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Cache Warming Strategies for

Analysis Services 2008

Chris Webb
Crossjoin Consulting Limited

How Analysis Services caching works
When and why Analysis Services cant cache
Warming the Storage Engine cache with the
CREATE CACHE statement
Warming the Formula Engine cache by
running queries
Automating cache warming

How Analysis Services answers queries
Formula Engine
works out what data is
needed for each query,
and requests it from the
Storage Engine
Storage Engine
handles retrieval of
raw data from disk,
and any aggregation
MDX Query In
Cellset Out
Query Subcube
Types of Analysis Services cache
Analysis Services can therefore cache two types of value:
Values returned by the Storage Engine
Raw measure values, one cache per measure group
Dimension data, one cache per dimension
Values returned by the Formula Engine
Numeric values only strings cant be cached
All SE caches have the same structure, known as the data
cache registry
The FE can also store values in this structure if calculations
are evaluated in bulk mode
The FE uses a different structure, the flat cache, for
calculations evaluated in cell-by-cell mode

Storage Engine Cache
Data in the data cache registry is held in subcubes, ie
data at a common granularity
Subcubes may not contain an entire granularity they
may be filtered
SE cache data can be aggregated to answer queries
Except when the measure data itself cannot be
aggregated, for example with distinct count measures or
Sometimes more data is fetched into cache than is
necessary for the query this is known as prefetching
Usually good for performance, but can cause problems
Arbitrary-shaped subcubes cannot be cached
Formula Engine Cache Scopes
There are three different scopes or lifetimes of a FE cache:
Query for calculations defined in the WITH clause of a query,
the FE values can only be cached for the lifetime of the query
Session for calculations defined for a session, using the
CREATE MEMBER statement executed on the client, FE values
can only be cached for the lifetime of a session
Global for calculations defined in the cubes MDX Script, FE
values can be cached until either
Any kind of cube processing takes place
A ClearCache XMLA command is executed
Writeback is committed
Global scope is best from a performance point of view!
Cache Sharing
Values stored in the SE cache can always be shared
between all users
Values stored in the FE cache can be shared between
users, except when:
Stored in Query or Session-scoped caches
Users belong to roles with different dimensions security
Note: dynamic security always prevents cache sharing
Calculations evaluated in bulk mode cannot reference
values stored in the FE flat cache
Calculations evaluated in cell-by-cell mode cannot
reference values stored in the FE data cache registry
Forcing Query-scoping
In certain circumstances, SSAS uses query-scoped FE
caches when you would expect it to use global scope
These are:
Calculations that use the Username or LookupCube
Calculations use non-deterministic functions such as Now()
or any SSAS stored procedures
Queries that use subselects
When any calculated member is defined in the WITH
clause, whether it is referenced or not in the query
When cell security is used
Warming the SE cache
Considerations for warming the SE cache:
We want to avoid cache fragmentation, for example having
one unfiltered subcube cached rather than multiple
filtered subcubes
It is possible to overfill the cache the SE will stop looking
in the cache after it has searched 1000 subcubes
We want to cache lower rather than higher granularities,
since the latter can be aggregated from the former in
We need a way of working out which granularities are
Warming the SE cache
We can warm the SE cache by using either:
WITH CACHE, to warm the cache for a single query not
very useful
The CREATE CACHE command
Remember that building aggregations is often a better
alternative to warming the SE cache
But in some cases you cant build aggregations for example
when there are many-to-many relationships

Example CREATE CACHE statement:

FOR [Adventure Works] AS
'({[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]},
Which subcubes should I cache?
The Query Subcube and Query Subcube Verbose
events in Profiler show the subcubes requested
from the SE by the FE
This is also the information stored in the SSAS
query log, stored in SQL Server
Analyse this data manually and find the most
commonly-requested, lower-granularity subcubes
Maybe also query the Query Log, or a Profiler
trace saved to SQL Server, to find other subcubes
perhaps for queries that have been run recently
Warming the FE cache
First, tune your calculations! Ensure use of bulk mode
where possible
The only way to warm the FE cache is to run MDX
queries containing calculations
Remember, these queries must not:
Include a WITH clause
Also, no point trying to cache calculations whose
values cannot be cached
And think about how security can impact cache usage
Queries to warm the FE Cache
Again, it is worth manually constructing some MDX queries yourself to
warm the FE cache
Also, running regularly-used queries (for example those used in SSRS
reports) can be a good idea
Can easily collect the queries your users are running by running a
Profiler trace, then saving that trace to SQL Server or a .trc file
The Query Begin and Query End events contain the MDX query
Need to filter out those with a WITH clause etc
Watch out for parameterisation (eg SSRS)
Watch out for use of session sets and calculations (eg Excel 2003)
Watch out for queries that slice by Time, where the actual slicer
used may change regularly
Think about the impact of dimension security too
Memory considerations
SSAS caching can use a lot of memory!
The cache will keep growing until SSAS thinks it is running
out of memory:
When memory usage exceeds the % of available system
memory specified in the LowMemoryLimit property, data will be
dropped from cache
When it exceeds the % specified in the TotalMemoryLimit
property, all data will be dropped from cache
We therefore dont want to exceed the LowMemoryLimit
We also want to avoid paging
We need to leave space for caching real user queries
The FE flat cache is limited to 10% of the TotalMemoryLimit
If it grows bigger than that, it is completely emptied
Automating Cache Warming
We should perform cache-warming after cube
processing has taken place
Remember it may take a long time! It should not
overlap/interfere with real users querying
We can automate it a number of different ways:
Running SSRS reports on a data-driven subscription
Using the ascmd.exe utility
Building your own SSIS package the best solution for
overall flexibility.
Either fetch queries from a SQL Server table
Or from a Profiler .trc file using the Konesans Trace File Source

Clearly a lot of problems to watch out for!
However, some cache-warming (however
inefficient) is often better than none at all
A perfectly-tuned cube would have little need for
cache-warming, but...
Some performance problems we just dont know
Some we may not be able to fix (eg with complex
calculations, hardware limitations)
Cache warming is likely to have some positive impact
in these cases maybe lots, maybe not much

Thank you

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