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Drainage and Sanitation


Types of waste or refuse
Domestic Waste:
Foul wastes received from water closets, urinals and ablutionary wastes
from showers, kitchen sinks etc.
Bio-degradable, re- cycleable or non-biodegradable waste from domestic
or commercial sources, commonly classified as Garbage.
Waste Water:
Waste water from wash basins, sinks, showers should be treated as foul
water with its own contamination and pollution load.

Types of waste/ refuse
Special Waste/refuse

Acidic and alkaline wastes Laboratories, hospitals, laundries,
industrial processing units etc
Infected waste containing flesh and
blood/ Bio hazardous waste
Hospitals, animal houses, abattoirs,
Greases, oils and fats Car servicing centres, workshops,
garages, animal labs, butcheries,
food processing units, restaurants
Solid organic and inorganic wastes Hospitals(ot, plaster rooms), soil
science, agricultural labs, metal
workshops etc.
Radioactive wastes Labs handling radioactive material,
reactors, etc
Large quantities of plain waste water Air conditioning plants, overflow of
water tanks, water coolers etc.
Sanitation Design
Sanitation services must be identified for each building as dictated by its
Planning these services include preliminary and detailed design
engineering, making detailed drawings, selecting material, estimating cost,
preparing tenders, selecting contractors, periodic site inspection and
acceptance of works after commissioning.
It is the duty of the sanitation engineer to advise architects and other
specialists on the space, structural load required for equipment and tanks,
electrical loads etc.
MEP consultants
Aims and Objectives of Sanitation Design
Minimum number of fixtures should be provided per building or dwelling
unit as per recommendations of national Building Code
Quality Sanitary Fixtures: Sanitary fixtures should be made up of smooth
non absorbent, non corrosive materials and should be free from concealed
fouling spaces. Fixtures should be in well ventilated enclosures
Water Trap Seal: Every fixture connected directly to the drainage system
should be provided with a water trap seal
All sanitary fixtures should be installed so as to be properly spaced with
adjoining walls, should be accessible and convenient to use.
Aims and Objectives of Drainage and Sewerage syatem
Safe Drainage system

Sewage is generated by residential, institutional, and commercial and
industrial establishments. It includes household waste liquid
fromtoilets, baths, showers, kitchens, sinks and so forth that is disposed of
via sewers.
In many areas, sewage also includes liquid waste from industry and
commerce. The separation and draining of household waste
into greywater and blackwater is becoming more common in the
developed world, with greywater being permitted to be used for watering
plants or recycled for flushing toilets.
Sewage may include stormwater runoff. Sewerage systems capable of
handling stormwater are known as combined sewer systems.
As rainfall travels over roofs and the ground, it may pick up various
contaminants including soil particles and other sediment, heavy
metals, organic compounds, animal waste, and oil and grease.
Introduction to Drainage
Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of
surface and sub-surface water from an area. Many
agricultural soils need drainage to improve
production or to manage water supplies.
Drainage schemes for buildings are necessary to
remove waste water, foul water and surface
Waste water and foul water join together and are
disposed in a foul water sewer in urban areas.
Surface water can be discharged into a soakway,
to a river or lake in rural areas or to the surface
water (or Storm Water) drain in urban areas. The
storm water drain discharges water safely to a
large natural water body.
A separate system of drainage is used where foul
water and surface water are separated at source
and piped individually to a surface water drain or
foul water drain.

Types of Drainage systems.
There are two main types of Drainage
Sanitary Sewer System And Storm water
sewer system.
1. Sanitary sewer System:
A sanitary sewer (also called a foul sewer) is a
separate underground carriage system
specifically for transporting sewage from houses
and commercial buildings to treatment or
Sanitary sewers are operated separately and
independently of storm drains, which carry
the runoff of rain and other water which wash into
city streets.

2. Storm water sewer system:
A storm drainage system is designed
to drain excess rain and ground water from paved
streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and roofs.
Storm drains vary in design from small
residential dry wells to large municipal systems.
They are fed by street gutters on
most motorways, freeways and other busy roads,
as well as towns in areas which experience heavy
rainfall, flooding and coastal towns which
experience regular storms.

Many storm drainage systems are designed to drain the storm water,
untreated, into rivers or streams.
There are two main types of stormwater drain (storm sewer) inlets; side
inlets and grated inlets.
Pipes can come in many different cross-sectional shapes (rectangular,
square, bread-loaf-shaped, oval, inverted pear-shaped, and most commonly,
Most drains have a single large exit at their point of discharge into
a canal,river, lake, reservoir, sea or ocean.
Sewers carrying both sewage and stormwater together are called combined

Natural Drainage.
Natural drainage systems are an innovative alternative to traditional
stormwater management systems.

Natural drainage systems limit the negative impacts of stormwater
runoff by redesigning (residential) streets to take advantage of
plants, trees, and soils to clean runoff and manage stormwater

Vegetated swales, storm water cascades and small wetland ponds
allow soils to absorb water, slowing flows and filtering out many

Sustainable Urban Drainage
A sustainable urban drainage system is designed to reduce the potential
impact of new and existing developments with respect to surface water
drainage discharges.
Increasing urbanisation has caused problems with increased flash flooding
after sudden rain. As areas of vegetation are replaced by impermeable
concrete, tarmac or roofed areas the area loses its ability to absorb
rainwater. This rain is instead directed into surface water drainage systems,
often overloading them and causing floods
The idea behind SUDS is to try to replicate natural systems that use cost
effective solutions with low environmental impact to drain away dirty
and surface water run-off through collection, storage, and cleaning before
allowing it to be released slowly back into the environment, such as into
water courses.
This is to counter the effects of conventional drainage systems that often
allow for flooding, pollution of the environment with the resultant harm to
wildlife and contamination of groundwater sources used to provide drinking
A common misconception of SUDS systems is that they reduce flooding on
the development site. In fact the SUDS system is designed to reduce the
impact that the surface water drainage system of one site has on other sites.
sewer flooding is a problem in many places. This happens when flows
entering a sewer exceed its capacity and it overflows.
The SUDS system aims to minimise or eliminate discharges from the site,
thus reducing the impact, the idea being that if all development sites
incorporated SUDS then urban sewer flooding would be less of a problem.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) provide this alternative approach.
These systems
endeavour to mimic the natural movement of water from a development,
reducing flood
risk, improving water quality and often providing attractive features that can
make towns
and cities more desirable places to live in and enhancing the quality of life.

Sustainable drainage residential

The project intended to demonstrate that SuDS are a viable and attractive alternative to more
traditional forms of drainage and to deliver practical solutions for new housing areas.
A range of SuDS components were used to demonstrate different available techniques and the
application of management train from prevention to site control and regional control components.
Permeable Paving The pavements within the residential roads is of permeable construction Gaps
between the paving allow water to enter porous storage zones and to filter out pollutant.
Swales Most of the excess water from the site will be fed into a series of shallow open channels,
further slowing the flow of water and continuing the water treatment process
Drainage Water Treatment.
Sewage treatment is the reduction of contamination in a water
pollution effluent, usually considered for the class of liquid wastes comprised
by municipal sewage and sometimes admixed by urban stormwater runoff.
In most cases the purpose of sewage treatment is to produce an effluent
stream that is suitable for discharge into natural receiving waters, such that
the resultant discharge is not deleterious to humans or to the natural
It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical,
chemical and biological contaminants. I
ts objective is to produce an environmentally safe fluid waste stream (or
treated effluent) and a solid waste (or treated sludge) suitable for disposal or
Process of Drainage treatment.
Sewage treatment generally involves three stages:-Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary treatment.

Primary Treatment.
1. Raw sewage is processed in a variety of ways to clean it.
2. The first stage is called primary treatment and involves processes such as
filtration, sedimentation and flocculation.Filtration filters out the larger objects
from the sewage.Flocculation involves the addition of the chemicals
aluminium sulfate and calcium hydroxide.
3. These react giving a precipitate of aluminium hydroxide that is able to attach
itself to the suspended solid particles in the sewage.
4. This forces them to sink and a sludge of this material forms at the bottom of
what is called the sedimentation tank.
5. This can then be removed from the water.The remaining water is about 60%
cleaner and is passed on to the secondary stage of the treatment.

Secondary treatment.
1. This removes the oxygen demanding waste from the water.
2. (BOD)The water is treated with activated sludge.
3. This sludge has been saturated with oxygen and contains bacteria that is able to
decompose all the oxygen demanding organic waste aerobically.
4. After treatment the water is disinfected with chlorine or ozone is then fit to drink.

Tertiary Treatment.

Some countries are increasingly using a third cleaning process to remove dissolved
nitrates, phosphates and dangerous metal ions that are not removed from the first 2
cleaning processes.
Phosphates and metal ions can be removed by precipitation.
In a similar process to flocculation, the water is again treated with aluminium sulphate. This
will form insoluble phosphates.
If calcium hydroxide is then added it will react with the dissolved metal ions to give the
insoluble metal hydroxide that can be easily removed.
Nitrates are difficult to remove by this method as all nitrates are soluble.
A biological method is used so that the water is passed through a pond of algae that uses
up the nitrates as a nutrient.

After Drainage Water Treatment.
When raw sewage passes through a waste treatment plant, it's
screened and pumped into a primary settling tank.
During an activated sludge process, the liquid from the primary
settling tanks is mixed in large tanks with sludge that contains
These bacteria consume the organic matter in the liquid as food.
Oxygen is dissolved in the mixture for the bacteria.
Next, the mixture moves to more settling tanks called final clarifiers,
where the activated sludge settles out and the remaining liquid is
Some of the activated sludge can be recycled back into the aeration
tank, and the remaining liquid is disinfected.
The sludge, which contains organic and inorganic matter, passes into
large, closed tanks. To hold it all would require a lot of large tanks
Recycling makes the most sense, naturally.
Bacteria decompose most of the organic matter in the sludge,
producing gases such as methane as a result.
Usually, these gases either power the sewage plant or are sold as
commercial fuel.
The sludge that remains after digestion is called biosolids, or treated
sewage sludge.
Some of the uses for recycled biosolids are to help agricultural crops
grow as an alternative to chemicals, and to fertilize parks and
Biosolids also can help reclaim abandoned mining sites.
Not everyone agrees that biosolids are as good and safe as they're
touted to be, however.
Some have cited negative health effects from biosolid exposure And
in 2011, Japan reported massive problems from radioactive
contamination in sludge.
Liquids And Solids.
The liquids that come from sewage are treated and released into the
river, the solid matter has yet another life to live both at the treatment
plant and beyond.
The solids retrieved from the sewage separation process are pumped
into huge water tower type tanks called digesters, which are oxygen-free
tanks populated with other kinds of microorganisms called methane
Sludge stays in the digesters for two to four weeks, creating methane
gas, which is used to power the treatment plant and sold to a nearby
industry as a power source. Gas that isn't used (about 50%) is burned
off and wasted.
With the purchase of a new fuel cell, however, the plant will be able to
convert more of the methane gas product into heat and energy that will
be used not only within the plant, but eventually in nearby businesses
and homes.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Drainage
1. saving of extra water
2. recycling of water
3. ground water, surface water source is safe from pollution due to treatment of
waste water.
4. treated water is used for vegetation.
5. cost of transportation of polluted water is saved.6.Air pollution is limited
to treatment plant.

1 space.
2. money is used for construction of waste water treatment
3. handling of dry sludge
4. food chain is missed for various organism, life cycle river animals.
5. various chemicals are produced to treat the waste water6.nature capacity(river
capacity is remains un-utilized to treat the waste water during flowing) to treat the
water remains un-utilized.
Drainage Of The Town (Minnesota).
The Drainage leaves your home or business and flows
through your service line to the main drainage pipe in the
From there it flows by gravity along the main line in the
If the main line reaches a depth of 20-30 feet, a sanitary
lift station pumps the drainage up to a higher level where
the sewage begins to flow again by gravity.
The drainage continues moving through the system to a
central metering station.
From there it then flows under the Minnesota River, in a
series of three sealed pipes ranging in size of
approximately 30-40 inches in diameter, to Wastewater
Treatment Plant.

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