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SilverbySkyline We, The

Broken music video plan

Thomas Cutmore

The reasons for our choice of cast

The reason why we chose two victims of the separate gender is to
show that bullying is a universal thing upon genders, and that people
of the different gender are treated differently
We used friends of the victims who belonged to the same
subculture to show the how friends who are from the same group,
and who are also going through/possibly going through the same
troubles as the victims, can encourage them to stay strong and keep

Why has the idea of bullying/alienation in

society been chosen?
As bullying has been and is still a huge impact on young peoples lives and
has caused devastating impacts on their past, the present and could
possibly lead to future disruptions. The statistics of children being bullied
for their differences/beliefs/sub cultures etc. has hit 46% of all children,
also causing an absence of children to reach 16,493.
The idea of bullying and alienation in society highlights the idea of fighting
to stay being yourself against the society and the people who oppress you
to change.
Bullying also has heavy affects such as self harm, suicidal tendencies,
depression, anxiety, which could all lead to further damage to themselves.
Presenting it in a way of outstanding the bullies and standing for yourself is
a way however to show and emphasise the songs meaning of standing your
ground and being proud of yourself no matter what people say or do.

Rajmund Kis-Szabo Camera work
Thomas Cutmore Actor a victim of alienation/bullying
Victoria Woodier Actress Second victim of alienation/bullying
Abigail Waller Actress Friend of Tom and Victoria
Sophie Martin Actress Friend of Tom and Victoria

The meaning of the song

The reason to why the band wrote the song was to express how they feel against the rest of
society, who they felt tried to change them. The song lyrics are reassuring towards them and to
anyone who feels this way that being different is okay, such as You say that I'm damaged
goods/But I know that you'll miss me/There's a space in this puzzle/It's cause we never fit in and
We're not broken/We're just different by design.
The song demonstrated that the band felt threatened by society to change as they felt they were
being held back and criticised for being who they want to be. In the song though, this idea of
society hindering their lives is seen to be overcome as they almost fight back in such through the
lyrics and the power of what the lyrics resemble, such as after the bridge of the song where We
the broken will not stay down (Alright) / And we the broken will stand our ground (We're alright) /
And we the broken will not stay down (Alright) ends and the final part of the bridge starts the
chorus again, which leads in by; - And we the broken will stand our ground (We're alright).
When listening to the song and the way the lead singer sings out this part of the song gives a
sense of power as all the instruments quieten down, giving him a full opportunity to emphasise
the lyrics before the instruments start again in the chorus. This could be seen as a way of the
band hitting the audience hard with the use of the lyrics creating an impact amongst the

Possible locations
The locations of the music video want to be diverse to create almost two
worlds to the victim/s life. In this the possible locations to use is to have a
densely populated area such as the school, which where the bullying and
conflict could take place, showing the audience the harsh realities of living
in your own sub culture. The second location which would be a binary
opposite to this would be somewhere isolated such as the woods where
the victim is allowed to escape reality and endure in their own world to
comfort themselves, if thats to escape and be alone and away from the
bullies or to clear their mind.
The use of the isolation could also show the victim entering their own
world, their own space which keeps them living or gives them a hope that
there isnt a harsh end to this and them fighting would help them bring an
end to this without them giving in.

Location screenshots

On site background pictures

Costume ideas
The costumes that would be used would almost give a stereotypical view
on the sub culture/s that get bullied because it emphasises the reality of
the seriousness of bullying and how it gives reasons for it to be
unnecessary and in such a way impacts on the audience to see and realise
the devastating impact of bullying, putting them in the victims shoes and
making them live their life and make them feel how the victim feels.
To achieve this the costumes would need to be unique, such as different
sub-culture styles like indie, reggae, alternative wear etc.
The use of these stereotypes would not to create a negative image of the
victim against the bullies, it would reinforce that everyone is equal no
matter what they look like, and that no one can stop you from being
yourself because they dont see themselves as it or see you different to

Screenshots of costume

Our target audience

The age of our target audience for our music video would be the
youth age represented/used in our music video, 17-19/20. This age
group would be suitable for our music video as the audience can tune
in with the problems that the music video associate to, the social
groups and the clothing.
The ethnicity that would be ideal would be white as the music video
uses white ethnic actors/actresses.
The video is more to specific groups/subcultures of people, such as
alternative, emo and/or rock audience. This would be an ideal style
of audience as the attire, make up, accessories and the genre of
music is designed and used to appeal for the certain audience.

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