MotiVasi Tahun 6

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Sentence Construction

Study the picture given. Note the scene, the number of people,
the activity, etc.
Read the words given and decide whether they are Nouns, Adjectives,
Adverbs, Verbs, Prepositions, etc.
Ask yourself questions such as, Where is this place? , What are the
People doing? , How are they carrying the activity? , etc.

Write a variety of sentences about the picture. Remember to write what

You see only.

Try to write compound and complex sentences.

Remember that you need to write only five sentences.

Read through and check for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

You are advised not to use short form, such as its, Im, hes, etc.

Please write clearly.



lining up








Suggested answer

1) It is time for recess and the pupils are in the

school canteen.
2) The pupils, who want to buy food and drinks,
are lining up orderly.
3) The pupils are enjoying their food and drinks
at the tables.
4) One of the pupils is washing his hands at the
5) There are a few big plastic basins, which are
full of dirty dishes, on the floor.

Information Transfer

Part a
Transfer the information
into a table.

Part b
Write reasons for the
choice made.

In order to do well in this question, pupils should :

Study the text carefully.

Look at the examples given in the table (a) and transfer the correct
information from the text.
Remember to spell correctly. You may use short forms for measurements
Such as kilogram = kg, metre = m, etc.
Give good and relevant reasons in (b) and present them in a well
Planned and orderly manner. The sentences should be linked so
that there is a smooth flow of ideas.

Use a variety of sentences to express yourself.

Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Remember to write
in The Simple Present Tense.

Study the pictures below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow. You are
advised to spend about 25 minutes on this question.

Note Expansion
Study the pictures carefully. Note the place, the people, the actions, etc.

Read and understand all the words given. Remember they are given to
help you with the sentences

Write the description using simple, compound and complex sentences.

Do not write your own story. Write about what is presented by the pictures

Make sure your answer is well-planned and the sequencing is correct.

There should be a smooth flow of ideas from one sentence or one

paragraph to the next.

Only use words which you sure of. Make sure of the spelling and use them
in the correct context.

Make sure you use the correct tense. If you are writing about a past event,
use the past tense. If description is about someones daily activities, use
the present tense.

Please write neatly. Do not try to squeeze as many words as you can in
one line. Make sure there is a space between two words.

Question 1
Look at the picture carefully. Write five sentences about it. You may use the words in the
boxes to help you. You are advised to spend about 15 minutes on this question. (10 marks)











Question 2
Study the pictures below carefully. Then, answer the questions using the information given.





Made in



30 cm
RM 5
10 marks

b) You need a wastepaper basket for your room. Which basket would you
buy? Give reasons for your choice.

I would buy _____________ because________


5 marks

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