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Q Magazine Analysis

Masthead: The masthead on

this magazine is very large and
takes up about a sixth of the
page. It is very big and bold
and follows the colour scheme
of the magazine, red and
white. The text looks very crisp
and official, almost like a
branded image. The text in the
masthead is similar to the text
Main Cover the
The main cover line anchors
the main image, OASIS, Noel:
There was a lot of trauma.
This has been used as it
features one of the members
of Oasis, Noel Gallagher, and
this is most likely a quote of
his, maybe from a story from
his career. This will make
people want to read the
magazine if they are interested
his life.
The puff on a magazine
provides an exclusive offer to
the reader. This puff on this
magazine is offering a form of
collection for the reader. In this
case it is covers to collect.
Barcode: Barcode serves the
purpose of informing the
reader of how much the
magazine costs. In this case
the magazine costs 3.99.

The slogan is used on all of the Q
magazines that are produced and
serves as a trademark for all Q
magazines to be associated with. The
slogan reads The worlds greatest
music magazine

Colour Scheme: The colour

scheme for this magazine is red
and white, this follows the
general codes of magazines as all
of the Q magazines follow this
colour scheme. This red and white
is the house style for the Q

Cover lines:
The cover lines feature very basic
information about different
articles featured in the magazine.
For example each of them
includes the name of a band or
artist, therefore if someone sees
the name of a band they are a big
fan of, then they will want to buy
the magazine, to read about that
band. Some of the bands/artists
featured in the cover lines include
Foo Fighters, Sam Smith and The
audience: The target

Issue Date:
Issue date is used to mark
when the magazine was
released, the date does not
include DD, this is because it is
a monthly magazine, therefore

audience based on the cover

could be between the ages of 1630. This is because of the type of
music it holds and also the people
who are featured in it, who are
mainly adults, and may swear and
talk abut adult content in their
interviews and in the music they

Masthead The
masthead, like on the
front cover has also
been included on the
contents page, which is
a convention that many
magazines follow. The
masthead is also
accompanied by the
word contents,
meaning that the
reader can immediately
know this is the
contents page, and
doesnt have to go
the contents
Page Numbers
The of
contents page features
the location of the main
articles that feature in
the magazine, this
means that if the reader
know there is an article
they want to read,
maybe from the cover
page, then they can
easily locate it using the
page numbers in the
contents page. The
actual page numbers
are bigger than the rest
of the text and are in
bubbles, this make them
stand out so the reader
can easily find them if
they wish.

Date In order to follow

the general codes and
conventions of magazines
contents pages, the date
that the magazine was
published has been
included on the contents
Text The text on this
page gives a summary of
the information that will
feature in each article,
giving the reader a
Images The contents
page, like much of the
rest of the magazine also
features images. These
images mainly consist of
band members and
artists that may be
mention in various
articles throughout the
magazine. This is a good
technique because if the
reader skim reads the
contents page, instead of
being attracted to a
specific article by writing,
the images will do this
instead, so if they see
someone they are a big
fan of they are likely to
read that article.

Double page spread This double

page spread in particular focuses
on one main topic, the band know
as the Foo Fighters.
Masthead This
magazine double
page spread
features its on
sub-masthead, in
particular it
mentions Q the
month in music,
which could be a
recurring theme
each month. Each
month it could
feature a different

Text The text below the main images features a

wide variety of information about the band, in
particular it mentions the new album that the band
will be releasing, and also information about future
tours that the band will be doing. This is very relevant
information as if someone is reading a double page
spread that is mainly focused on one band such as
this, then they are likely to want to have information

Images Like the

rest of the
magazine this
double page
spread also
features many
images, however
because this
double page
spread is based
on a specific
band all the
images are based
around them. The
main image
shows the whole
band standing
around together.
Whereas the
smaller images
mainly focus on
the lead singer.
One of the
smaller images
show him playing
the guitar, and
the other shows
him being

Target Audience
I believe that the target audience of this magazine would be mainly males, but
also females. This is because the entire magazine is based on more bands that
consist of males. Therefore the people who listen to the band are more likely
to be male, as male audience can feel a bond with other male singers, and
also visa versa for females. I think that the social class for this magazine
would be middle-class and maybe working class. This is because the magazine
is fairly expensive and is also quite posh. I believe that the ethnicity for this
magazine would be all ethnicity, as the music that it features is not specific to
a certain region. But considering this I think a lot of Americans would read it,
because a lot of American bands are featured in it.

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