Exam and Revsion 2014

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Week 12: Revision

Mark 315
Week 1: Introduction
What is a service?
Physical v Intangible
Differences between goods and services
Differences between types of services
Service system
7 ps of services
Week 2: Customer Behaviour
Model of consumer decision making
Pre purchase encounter post purchase
The role of culture Hofstedes dimensions
The impact of risk

Week 3: Distribution and Blueprinting
Distinguish between core and supplementary
Service flower
Method of delivery
Role of technology
Role of intermediaries
Role of blueprinting
Week 4: Targeting and
Segmenting/target market
Importance v determinace attributes
Positioning points of parity, contention and
Week 5: Pricing
Pricing objectives (profit/cover costs)
User based objectives (build demand)
Non-monetary objectives
Role of price (functional/strategic)
Pricing tripod (costs/competition/Value)
Revenue management rate fences
Week 6: Comms
Overcoming intangibility
Promises and expectations
Search, experience and credence attributes
Target audience (prospects/users/employees)
Channels (traditional, outside)
Week 7: Servicescape
What is it?
How servicescape leads to affect
Functional vs strategic
Week 8: Satisfaction and Service
What is satisfaction?
Role of satisfaction
Zone of indifference
Gap analysis
Week 9: Customer Relationships
Tiering of services
Relationship strategies (bonds/switching
Week 10: Complaints and
2 important components
Customer responses (do nothing/complai to
firm/complain to other/defect)
Why dont complain?
Service recovery paradox
Justice theory (procedure/interaction/outcome)
Recovery tactics
Week 11: Managing people
Boundary spanning, emotional labour, sources of
Cycles of failure, mediocrity and success
Human resource management empowerment
2 Hours
3-Nov- 14:30 (Check rooms)

2 Parts:

Pt 1:Case (compulsory), answer all questions, case but not questions, will
be made available on Blackboard 72 hours before exam (14:30 Oct 31
50 Marks.

Pt 2: Choose 2 from 4 questions (each worth 25 Marks)
Each question has 2 sub-questions (covering different parts of the course).
Some ask for your understanding of a topic others for you to apply concepts and some
ask both.

Manage time carefully, 1hr for case, 30 mins on each of other questions.

Some tips
Use marks as a guide of length
Exam is fairly long so bear this in mind
Do not write intro and conclusion
Use bullet points, draw tables/diagrams if you
Use examples to support answers - some
questions specifically require this

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