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Discourse Community: Abstinence

No Abstinence= More
Tax Dollars Actually

In 2009 Lone Title V programs gave 178

million to states and $8 million going to
Illinois. In that same year according to
Illinois Departments of public health over
26,000 youth 15 to 19 contracted chlamedia
and gonorrhea, meaning nationally
adolescent females had a sexually
transmitted infection. Beginning to look
like a big waste of money, bringing Obama

The Obama Administration

decided to cut abstinence
education from the federal budget,
as an action to save tax payer
money and put more money into
comprehensive sex education

Purpose: To show that in Illinois task of

removing money from abstinence programs it
didnt really help out tax payers or will it help
the pregnancy and STD rates.
Action: Writing to congressman Bobby L. Rush
of the 1st district of Illinois as a way to act
upon this conflict.
Valerie Huber is the National Abstinence
Education Association president. It is she
who I used as my way of argument to
successful get my points across.

Dear Congressman Bobby Rush, brought to my attention through circulation of media is the fact that the
funds provided for abstinence based programs in Illinois and focusing on Chicago are being removed. It is said
that they are being removed due to the lack of change in the pregnancy and STD rates of teens, and that this
money could have been used more as a way to save tax payers money. The money was indeed being put in,
but Illinois were seeing no better results, so what more to do than to take the money back. While reading
this I only could think of what the youth of today were losing as an effect of this. I could only think of the
girls and boys who like me wasnt ready for sex and had these abstinence based programs to turn to. I
thought of the girls and boys who have been raped and violated in other ways in their childhood lives who
use abstinence and these based groups as a way to start over. I thought of the girls and boys who use
abstinence and these programs to focus on their agreeing of abstinence in their religion. Yes I thought of
these things, and I too care about these things but from these actions does Illinois really? Or is this just
another selfish act of Illinois as a way to attempt and saving money that will not work. Brought to my
attention by the president of the National Abstinence Education association Valerie Huber it is my
understanding that many of these funds will be placed into other projects and more safe sex based programs
and being able to save tax papers. 200,000 dollars a year of tax money and not including the money that was
always set out for this reason, are being put into condoms. They want to make it where everywhere possible
teens are able to receive free condoms, and this too has not decreased the pregnancy and std rates, but no
one is yelling to take money from this. Illinois throwing a mixed signal has made it where they are in full
support of condoms which equals sex as we all know it. With Illinois full support in condoms, with no
support given, giving money to abstinence programs were suppose to pull the pregnancy and std rates down.
Where are the abstinence billboards? Or where are the pamphlets sitting at the doctors and clinic offices that
support abstinence? How was this ever suppose to be the solution when many teens dont even know what
abstinence is.
Illinois main argument is that because abstinence didnt work then this became a waste of taxpayers
money and it didnt even help our teens. What Illinois fails to realize is the fact that the bit of teens that were
being influenced by abstinence, like myself and many other girls has helped the rate to be where it is because
without us the rates could be much higher. But now with no abstinence programs the girls to come wont
even know what abstinence is, which means sex is the alternative, and more sex equals more pregnancy. And
it is factual by statistics that more than 75% of all unmarried teen mothers receive some sort of welfare
within 5 years of the birth of their 1st child, and more welfare equals more tax dollars taken. So who and
what are you really helping?

Illinois main argument is that because abstinence didnt work

then this became a waste of taxpayers money and it didnt
even help our teens. What Illinois fails to realize is the fact
that the bit of teens that were being influenced by
abstinence, like myself and many other girls has helped the
rate to be where it is because without us the rates could be
much higher. But now with no abstinence programs the girls to
come wont even know what abstinence is, which means sex is
the alternative, and more sex equals more pregnancy. And it is
factual by statistics that more than 75% of all unmarried teen
mothers receive some sort of welfare within 5 years of the
birth of their 1st child, and more welfare equals more tax
dollars taken. So who and what are you really helping?

As a consequence of this I was able to
fluently express my ideas of the conflict
in my discourse community. I feel that
using the argumentative approach I used
I was able to successfully complete the
goal of the project in proving my point of
how cutting money from abstinence
based programs will not solve your
problem of saving taxpayers money or
reduce Std or Pregnancy rates. It will
only make it worse.

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