Exercises - SPSS

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Exercises - SPSS

Problem - 1
Use the data file NewDrug.sav and answer the following

1. Use SPSS to obtain the descriptive statistics for the variable Treatment.
2. What % of patients received the new drug?
3. What % of patients in the study are males?

4. What was the mean Blood Pressure before the experiment?

5. What was the mean Blood Pressure after the experiment?
6. Plot a pie chart for the Gender.
7. Plot an histogram for the variable age.

Problem - 2
Participants in an employee training program are tested after 1 week. By company policy,
employees who score 1 standard deviation or more below the mean are required to take another
week of training. Which employees must receive more training, and which are released from the
















Use SPSS to obtain the three measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), measures
of dispersion (range, variance, and standard deviation), and z scores for all test scores

Problem - 3
Use the data file healthdata.sav and answer the following
1. Use SPSS to obtain the descriptive statistics for the variable - amount of
2. What % of customers have ordered the CD?

3. Construct a plot for the variable concern for health

Exercises - EXCEL
1. Out of 60 applicants to a university, 40 are from the east. If 20
applicants are to be selected at random, find the probability
that (a) ten (b) fifteen will be from the east.
2. A tyre company tested a particular model of tire and found the
tyres to be normally distributed with respect to wear. The mean
was 26,000 miles and the standard deviation was 2200 miles. If
2000 tyres are tested, about how many are likely to wear out
before 23,000 miles.
3. The life length of a certain brand of automobile battery is
believed to be approximately normal with a mean of 38
months and a standard deviation of 2 months. If the company
does not want to replace more than 5 percent of batteries sold,
how long should the length of the guarantee be?

4. Suppose that 20 percent of all calls reaching a telephone

exchange are enquiry calls. If 400 calls reach the exchange

during a certain period, what is the probability that: (a) at
most 100 are enquiry calls (b) at least 70 are enquiry calls?
5. A panel of 7 judges is to decide which of 2 final contestants A
and B will be declared the winner; a simple majority of the
judges will determine the winner. Assume that 4 of the judges
will vote for A and the other 3 will vote for B. If we randomly
select 3 of the judges and seek their verdict, what is the
probability that a majority of them will favour A?

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