Metal Forming & Machining (MF F313) : BITS Pilani

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Metal Forming & Machining

(MF F313)
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

K S SANGWAN|L5|August 20

Forging analysis

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Types of forgings

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Strip Forging

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

forging forcef attains its maximum value at the end of the
is constant
variation of stress field along y-axis is negligible
plane strain case
entire w/p is plastic in state during the process

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Let at any instant the thickness of the element is h and

width is 2l
Consider an element of width dx at a distance x from
Consider the equilibrium of the element in xdirection.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

h d x 2 dx 0..........
[ now letx and p are principal stresses
it being a case of plane area
2 ( 1 p ) / 2
applyVON MISES criteria,
p x 2k ]
dp d x ..........
puting in (1)
h dp 2 dr 0
dp ( 2 / h ) dx..........
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Now as we move along the x- axis from origin,

the friction stress are increasing and when
(say) it reaches a value equal to shear yield
stress and it remains constant then after. In
other words from
x 0 to x xs , we have a sliding / non sticking zone
x xs to x l , we have a sticking zone

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

FOR SLIDING ZONE ( x 0 to x x s )


again u sin g equ(3)
dp 2 / hdx
[ we havex x s , p s k ]

dp (2 p / h )dx
dp / p 2 x / h c1

puting k in aboveequ.andintegrating, we have

p (2k / h ) x c2. ...............(5)

to find c1

to find cons tan tc 2

from equ(2) at x 0( 0), p 2k

c1 ln 2k

p ps

p s ( 2k / h) x s c 2
c 2 p s ( 2k / h) x s

ln( p / 2k ) 2 x / h

nowu sin g equ(4), p s 2ke 2 / hxs

or p / 2k e 2 x / h
p1 2ke 2 x / h ..........(4)

x xs ,

0 xl

c2 2k[e 2 xs / h x s / h]
p 2k[e 2 xs / h ( x xs ) / h].........(6)
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


dx xs ,

ps k ps k /
puting this in equ(4), weget
ps k / 2ke[ 2 xs / h ]
1 / 2 e 2 xs / h
or 2 xs / h ln(1 / 2 )
xs h / 2 ln(1 / 2 )
puting xs in equ(6), we get
p 2k[e ( 2 / h )(h / 2 ) ln(1/ 2 ) 1 / h{x h / 2 ln(1 / 2 )}]
2k[1 / 2 1 / h{x h / 2 ln(1 / 2 )}]
p2 2k[1 / 2 {1 ln(1 / 2 ) x / h}]............(7)

xs x l
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

total forging force / unit length

f 2[ p1dx p 2dx]


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Let in a typical open die forging of a disc as shown in

figure, thickness and force at the end of the operation
are h and F respectively:
Consider an elemental disc subtending an angle d at the
centre, between radii r and r + dr.
Considering the radial equilibrium of strip,
( r d r )(r dr)d .h r rd .h 2 dr.h sin d / 2 2 .rddr 0

For the cylindrical symmetry (Assumption)

Now neglecting the higher order term

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

r rd .h d r rd .h r rd .h 2rddr 0
d r .h 2dr 0 ______________________________________(1)
Let , r , and p are Pr incipal Stresses
Therefore , Putting these values in eq n
( 1 2 ) 2 ( 2 3 ) 2 ( 3 1 ) 2 6k 2
We get

r p 3k ________________________________________(2)

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

d r dp
Put in eq n (1)
hdp 2dr 0 ________________________________________(3)

Let rs is theradius beyond which sliding takesplace

rs r R _______sliding zone
0 r rs _______sticking zone
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

For Sliding Zone :


Put in eq (3)
hdp 2pdr 0
dp / p (2 / h)dr
Integrating ,
ln p (2 / h)r C1
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

To f ind C1
r R, r 0,
Theref ore f rom eq n ( 2)


ln( 3k ) ( 2 / h) R C1
or C1 /( 3k ) e ( 2 / h ) R
or C1

3k e ( 2 / h ) R

Hence, ln p ( 2 / h) r ln

p sl

3k e ( 2 / h ) R

3k e ( 2 / h ) R . e ( 2 / h ) r

psl 3k e ( 2 / h )(R r ) ___________________________(4)

rs r R
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

For Sticking Zone :

At r rs , k ,

also p s

Putting, k in eq n (3)
hdp 2kdr 0
or dp (2k / h)dr
Integrating ,

p (2k / h)r C 2 ________________________(5)

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

To Find C2 :
At r rs ,

p ps

Putting in eq n (5),
p s (2k / h)rs C2
or C2 p s (2k / h)rs
From eq n (4), by putting r rs and put the value in aboveeq n
C 2 3k e ( 2 / h )(R rs ) (2k / h)rs
Putting C 2 in eq n (5), we get
p (2k / h)r (2k / h)rs 3k e ( 2 / h )(R rs )
p (2k / h)(rs r ) 3k e ( 2 / h )(R rs ) _______________________(6)
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

To Find rs :
At r rs , k p s

ps k /

Putting this in eq n (4)


3k e ( 2 / h )(R rs )

e ( 2 / h )(R rs ) 1 / 3
(2 / h)( R rs ) ln(1 / 3 )
R rs ( h / 2 ) ln(1 / 3 )
rs R (h / 2 ) ln(1 / 3 )
Putting , rs value in eq n (6)
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

(2k / h)R (h / 2 ) ln(1 /

3 ) r

p 2 (2k / h) R (h / 2 ) ln(1 / 3 ) r 3k e ( 2 / h )R R ( h / 2 ) ln(1 /

3k e ln(1 /

3 )

3 )

(2k / h)(R r ) (2k / h)(h / 2 ) ln(1 / 3 ) 3k .(1 / 3 )

(2k / h)(R r ) (k / ) ln(1 / 3 ) k /

(2k / h)(R r ) (k / )1 ln(

(2k / h)(R r ) (k / ) 1 ln(1 / 3 )


3 ) ______________(7) , (0 r rs )

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Total Forging Force :



F p 2 .2r.dr p1 .2r.dr

2 p 2 .r.dr p1 .r.dr




( 2 / h )( R r )
2 (2k / h)( R r )r.dr 2 (k / ) 1 ln( 3 ) r.dr 2 3ke

2 (2k / h) ( Rr 2 / 2) (r 3 / 3)


2 (k / (r 2 / 2) ln( 3 )(r 2 / 2) 2 3ke ( 2 / h )(R r ) .r.dr

2 (2k / h)r 2 R / 2 r / 3 (kr 2 / 2 ) 1 ln( 3 )


2 3ke ( 2 / h )(R r ) .(h 2 / 4 2 )1 (2r / h)


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Grain Flow Comparison

(a) casting, (b) machining, (c) forging

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Types of Forging
Smith forging
Drop forging
Press forging
Upset forging
Roll forging

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Roll Forging

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Die Features
Fillet radius
Flash gutter
Shrinkage allowance (hot forging)

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Forging Defects
Unfilled sections less metal, improper heating,
misplacement of metal
Scale pits scale in die
Mismatched forging misalignment of two halves of die
Barreling low lubrication
Laps thin web
Internal cracks thick web

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Forging Defects

(a) Laps formed by web buckling during forging; web thickness should be increased
to avoid this problem.
(b) (b) Internal defects caused by oversized billet; die cavities are filled prematurely,
and the material at the center flows past the filled regions as the dies close.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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