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One way of fixing position is by means of altitudeintercept method and the Navigator must be familiar on

identifying the celestial body, stars in particular..

Identification of Stars
Although no formal star identification tables are
included in Pub. No. 229, a simple approach to star

identification is to scan the pages of the appropriate

latitudes, and observe the combination of arguments
which give the altitude and azimuth angle of the observation.
Thus the declination and LHA of Aries are determined directly.
The stars SHA is found from:
SHA of the star = LHA of the star LHA of the Aries .
From these quantities the star can be identified from the
Nautical Almanac.

Altitude-Intercept Method
Learning Objectives:
Comprehend the concept of the circle of equal
altitude as a line of position.
Become familiar with the concepts of the
circle of equal altitude.
Know the altitude-intercept method of plotting

a celestial LOP.

Circle of Equal Altitude

Imagine a pole attached to a flat surface, with
a wire suspended from the pole.

If the wire is held at a constant angle to the

pole, and rotated about the pole, it inscribes a

This scenario is depicted on the next slide...

Circle of Equal Altitude

Now, lets make two changes to our

make the pole infinitely tall

make our surface spherical

Now we have something similar to the

earth and the navigational stars.
Now our circles look like this...

Circle of Equal Altitude

Now, we

need to
relate this
concept to

Circle of Equal Altitude

If we know the altitude of a star (as
measured using a marine sextant), we can
draw a circle of equal altitude of radius
equal to the coaltitude (the distance
between the GP of the star and our AP.)

Circle of Equal Altitude

Thus, if we know the altitude of a

particular star, and its location relative to

the earth (which we can determine from
the Nautical Almanac), we know that our
position must lie somewhere on this circle
of equal altitude.
Therefore, the circle of equal altitude is a
line of position (LOP).

Circle of Equal Altitude

Here is a more realistic scenario, where
our assumed position does not lie exactly
on the circle of equal altitude...

Circle of Equal Altitude

If we know the altitude of two or more stars, we
can cross the LOPs and arrive at a celestial fix.

Note that these circles cross at two points;

however, these points are usually several
hundred miles apart, and we can therefore rule
one out. If not, a third star can be used to

resolve the ambiguity.

Circle of Equal Altitude

Consider a problem with this idea:

For Ho=60o, the radius of the circle of equal

altitude is 1800 miles! To plot this with any
degree of accuracy would require a chart larger
than this room.

Instead, we only plot a small portion of this

circle; this is the basis of the Altitude-Intercept

Altitude-Intercept Method
If we are near the GP, a portion of the
circle would plot as an arc...

Altitude-Intercept Method
Now, if the distance to the GP is very
large, the arc becomes a straight line...

Altitude-Intercept Method
Dont forget, we are still essentially drawing a

But were no longer using the radius

(determined from the stars altitude) so how do
we know where, or for that matter, at what
angle, to draw the line?

Altitude-Intercept Method
1. First, assume a position based on the ships
DR plot, and we modify the numbers slightly (for
ease of calculation).

2. Select navigational stars to shoot, and

calculate what the altitude should be (Hc,
computed altitude), given our AP and the time

of observation.

Altitude-Intercept Method
3. Observe the stars altitude using a marine
sextant, and determine the observed altitude

4. The difference between Hc and Ho,

combined with Zn (which we can calculate using
the Nautical Almanac and Pub 229) is used to
plot a celestial LOP.

Altitude-Intercept Method
The difference between Hc and Ho is
known as the intercept distance (a).

Altitude-Intercept Method
If Ho>Hc, we move toward the star (along
Zn) to plot our celestial LOP.
Ho Mo To

If Hc>Ho, we move away from the star,

along the reciprocal bearing of Zn, to plot

our celestial LOP.
Computed Greater Away
Coast Guard Academy

Altitude-Intercept Method
A picture clearly illustrates the idea...

Now lets try an example to illustrate the

A star is observed, and we determine that
Ho is 45o 00.0
Based on our AP at the time of
observation, Hc is 44o 45.5

First, we calculate the intercept distance,
a, using a= Ho-Hc
The result is:

45o 00.0
44o 45.5

Computed Altitude Formula

sin hc = sin L sin d + cos L cos d cos LHA
Where: hc = Computed Altitude
L = Latitude
d = declination
LHA = Local hour angle
Note: For both same and contrary name cases, the sine and
cosine functions of latitude are positive. In the contrary name
case, declination is considered as a negative angle.

So our intercept distance is 14.5 nm, and
since Ho>Hc, we must move toward the
star to plot our LOP.

Lets examine again the angular

relationships, and show how the LOP is


Plotting the Celestial LOP

Lets assume we made an observation of
Venus, and came up with
a = 14.8 nm towards
Zn=091.5o T

The plotted LOP is shown on the next


Finding Azimuth Formula

Solution by ABC
A = Tan Lat x Cot Ha
B = Tan Dec x Cosec Ha
C = A + B
Cot Z = C x Cos Lat.

A = Tan Lat / Tan Ha

B = Tan Dec / Sin Ha

NOTE: A is named opposite to Lat except when

Hour angle is between 90o and 270o.
B is always named the same as declination.

How to Solve and Plot the Line of

Arguments Needed:
1) Assumed Latitude = 20oN
2) Assumed Longitude= 067oW
3) LHA or t = 56oE = 304o
4) Declination
= 12o24.3S
Ho = 26o 31.4
Hc = 26o 04.9
Int =
26.5 towards
Zn = 115.6oT

Where: Assumed latitude is taken as

the nearest whole degree of latitude to
the DR and the assumed longitude is
selected so that the local hour angle is
a whole degree.

How to Solve and Plot the Line of

= 11o32.1
Assumed longitude = 67o32.1 W
LHA or t
=304o or 56o E
Arguments to plot (LOP)
1) Assumed latitude = 20oN
2) Assumed longitude = 67o 32.1W
3) Intercept
= 26.5 towards
4) Azimuth
= 115.6o

How to Solve and Plot the Line of

Note: To remember in West longitude, the minute of your
Longitude is equal to the minutes of your GHA. (See example).
In East longitude, do not copy the minutes of your GHA, but
instead add a number to make it into 1o and carry it to your
GHA degrees adding to your longitude.
Example: GHA = 11o 32.1
Assumed long. = 67o 27.9 East

Plotting the Celestial LOP

Note that celestial plotting is usually done
on a plotting sheet, and once a fix is
established, the latitude and longitude are
used to transfer it to the chart.

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