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Why couples live together before marriage?

Why don't couples opt to get married?
Advantages of living together before marriage
Graph on the rise of couples chose to cohabit

Pie chart that shows age range of couples cohabit


Why couples live together before marriage?

People with more education and financial resources

view living together as a "stepping stone" to marriage

Those with less education and fewer resources view

cohabiting as an alternative to marriage

Source: Live Science Journal, 2011

Why don't couples opt to get married?

Couples today often say
-they want to be financially secure,

-have a stable job and

-finished education before they enter marriage
-build mental strength and compatibility with partners first
before wedlock
Source: The Atlantic Health Magazine, 2012

Advantages of living together before marriage

Getting to know a person that you might marry with

Important for a person to know almost everything about

the other person that he/she is going to get marry with.

What your partner likes/dislikes?

Source: Live Science Journal, 2011

Advantages of living together before marriage

Gets to know how a person is handling their life from all

aspects such:

Source: The Huff Post, Divorce, 2011

Advantages of living together before marriage

Sharing sexual relationship without commitment
This would make:

-Couples to know whether their partners could satisfy their

sexual needs before wedlock
-Couples create a closer bonding not only physical but also
Source: The Huff Post, Divorce, 2011

Advantages of living together before marriage

Living expenses could be divided into half

Saving money for marriage would be easier

Reduces divorce rate

- about 35%-40% of divorce rates are reduced by couples

who choose to cohabit first

Source: The Christian Post, 2013.

Graph on the rise of couples chose to cohabit

Survey taken in USA by Health and Disease Protection Department, 2012

Source: Health and Disease Protection Department, WHO

Pie chart that shows age range of couples


Survey on age range of couples cohabit.

Source: Health and Disease Protection Department, WHO


Couples today should live together to create a mature

understanding and bonding before entering to marriage


Know your partner well today then suffering tomorrow..

Then why not live together now before marriage?

Delzell, D., 2012. Five Myths About Living Together Before Marriage. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 21 July 2014].

Foxman, L., 2014. The Science of Cohabitation: A Step Toward Marriage, Not a Rebellion.

[Online] Available at:[Accessed 17 July 2014].

Hillin, T., 2013. New Research Says Living Together Before Marriage Doesn't Lead To

Divorce, The Huff Post. [Online]

Availableat:[Accessed 17 July 2014].

Rettner, R., 2013. 5 Facts About Couples Who Live Together. [Online]
Available at:

live-together.html[Accessed 15 July 2014].

Sabado, 2012. Persuasive Speech about Cohabitation. [Online] Available

at:[Accessed 17 July 2014].

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