Power Point Proposal PHD 090514

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Jufitri bin Joha

Searching for
A Viable and Contemporary
Islamic Youth Development Model
6 June 2014

Malaysia is a progressive Islamic country with majority
60.4% Muslim (2010 Census)
Malaysia is a model Islamic country for the rest 57 Islamic
countries in the world and played a central role in
reshaping OIC (Aziz & Shamsul, 2004)
An estimated of 7 million Muslim youth out of 16 million
Muslim population in Malaysia
A huge human potential to be developed for nation
building and Muslim world leadership
During Prophet Muhammad s.a.w epoch, the young
generation easily accepted prophets teaching and
becoming an anchor in spreading Islamic message
worldwide (ad Duwaisy, 2009)

Some Islamic community groups including Islamic youth
associations are involve in youth development character
and activities.
Islamic youth associations as the main actors in the Islamic
community groups play an important role as an agent of
youth development especially in providing quality activities
and building a positive image for youth (Azimi, Turiman &
Ezhar, 2002).

Problem statement
However some Islamic community groups including Islamic youth
associations still adopted traditional method which is more
focusing on problems, reactive, targeted youth, youth as
recipients and no innovation. Furthermore they do not have or
using any specific, comprehensive, futuristic and contemporary
youth development model that suit to the needs and aspiration of
the Y Generation of the Muslim youth.
As a result community fail to unleash the real potential of the
Muslim youth and more committed in crime and immoral
activities. The fact that the statistic is increasing and alarming. In
addition it is also expanding more gaps between Muslim youth
and the community (adult).

Belia sebenarnya bukanlah tanpa potensi tetapi

kebanyakn mereka yang bermasalah adalah kerana
tidak mendapat bimbingan yang sewajarnya bagi
menyerlahkan potensi sebenar mereka
(Turiman, 2009)

Although we already have the existing Positive Youth
Development Model (PYD) as the main model but it is
not enough to support the need of the local interest
and to cover Islamic dimension which is more holistic
in nature.
Malaysia is situated in Asian region whereby religion
and spirituality run deep in the Asian psyche (Anwar,
1996), therefore we need our own Islamic model.
The application of PYD as the main model has been
expanded into many area of studies and practices
such as sport (Agans and Geldhof, 2012) and
parenting (Chand, Farrugia, Dittman, Chu, & Sanders,

There is no study so far to relate PYD with the Islamic
Therefore PYD should be extended and reviewed in the
light of Islamic teaching so that we can produce so
called an extended document to PYD which is called IYD.
PYD derived from liberal democracy world so that IYD is
needed to bring in add value that is Islamic value
In short PYD and IYD should be read and used hand in
hand to offer a strong foundation and model for Islamic
youth development in Malaysia.

Significance of the study

Therefore, there is an urgent need to build up a
comprehensive Islamic Youth Development Model
(IYD) to be used by Islamic community groups and
youth association in facing global and future
IYD could be read side by side with the main model
PYD as the reference in producing great impact for
Muslim Youth Development.
This IYD could be later on becoming a guidance to
develop a specific Islamic youth policy to be used not
only in Malaysia but applicable for the rest of 56
Islamic countries.

Objectives of the Study

To identify the present status of Muslim youth in
To identify for an ideal Islamic youth development
To identify the existing activities and programs for
developing Muslim youth potential run by Islamic
community groups and youth associations.
To identify the challenges of implementing Islamic
youth development activities and programs.

1. What is the most recent status of Muslim youth in
1.1 How is the current lifestyle of Muslim youth in
1.2 What is the main issues of Muslim youth in Malaysia?
1.3 What is the real needs and aspiration of Muslim
youth in Malaysia?
1.4 What is the challenges facing Muslim youth in

Literature Review

Halls Adolescence theory (1904)

Lerners 5 Cs (2002) Caring Confidence
Competence Character Positive
Islamic Worldview al-Attas
Training Guide for Islamic Activists (Altalib,


A philosophy or approach promoting a set of

guidelines on how a community can supports its
young people so that they can grow up competent
and healthy and develop to their potential.
(Accessed 2012, Act for Youth)

Study Design
The study employ qualitative approach in
providing data for the formulation of an
Islamic Youth Development Model (IYD).
Case Study
Grounded Theory

Data Collection
In Depth Interview (2 or 3 key Islamic
Focus Group Discussion (Islamic
community groups and youth association)
@ Roundtable Discussion
Documents Analysis
Participant Observation

The Contemporary of Islamic Youth Development Model

PYD in the Islamic Context
(Will be recommended to become an Islamic Youth Policy)

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