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How to make a business case

for open data

Trainers: Mel Norman & Tom Wainwright

Learning Objectives

By the end of this mini workshop you will be able to:

Know the value of open data
Describe how companies are innovating with open data
Explain the benefits of open data
Describe what a value proposition is


Recap on the definition of open data

Exercise the cons of using open data
What is the value of open data?
Case studies from companies using and publishing open
Selling the benefits of working with open data

About Mellissa
Working with companies to integrate technology innovations to grow their

Business + Open Data Trainer for the ODI

Digital Business Strategist for tech, open data & digital companies
22 years as an Entrepreneur
1000+ people trained
Previous clients include: BBC, Drive Productions, Locatable, Royal
Shakespeare Company, NixonMcinnes
Ex Film Producer

About Dr Tom
Research into innovation within professional service firms and SMEs.

Centre of Innovation and Enterprise at Southampton Business School

Funded by government and private sector organisations
Previous partners and clients include: Barclays. EUROFOUND, ESRC,
South Korean Government
Research on open data business models, strategy, implementation,
barriers and sector development
Enjoys BBQs

About You

Name, Company, Role, +

Are you currently working with
open data?

McKinsey estimate open data can

unlock $3-5 trillion across 7 sectors

What is open data ?

Open data is data that is made

available by organisations,
businesses and individuals for
anyone to access, use and share.

can be linked to, so that it can be easily shared and talked about
is available in a standard, structured format, so that it can be easily processed
has guaranteed availability and consistency over time, so that others can rely on it
is traceable, through any processing, right back to where it originates, so others
can work out whether to trust it

Using Open Data


It saved us 30 to 40 percent of the up-front cost of creating a

mountain. And then it saved us a huge amount of work creating the
surrounding vistas

Publishing Open Data

Break into groups- and using Marks and
Spencer as an example.
Group/s A Write down the possible cons or
challenges of M & S using open data
Group/s B Write down the possible cons or
challenges of M & S publishing some/all of its

Feedback from Exercise

What is the value of open data?

And how can this be communicated to a company?

Introducing the business model.

The BM Framework
Slides by Tom Wainwright

A value proposition is the solution to

your customers problem

What is the value of open data for a


Collaboration across departments

Client cost reduction
Risk reduction

Case Studies: Open Real Estate*


* Not real name

Ease of use
Client cost reduction
Gets the job done
Monetized through collaborative
OD cleaned and re-published

Case Studies: TotalCarCheck


Freemium model
Risk reduction
Client cost reduction

Case Studies: Which? University


Risk reduction

In your groups, against the cons you listed before, write down
the business benefits of M & S of working with open data
and how can you communicate these to senior execs.

Group/s A Write down the benefits of M & S using open data

Group/s B Write down the benefits of M & S publishing some/all of its data.

Role play:
First person - A senior exec/decision maker at M & S.
Has no idea about this open data thing and how it relates to their
business. (HOSTILE)
Second person Open data business advocate at M & S and your job
is to convince the first person how open data relates to M & S and the
benefits of publishing open data. (EVANGELIST)

Thank you!

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