a Roman commander
became Muslim.Latter, he was killed by the
✦ Many tribes under Roman rule accepted Islam.
Battle of Tabuk
✦ Cesar prepared to gather his forces on
Syrian border to punish Muslims.
✦ Prophet decided to go forward and stop this
build up.
✦ Sacrifices of Muslims and excuses by
✦ Prophet left Madina with 30,000 army
✦ Cesar ordered his forces to retreat.
Steps taken after Tabuk.
✦ Dealings with hypocrites.
Demolition of Masjid Zirar
Not to accept their donations
No family or friendly relations with them.
Prophet should not attend their funeral.
✦ Disciplinary action against 3 sahabas.
✦ Clear political policy of the State.(Haj,9 H)
Last Haj 10 Hijra
✦ All methods of Jahileya are under my feet.
✦ No Arab has superiority over non Arab.You
are children of Adam and he was created
from clay.
✦ All muslims are brothers.
✦ Feed and clothe your slaves same what you
eat or wear.
✦ Killings and Riba of Jahileya are cancelled.
Khutbah Last Haj
✦ Fear Allah in the matter of women.
✦ Your blood and your money is forbidden for each
✦ If you hold fast to the book of Allah, you will not
be misguided.
✦ He asked,”Have I passed to you Allah’s
message?” Everyone answered,”Yes”.
✦ He said,”Now, you must pass on this message to
those who are not here.”
Death of the Prophet
✦ Safar,18, 11 H, he became sick.
✦ He appointed Abu Bakr to lead the salaat.
✦ When he was feeling a little better,he came
to the masjid and gave last Khutbah.
✦ Rabiul Awwal, 12, 11 H, he passed to Rafiq
✦ May Allah’s blessings be upon him.

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