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Its not the electronic call but an
emergency call It actually reduces the
accident response time during lethal
accidents It calls the emergency services
either manually or automatically within
minutes of accident

Need to reduce the accident

response time

Need to reduce the accident response time

According to Indian statistics more than 1 lack
die in road accidents every year Only 30% of
death occurs with minutes of accident And
remaining 70% of deaths occurs within 2 hours ,
due to late of emergency services so our primary
concern is to reduce this accident response time



accelerometer: To determine the force of a crash
Air bag sensors: Determine which air bags, if
any, were deployed and at what force. GPS
receiver: Determines direction of travel and the
vehicle's precise location CMOS camera: It
captures image of the vehicle interior after a
crash incident.

Flash memory: Records the 200 ms
duration of the crash pulse, including 50
ms of pre-crash data. On-board
microprocessor: Compiles data to
compute a portrayal of the incident.
Onboard communications: for data
transmission with low power consumption.
Cellular phone: to call rescue services
Power supply: to supply power in failure of
main battery


PRINCIPLE When an accident occurs the

e-Call device automatically calls the
nearest PSAP(public service access point)
in the form of MDS (minimum data set)
This PSAP sends the data to the rescue
service thus we can send the ambulance
to the location to save the victim

It sends an MDS to the PSAP .this information
includes Time of incident Exact location
including direction of driving Vehicle
identification eCall qualifier giving the severity of
the incident (currently automatic/manual)
Identification of service provider Verification
possibility via voice link No false alarms (double
check mechanism when triggered manually)
Safe automatic call also when driver is
unconscious Link to private service provider for
additional optional services possible

Types of calling PSAP

Types of calling PSAP 1. Voice call as an Alarm
Medium: For accident message via voice call is that its
not necessary to have a SIM-Card installed for
emergency call A web database with connection to a
map server would enable the emergency centre clarify
the identity of the owner as well as the cars position. But
a system like that will be unsuitable for other services
like theft tracking, breakdown serve, etc. 2. SMS as an
Alarm Medium: For transmitting a SMS-Message its
necessary to have SIM-Card installed. The advantage of
SMS is that you need less GSM reception than for a
voice call. It is rather ensured, that the alarm can be
sent, in consideration of damaging of the vehicle caused
by an accident. This way of transmitting enables the
integration of external operation centers at this stage.

The reliability of voice call is 97% while it

is 98%for sms mode They are almost
equal in reliability as per the studies so we
can go for any one of these two

Satellite image containing exact location

and intensity of accident

Steps involved in detection of

Steps involved in detection of accident 1.
Manual initialization 2. Automatic initialization : i.
application tests a. Airbag detection b. Rear
impact detection c. Side impact detection d.
Frontal impact detection e. Rollover detection f.
Temperature rise (fire) detection
ii. Environmental tests a. High ambient
temperature b. Low ambient temperature c.
Loss of external power source d. Impact
resistance e. Vibration resistance f.
Temperature and humidity cycling g. Mobile
data services not available

average response time 50% in Rural Areas 40%
in Urban Areas It is estimated that it could save
up to 2500 lives a year in the EU It significantly
reduce the severity of the injuries sustained in
15% of cases. Also the gps tracker in the vehicle
helps to find the location of the car when it is
stolen, thus it helps to find about missing
vehicles also. The system will also ensure a
corresponding reduction in the number of traffic
jams attributable

There by we conclude that this e-call
technology is highly efficient and is going
to play a predominant role in future
emergency service system The
government must take the responsibility of
implementing this technology The day is
not far when each and every car or vehicle
is equipped with the e-call devices and the
passengers and drivers can be assured of
a healthy drive and a pleasant ride

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