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Leadership Skills and


- The art of influencing and directing men in such a way
to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect, and
loyal cooperation to accomplish the mission.

Leadership Traits
- personal qualities of direct value to the leader in gaining the willing
obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal cooperation of his men to
accomplish the mission.

Leadership principle
-Fundamental guidelines for the selection of appropriate action and orders
in the proper exercise of command.

Leadership indicators -The indicators of Leadership all support each

other, if you have a weakness in one of them it will filter into the other if
you don't take necessary action.

Morale the state of mind of the individual. This depends upon his
attitude towards everything that can effects him.

Discipline - an individual or group attitude that insures prompt

obedience to orders and initiation of prompt action in the absence of

Esprit de Corps - loyalty to, pride in and enthusiasm for a unit shown
by its members.

Proficiency - the technical, tactical, physical ability of the individual

and the unit.

Effective unit
- One which accomplishes with the minimum expenditure of means and
time, any mission assigned or implied, for which it has been organized,
equipped and trained.

Leadership action and orders

- anything a leader does or says to enable him to influence and direct his

- a person who influences and directs other.

a. The process whereby the resource of man, money, material and

facilities are utilized to accomplish the mission and task of the

The manager functions to:

c. The functions of management are:
* Establish objectives
* Planning
* Motivate
* Organizing
* Communicate
* Directing
* Innovate
* Coordinating
* Maintain
* Controlling
* Collaborate
* Developing Subordinates
* Make decisions

- This is recognized by the dogmatic use of authority or power.

- One who takes into consideration the human element with all its
complexity and with all its differentiation of the physical, mental and
moral capabilities and limitations of individual.

-To be a leader, a person must be of good moral character. Some
indicators of good moral character are honesty, good manners, industry,
self-control and bravery.

- The ability to grasp knowledge easily. It includes native ability and
goo common sense and judgment.

- This is mental and physical watchfulness, vigilance and observance about
his surrounding and the ability to think and plan for his future activities to
avoid difficulties in the conduct of his assigned task.
a. Mental alertness - means watchfulness, vigilance and observance.
b. Physical alertness refers to bodily movement that should be fast,
nimble and agile with stealth.

Model Soldier
Personal Manager
Custodian of his mens welfare

1. Recognize the Problem

2. Make an estimate of the situation
a. Determine the cause

b. Determine possible solution

c. Evaluate possible solutions
d. Select the best solution
e. Take action



Lack of confidence by the individual

Accomplishment of the Mission

- composed of training and assignment.

Duty to his men

- involves the welfare of his men.



Coaches his men

Drive his men

Gets their will

Depends on his authority

Arouses them

Keeps them guessing

Talks about us

Talks about I

Gets there ahead of us

Says, you get there on time.

Blames others for difficulties

Finds out what causes

difficulties and correct those

Shows how it is done

Knows how it is done

Makes work interesting

Makes work a drudgery

Says, lets do it!

Nod, do it!

Bearing dignified appearance and behavior.

Courage physical and moral ability to act in spite of danger and hardship.
Decisiveness ability to decide promptly and correctly at the proper time, and to
announce her decision clearly and briefly with authority.
Dependability performance of the duty with or without supervision.
Endurance physical and mental strength to continue or complete a task.
Enthusiasm interest in work.
Force ability to compel obedience.
Humility state of being reasonably proud but not arrogant and boastful.
Humor ability to appreciate and narrate amusing incidence in life.

Initiative ability to start or originate an idea or work even when others are absent.
Integrity good moral character.
Judgment power to weigh factors affecting a problem and to decide properly.
Justice impartiality in giving credits, punishments, and dealing with others. Gives
credit where credits are due.
Professional knowledge - knowledge of job and understanding of human behavior.
Loyalty sincerity and faithfulness to superiors and subordinates.

Sympathy feeling for others.

Tact ability to deal with people without hurting their feelings.
Unselfishness avoidance of personal consideration that gives disadvantage to

Basic Elements of Leadership
Qualities of a Leader
(Leadership Traits)
Problem solving process
Types of Business and Business

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