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Laurel, ereinotza, laurel, laurier, lauro, alloro

Synonyms: sweet bay, Laurier DApollon
Parts Used: Leaves, fruit, oil.
Habitat: They live in Shores of the Mediterranean
DESCRIPTION: It is a shrub or everlasting tree
belonging to the family of the laurceas, to which it gives
name. It is original of the Mediterranean zone and his
leaves are used as seasoning in the kitchen. Is a
widespread relic of the laurel forest that originaly
covered much of the Mediterranean Basin when de
climate of the region was more humid.

Classical authors

LATIN: Laurus is his name in latin.

GREEK: Dafne is his name in greek.

Mythological symbolism
of the plant

Linked to the worship of Apollo. It is the symbol

of the victory and the immortality. They were
crowned with laurels to personal details
victorious in Rome.

Dafne is the name of a nymph protagonist of an unhappy love with
Apollo, of which was turned into a tree of laurel.
In Greek mythology, Dafne was daughter of the God River Ladon.
Dafne was pursued by Apollo, who Eros had shot a golden arrow that
she based her, because he was jealous because Apollo had joked
about his skills as a goalkeeper, and also stated that the singing of
this bothered her. Daphne fled Apollo because Eros had shot in turn
by an arrow with tip of lead, which caused disdain and contempt.
During the Chase, Dafne implored aid to the God of the river Peneus
(father of Daphne), who transformed her into a laurel tree, which
became sacred to Apollo from that moment.

Dafne photos


Use is known for aromatizing many stews of

meats, stews and vegetables, using both
fresh leaves as dry, depending on the zone.
Crushed leaves, are sometimes used against
the bites of poisonous animals, and to drive
away flies from livestock. Burned leaves were
also used for smoking hams or scare away
evil spirits.

photos of the uses

Threats and singultarity

If you use its leaves in excess can be toxic because they
includ acid cianhidric.they fruits are medicinal, but as they
are of bitter flavor should not be abusing them. Ifthese
plants live in territory humid are more aromatic, you can
take it as an infusion, doctors say. Is good boil it and take it
to the bathtub to take care of your skin. The fruits contain
an oil special for the inflammations.

Multi vomituris acetabula eius et folia lauri decem trita in aqua
bibenda inter cenam suadent.
Askok aholkatzen dute, botaka egingo duzunean edateko bere
ozpinetik eta ereinotzaren hamar hosto martxikatuta,
afalorduan edango duzun uran botatzea eta edatea.

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