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The Antagonist (villain)

Name: Iqbal Savage

Age: 17
Physical appearance: muscular, tall,
Height: 60

Iqbal is ideal for this part as

he is easily accessible for a
day of shooting. Hes also
taking media as an A-Level
so he can contribute some
ideas to the film which will
be very helpful.

The Character: currently unemployed, struggling to make a living

so he has constant free time. He was abused as a child which
consequently turned him in what he is today. This isnt his first
time of this crime, he kidnaps people to take there card/bank
details in order to make a living. This is why he has chosen a
business man as he is certain he will have money. I have chosen
Iqbal for this role as unlike kai his is bigger built and will be overpowering during the struggle. He will be represented as
stereotypical criminal who will be wearing all black, this will
make it easy for him to hide his identity from the eye of the

The Protagonist (leading

Name: Kai Bucciero
Physical Appearance: Weak, skinny.
Height: 510

Kai is perfect for this part

from his physical
appearance and also he is
easy to get hold of for a
day of filming. He also
takes media so he will be
able to suggest
improvements if needed.

The Character: living an average life as a working man,

clearly works in a office job due to his suit. Hes happy with
what hes got, hes not really motivated to achieve more
through work. He tends not to stray away from his daily
routine, as he has little friends; this makes him a perfect
victim for the antagonist as no one will notice his
disappearance. Also, his family live far away and he has little
contact with them. I have chosen kai for this role as he can
play this role as he is quite skinny and the antagonist will be
able to over-power him during the struggle of the
kidnapping. He is a stereotypical working class man, this is
represented by his smart business attire and brief case.

The Antagonist (Extra)

Name: Ben Cordwell
Age: 17
Physical appearance: stocky, average
Height: 510

An extra just in case Iqbal cannot make a shooting session.

Ben is also very easy to get hold of for a day of filming. He
has a stocky build so he will be able to over-power his
victim. Furthermore, he is also a media students who will be
able to suggest improvements.

The protagonist (leading

Name: Megan Tomlinson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 57
An extra in case kai cannot make a shooting. I have chosen
Megan as she provides a different stereotype to the film. She is
a female, she is blonde so she can fit in the stereotype of a
dumb blonde. If kai cant be in the film I will have to rethink the
costume for this particular character. She will be dressed in
basic casual clothes and perhaps carrying a couple of shopping
bags, this indicates she is returning from a day out shopping.
Females are generally stereotyped as weaker than men, this is
why I have chosen Megan for the part.

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