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Week 6:

Participant Observation
Sarah Kennedy
Office Hour Tuesday @ 10 (B.4).

Exam questions
Group Work
PowerPoint Slides and Blog

Tutorial Outline

Participant Observation
Insider understanding on
their terms.
Useful for researching a
culture, context, or setting.
What people say they do
vs. what they actually do.

Rich, in-depth data.

Time consuming.
Context specific (not
Dependent on memory
and researchers

Getting access can be


Fianna Fil rd Fheis - 2012

First person approaches the stand at about 09.30. He seems to be in his mid to late
sixties, and is dressed in a suit and tie. He hovers around the stand for a couple of
seconds before Danielle asks him if he would like to sign our mailing list. He replies that
he would like some information as to what Marriage Equality is about. Danielle proceeds
to guide him through the different literature available, from summaries of the
organisation to a report on the differences between marriage and civil partnership from a
legal perspective. The literature is laid out across two tables which are at the two open
sides of the stall. Myself and Fiona observe as Danielle tends to the man. He takes a
copy of each piece of literature, nodding as Danielle explains to him what each entails,
however not actually speaking himself. Myself and Fiona remain quiet yet engaged
allowing Danielle to take the lead. I was particularly attentive as this was the first person
to approach the stand and I wanted to learn from example how to negotiate the process
of explaining the organisation and literature. When Danielle had finished giving him
literature she asks him if he would like to join our mailing list to keep updated. He then
took a step back, and said Im heterosexual, and proceeded to tell us that he would be
considered anti-gay, and that he is also what one would call extremely right-wing.
Myself, Danielle and Fiona briefly glance at each other before turning back. The man
then reached into his pocket and took out a business card and handed it to Danielle.
The card was for the public affairs manager for the Church of Jesus Christ and the
Latter Day saints. All three of us look up however say nothing. He explains to us that he
took the literature as he likes to know what he is up against. All of us remain quiet,
heeding the advice Danielle gave us this morning. I find this very difficult. He goes on to
explain that he is not as right wing as we may think. He then winks, picks up his
literature and walks away.

Taking Field Notes

Weeks 7 & 8?
Information from lectures.
Assignment 3.
Long Questions.
Types of Research Design e.g. cohort, panel etc.


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