Presentation 1

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1 - Passive stretch

- From supine position , PT

grasp the pt. heel with one
hand ,place forearm along the
plantar surface of the foot ,,
Stabilize anterior aspect of
tibia by other hand ,,
-Then slowly bush the foot
toward pt. body , and hold for
20 to 30 sec .
2 - Active stretch
A - From supine position
( or long sitting ) with
knee extended ,,
- Ask the pt. to bring
her foot and toes
toward her body , and
hold for 20 to 30 sec .
2 - Active stretch

B - Pt. standing with one

leg on a chair and toes
move toward the body ,,
- Then ask pt. to move the
trunk forward , hold this
position for 20 to 30 sec .
2 - Active stretch
C - Auto-active ( Self stretch )
-By using a towel or a sheet ,
hold the ends of the towel, and
loop the middle around the
-Keep the knee straight with
toes pointing up , Pull the towel
ends, pulling your toes towards
your bodyfor, hold this
20 to 30position
sec .
2 - Active stretch
3 - Static Stretch

C alf M
Static – Active stretch ;

-From standing position with

leg step backward , and support
both hand against a chair ( or
wall ) ,,

Soleus M
- Ask pt. to move her trunk
toward the chair , maintain this
position for 20 to 30 sec .
4 – Isometric
- From prone position ,
keep the knee
straight ,,
- Put a load above the
ankle joint , and let the
foot move down ..
A – Contraction – Relax TECHNIQUE R
METHOD 1 - Start by
isometric contraction for
antagonist M ( plantar flexors ) ,
ask the pt. to push against
therapist hand –at the sole of
foot and hold for 15 sec ,,
- Then ask pt. to relax ,,
- Finally , the therapist
passive stretch inapplies
form of
dorsiflexion .
A – Contraction – Relax TECHNIQUE
– start from sitting position
with knee straight , push by
your foot a towel forward , and
hold this position for 15 sec ,,
-Then relax ,
-and pull the foot up by the
towel to do the stretch of
dorsiflexion ;
A – Contraction – Relax TECHNIQUE
– start from standing position , raise
the heel up and hold this position for
15 sec ,,
- Then return bake , and do the
stretch of dorsiflexion by one of
the following way ;
A – Contraction – Relax TECHNIQUE
B – Hold–Relax–Contract TECHNIQUE :
-Start by isometric contraction for
plantar flexors , and hold for 15 sec mR
- Ask pt. to relax.
-Then ask the pt. to contract antagonist
M ( dorsiflexors ) while the therapist
applies mild resistance at the dorsum of
foot .
-Then ask pt. to relax.
stretch in form of dorsiflexion .
- Finally , the therapist applies passive
C – Hold–Relax–Hold–Contract TECHNIQUE:
- Start by isometric contraction for
plantar flexors , and hold for 15 sec R
,Then ask pt. to relax ,,
- Then , isometric contraction for
antagonist M ( dorsiflexors ) , ask the pt.
to pull against therapist hand –at the
dorsum of foot and hold for 15 sec .Then
ask pt. to relax . therapist applies passive
- Finally,the Passively
stretch in form of dorsiflexion .

D Antagonist – Contraction

- Start by isotonic contraction
of dorsiflexors ,,
- Then ask pt. to relax.
- Finally , the therapist applies
passive stretch in form of
dorsiflexion . Passively

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